2341 - CERTIFIED SURVEY MAPWC0004723 � b�- � a- 6-,S Pa".9, A sS CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP NO. Part of the SE 1/4 Section_ __ _ _-l0 & NE 1/4 Section 15, T5N, R20E CITY OF MTJSKEGO, WAMSHA COUNTY, �O WISCONSIN 'R0 000 d 0) d1 N a N Lo T M 0 0 O LO o _ - M CD 0 OD OD w w 3 3 cr= -AD m qtV�� 0 2 N N W Q U va co to (0 y V co N t Lr) V � OD ti - a CO to N Hww3_ _ cv N O0 ko i0 / c1' 9n0 �0 °�, ca g0oo O� •° - °° to 3� 2 Ile �39 420 26 175059'43" N 18029'03"E 64.133' — 1750 59' 43'- S. LINE SE 1/4 SEC. 10 N.LINE SE IA SEC.15 ••`6 `SG O NS'1 JOHN W. JAHNKE I_ ? S-917 : r WAUKESHA, } WIS. o rn_ N � 0 0 0 u�i l 1 wl �\ z f, w wIn cor0 ti co O W C�o to O U Page 1 of 2 SCALE: I "= 100' LEGEND:olron pipe 24" x 1" dia. 1.13+lbs. per lin. ft. *Not placed due to channel. REFERENCE MERIDIAN: The South line of the Southeast Quarter (SE 1/4) of Section 10, T5N, R20E, is used as the Reference Meridian and has a beaming of South 87*48111" West. 160031'21" 16400011711 10 j o� O b� R i S 87048' 11" W 227.349' "1 60' RESERVED FOR I(S PUBLIC ROAD R70AR' 1 I" W I Qn nnn'•. O U w N w w 0 U w S 870 48' 11" W j ' I1-51.489' 1 S 02011'49"E 25.000, 890 01' 10" 3s SSA 13Q000 ;` 0 0 N 87 048' 11' � E�� `900 '�OSOS 0 0 0 0 38.384 rr N m N N � ir �q VEHICULAR ?�� "" o EASEMENT G a rr w LANDS i 3 w 0 Zi 3• LANDS 1 y LOT I w /p 1.25153 ACREC RES. _ 0 a / O c0 0 CU O 0$ !� z z X 69° 277.955' _ 60.000' ; T� 27000 N 67048' 11" E 337. 955' 90000,Od' r.r T-1-1_ i l LANDS t-. ., .. CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP NO. ___r,_l Page 2 of 2 Part of the SE 1/4 Section 10 & NE 1/4 Section 15, T5N, R20E CITY OF MUSKEGO, WAUIESHA COUNTY, WISCONSIN SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE: �I,�John W. Jahnke, registered land surveyor being duly sworn on oath, hereby depose and say that I have surveyed, divided and mapped the following land bounded and described as follows: All that part of the Southeast Quarter (SE 1/4) of Section 10 and of the Northeast Quarter (NE 1/4) of Section 15, Town 5 North, Range 20 East, City of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wiscon- sin, bounded and described as follows: Commencing at the southeast corner of said. Southeast Quarter (SE 1/4) of Section 10; thence South 87°48'11" West along the South line of said South- east Quarter (SE 1/4) 1151.489 feet; thence South 2°11'49" East 25.000 feet to the place of be- ginning of the lands hereinafter described: thence South 87048,11" West 227.349 feet; thence northerly 149.757 feet along the arc of a curve of radius 1071.295 feet, center lies to the east, chord bears North 2047,18" East 149.635 feet; thence North 6'47'35" East 129.066 feet; thence northerly 307.579 feet along the arc of a curve of radius 452.393 feet, center lies to the west, chord bears North 12041'04" West 301.689 feet; thence North 32009'43" West 170.000 feet to the center line of Woods Road; thence South 57"50'17" West along said center line 60.000 feet; thence South 32°09'43" East 170.000 feet; thence southerly 266.785 feet along the arc of a curve of radius 392.393 feet, center lies to the west, chord bears South 12041'04" East 261.670' feet; thence South 6°47'35" West 129.066 feet; thence southerly 158.145 feet along the arc of a curve of radius 1131.295 feet, center lies to the east, chord bears South 2'47'18" West 158.016 feet; thence South 1°12'59" East 61.034 feet; thence North 87048'11" East 38.384 feet; thence South 18"29'03" West 249.048 feet; thence North 87048'11" East 337.955 feet; thence North 2011149" West 293.000 feet to the place of beginning. RESERVING a part of the above as shown for public road purposes and for an access easement to Woods Road. I further certify that I have made such survey, land division, and map by the direction of the owners of said land; that such map is a correct representation of the exterior boundaries of the land surveyed and map thereof made; and that I have fully complied with the provisions of Chapter 236 of the Wisconsin State Statutes pertaining to Certified Survey Maps (section 236.34) and the regulations of the City of Muskego in surveys ,dividing and mapping the same. ���1111111p��i � >` G0N.VW � ke, J W. JAHNKE � . Reg. �No. 5-917 • JOHN W. a JAsHNKE _ a Sir WLS. suit STATE OF< -WISCONSI.N) hHgE CofiNI'Y OF, WA b9ESHA) s s The above.•"cP.rtificate subscribed and sworn to me this 22nd day of May, 1975. r'F3' commission expires September 26, 1977. _»,»» _ JE ME G. . WEGNER - OTARY PUBLIC OWNERS CE_R_T_IFIC_AT_E: As owners we hereby certify that we caused the land described on this map to be surveyed, divided and mapped and dedicated as represented on this map. rr_ ✓� iY �r � ir�J� � ✓� ✓rr1✓.�✓✓r ROBERT W. KLENZ OWNS JUDITH KLENZW FE STATE OF WISCONSIN) ;. COUNTY OF WAUKESHA)ss Personally came before me this day of�/7! 1975, the above named ROBER'. W. ,KLENZ and .JUDITH KLENZ,: wife, to me known to be the per onswhp executed the fore oing iiristrument and acknowledged the.same. 7My commission' expires, -%'7 ,,,,,,, , NOTARY PUBLIC - CITY OF MUSKEGO APPROVAL: _ Ap ed C m _ __ ouncil of the City of Muskego on thisr,o �day ofrr 1975. JI;ROM�F�GOTTFRIED MAYOR BETTE J. BO YER - C TY CLERC Ap ed by i �7! ornrtr' s s CLERK May 209_1975 `- 'j - . y Tnct..e.morii� r7 ...o f'+.-, r7 7-... 7r.L. ,�. T.T T L, .,.7... 1l�� 7 + G �|�{ F�} \ cn C.2 .4 2. C= � � LLL � ` � \ LAJ -) 2: cool.)