2167 - CERTIFIED SURVEY MAPFREDERICK W. SHIBILSKI ',W'893398 REGISTERED LAND SURVEYOR 1� (414) 321-5851 2819 S. 43rd STREET MILWAUKEE, WIS.,,53219 -;`PHONE SURVEY MAP OF PART OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 2, TOWNSHIP 5 NORTH,' RANGE 20 EAST, CITY OF MUSKEGO, WAUKESHA COUNTY, wiscoNsIN. L-JC0004547 (A z 00 - ' 0 / -�� \\xSB�� ? Lq z 0 �n M.: & N26058 -0-9&-;3'PLAr) f05".W ' A r Ll 9) x, (P �298-;' �Pl Ot 0 --1-3 2 5' + 44 :lj C? G' 23.l> c 45.3 �Iw C) Ly (A A) N?**Z6'45mW 0 . 144.151 OD (A I ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... 0 rb �a 71 p!, J6 15 W 15467' —0 (A 14 > N Q� 53.11 w 0' 20. �11131 w 411 OCA Y Z) c: g Ci 01 (b mo o _n rri m C) M2 P 0 c > C, 0o mm 0 0 -n 0 > SRSO 5 31' 2 01" E m 0- N J 0 z L ~fix —LEGEND- m 0 — 1" 0 IRON PIPE 24" LONG I WEIGHING 1.131b$.ILIN.FT. S CAi-E I., = 60, NOTE, NORTH POINT REFERANCED TO GRID NORTH,ASSIJMED BEARING N00057'05"W S S1I13fLSKl ,... DATE OF. SURVEY. 8 - 15 - 74 MlU4AkJKEF, Wis. 1p 0 Sheet 1 of .3 B­ F W.D. pg No 74 0 Wis. Ris d:Land Sur.v?yor. J. 10.7155 100-4-74 POOR COPIES . FRED LSKI u. ER1CK W. SHIB,1 4 ",•-k: ,..�. E ,f.. REGISTERED AND SURVEY fxHONE (414) 321-5851 2819 S. 43rd STREET MILWAUKEE, WIS. 51219':-,,iY' '•9 r CER�&ED SURVEY MAP OF PART OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 2, TOWNSHIP S.iNORTH:;'°�,.:� GE 20 EAST, CITY OF MUSKEGO, WAUKESHA COUNTY, WISCONSIN, • , SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE: F`r.ederick W. Shilbilski do •hereb y certify that in full compliance with the ' ., :.,a •.`�;_ bv s.ions of Section 236.34 of the Wisconsin State Statutes arid' the land ellvks:i•bn regulations of the City of Muskego and at the direction of John Paul f �,, naret M. Paul, his wife, owners 'of the following described lands, I have •' surveyedf;�- divided, mapped and dedicated the said lands being a part of the Northw�Sit Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of Section 2', Township 5 North, East, City of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin, located and bounded ad 'fi Tows : Commence at the Northwest corner, of the South 1/2 of the f;.r '''• ' �= Southeast 1 ? ' •,r ,V IM, +: ... /� of Section , Township 5 North, Range 20 East; thence North'' orth`'Mou ~along the West line of the Southeast 1/4 of said. Section 2, 809.82 feet to r "t ' po.int on the of Janesville Road ��;:;. �• thence North 57057'05" East, along the of said Janesville Road 578,16 feet to a o �� point; thence South 26 58 05 East,'"1'�r,:":•r' -` • 3-3,25�,:feet, to an iron pipe, and thebeginning - .o this description; •••� ..',• p P , point of of z xrt;th"esnce' North 57°57'05" East, along -the existing North right-of-way line of said f-iJane,sville Road 343,48 feet to an iron pipe; thence South 2 o �- p p , 5 53 _0 East, :.•:;,:�•::.`fi���r'�•�E'r' 4;.i2 ?O,L29,~,feet to an iron pipe; thence South 57057'05" West 337.82 feet to an 17. 'n.pipe; thence North 26.058 105 11 West, 298,73 feet to an iron pipe, and the. 'ii:t,'of beginning, ., N aining 2.327 acres of land more or less and subject to a proposed 120 foot~. ``F'r',yycade .right -of• -way for Janesville Road-, �fr.. •.. �•'�. this. certified survey map is a true End correct representation of the �t 4� location .and exterior boundaries of the land surveyed, �- And'that`I have drafted this instrument consisting of three -pages. a Y '•`'S':r..•e =- '�. - p 1.�",,,yil;, _.. _..�' •i. �j;'7�, " !I Iwo Brick W. S i' hil i3slc FRED£RICK ,.YRegistered Wisconsin Land Survey°~ No, 1I54 SHWLSKIW - ,� DATE of SURVEY: 6-15-74 L•��. r ,• ,r — MILWAUKEE.; w;-... Y^ :• :i'ti W15. ` ''•` 1x CERTIFICATE ' ......•••� �� y'' 'ii�ip(y •SUR��'��<<`'� .A'� Yeti t'r1 ,,;,,`� fill 1111WO `Te. ' n Paul and Margaret M. Pattl, his wife, do herebv certify that we have 1 j:act�sL.d''the land described on this map to be surveyed, divided,, mapped and: T h d- cEat;ed as represented on this map in accordance with the provisi&ns of , htRe!b-it?36.34 of the Wisconsin Statutes and -the subdivision control ordinance }uQ:f:f'fi;Uity of Muskego, r ?` �tli""presence of: rEAL\ py;'r� WITNESS Jots n Paul .:�r�'•fr ;��, y . 6Lz/fSEAL) WIIYTIEESS Marg ret M. P aul kSTATE':�.<OFr'WISCONS IN) i SS , OiTI�3Y;QF WAUKESHA) Personally came before me this =� % dad* of A. ,1974 , the. .:,. YA. s.. above. } a`med �c7•ohn. Paul and Margaret M. Paul, his wife, owners,' lzo me known to be thel'per,'sons who executed the foregoing instrument and acknowledge the same, � r .•ti •.MY:CQ1EIi11�S8�On epss: Ngtary, Public,' r L.' .•_ �� Sheet 2 of 3 sheets F. B. Pg. Job No. 6 Wis. Registered Land Surveyor ! — K & E 10-7155 100,4-74 FREDERICK W. SHIBILSKI r REGISTERED LAND SURVEYOR PHONE (414) 321-5851 2819 S. 43rd STREET MILWAUKEE, WIS. 53219 y Yr'i'}. PLAN..COIT41SSION APPROVAL: : Approved by the Plan Commission of the City_ of Muskego on this 3r day of 12t=1)cr -, 1974. .Chaim an - Jerome J. Gottfried 14 ''v'Y�,�:. ij 1 Secretary Alvin C. Basse COMMON COUNCIL APPROVAL: ku Approved by the Common Council of the City of rtuskego on this 1C1t11 day' of T}�+mbs` �, 1974. '..7erome J. Gottfried, .Mayor Bettel�:`J. 'B' City Clerk r.. a. } 893 r: t yRECEIVED f0t, R[ccl i, 'fill .....M {� �1'Cll;. ."r•i."r.i_ �''f�fC�'iftDE� IN V°('.�Sf :'�+�!�'?�•,� Lpl; a_t_ c z� 7 �. <tz r r Sheet 3 of :3 sheets ; { 1 ' P. B. P �_T aob No. Wis. Registered Land.Surveyor 9 K a 5 ID-71SS 100.4-74 _ '