2418 - CERTIFIED SURVEY MAPw0004800,.l, y CERTIFIED--SURVEY--PLAT- A nt nA00=__i. 101i AA I__ 7471 L 1240.31 q 9autk 86*55' 15" Went 642.59 0. r O O b -0z3 A (Traot#1 +' 13.077 Acres,iscludiag road) O4 MI ( Tract#2 •{ ■ o 9.615 Acres,Including road) o ee � • c a Ito. uth ,*6'55' 15" West 675.9 Nort14.56h 86'55'115."East 1299.96 Iicluded in Certified Survey recorded in � Vel=e#1 of Certified Surveys,Pages 131 and 132 Register of Deeds )ffice,Waukesha 6ounty,Wisconain. 1 o 17.04 Acres a a ce . r- m o (40 feet reserved) 7. South 86*55'15 " West 1296.98 o WestycornerSoutk 86*515' iQ"West 1314*09 Quarter section line) Section 7-5-20 SIIRVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE Merrill Stalbaum, a registered laud surveyor, Wisconsin registration S_-718 stnr+de�#.#a;lling hereby_ ce'rti ids". that h a-sury !ed;__ a�arg described lands,'ly the order and under the direction of Erviw H. Whitehouse and Esther E. Whitehouse as owners of said lands located in the Southwest + of the Northwest I of Section 7p Township 5 North, Range 20 East, City of Muskego', Waukesha County, Wisconsin,, described as follows: Tract Number One All that part of the Southwest I of the Northwest j of Section 79 Township 5 North, Range 20 Eaast, City of muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin, described as follows: Begin at the West quarter corner of section, thence running North 0048107" West 622.07 feet along the section line to a point, said point marks the place of beginning of parcel of'land hereinafter described, thence continue North 0048'07' West 113.51 feet along the section line to the Northwest corner of the Southwest s of the Northwest 4 of section, thence North 86049134" East 1315.06 feet along the one -sixteenth line to the Northeast corner of the Southwest I of the Northwest + of section, thence South 0045149" East along the one -sixteenth PAGE ONE OF THREE PAGES �., line 178.58 feet to an iron stake, thence South 86055115"'Went 642..59 feet to an iron stake, thence South 10110010 East 537.00 feet to an iron stake, thence Sout1L 86.55015" West 675.90'feet to place of beginning:_. Consisting of 13.677 acres. Tract Number Two All that part of the Southwest I of the Northwest ; of Section T', Township 5 North, Range 20 East, City of Yuskego, Waukesha Countly-, Wisconsin, descriked as followss Begin at the West quarter corner of section, thence running North 0'48107"'Went 572.87 feet along the section line to a point, said point marks the place of beginning of parcel of land hereinafter described, said point also being the Northwest corner of a certified Survey as recorded in Volume 1 Pages 131-132 of "Certified Surveys", Register of Deeds Office, Waukesha County, Wisconsin, thence running North 86055115" East 1299.96 feet along the Northerly line of land included in said certified survey to the Northeast corner of land included in said certified survey, thence South 0029137" East 572.80 feet along the Easterly line of land included in said certified survey to a point on the South line of said Southwest s of the Northwest I of section, thence North,86055115" East 17..21 feet along the South line of said Southwest I of the Northwest + of section to the Southeast corner of said Southwest -j of the Northwest j of section, thence North 0045049" West 115-9.81 feet along the East line of said Southwest I of the Northwest } of Section to an iron stake, thence South 86055'15" West 642.59 feet to an iron stake, then* South 1011101" East 537.00 feet to an iron:stake, thence South: 86.55'l5" East 675.90 feet to a point on the West line of section, thence South 0048107" West 50.00 feet to place of beginning. Consisting of 9.615 acres. And that I have fully complied with the provision of Chapter 236 of -the Wisconsin Statutes in surveying, dividing and napping the same, the within map is a correct representation of the exterior boundaries of the lands surveyed and the land divisions thereof. Dated at Waterford, Wisconsin, this Q 4 day of September, 1975. Scale ---- 1 inch equals 200 feet o Indicates Iron: Stare. 1 inch by 30 inches, Weight 1.13 pounds per lineal toot. 3� 001tR";1;11i$i?. derr Laaadifi;ure4�'b ,,h.��!.u�,'�,` Wiscot�is`tYaioii� 3718 a ;rraT'� PAGE TWO OF THREE PAGES'e�} �yT`J OWNER'S CERTIFICATE OF DEDICATION As owners of the land described in the foregoing, certificate of Merrill E. Stalbaum, surveyor, we de hereby oertifp that we have caused the said lands to be surveyed, divided and mapped and dedicated as represented on the map of said survey, in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 239: of the Wisconsin Statutes. Witness the hand and seal of the said owners Ervin H. Whitehouse- andEsther E. Whitehouse, his wife, this day of 1976. WI SS Barbara J. Sands �`' WITNE S Barbara J. Sands STATE OF WISG SIN } { ss. County of ) �c. / ` (SEAL) ERVIN H. WHITEHOUSE, OWNER SEAL) ESTHER E. WHITEHOUSE Personally came before me this / day of 1975, the above named Ervin H. Whitohouse, abd Esther E. Whitehouse known to me to be the persons who executed the foregoing certificate and acknowledged the same. My Commission Expires p can a. bane s NA&ry Public, fir State of Wisconsin This instrument was drafed by Merrill E. Stalbaum, Land Surveyor, Wisconsin Registration S-718, Waterford, Wisconsin+, 53185. - _ - - _ •_.: - ... .-tom ,�s;- '.' - - -� �=- PAGE THREE OF THREE PAGES ,9,/7 4 oumty REulSTER'SOFF] CE)ss 9`8787 Wav .asha Co. Wis. } No .............. 1�L � l „ Gi• � ...