205 - CERTIFIED SURVEY MAPO 0 V4 E 11111111111111111111111111111111 wCammzss7 6 ,9 )0-)P F, rt_ 0 z h eA •tom' :� �' •. f 4 -� L� CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP Sheet 1 of 2 Sheets of a part of NE. CQR. h1E . I/4- N of SECTION 9, T5N, R20E SEC. 9, T.5, rl., R.20E. Town of Maskege Waukesha County, Wisconsin 7 0 SGHUBRING 30` S. 87" 0$"30" W. 348.04' 1oS.33` pARCE L � 4 2417 53 SQ. FT. 0 o8, A N• 74 DrY SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICAT STATE OF ,WISCOHSIN { COUNTY OF WAUKESHA (S$ I, CLAUDE C. JOHNSON, 32a• 00 108.33' pARCE. '� 5 O 2l, 5a8 54. FT psi log.34` pp,RCF-L.""o �p N 2o, 0Z? 5a.Ff. o 11o,49 r N• S4 �� L01E 0 C? I �o gi ii Qen�tee 2''x 30'� Iron (y0NS� Pipe 3.65'P/Lin. Ft r ' CLAIJC ±* �pH�SQN +�R•'•* NEW BERLIN, Wls. �4 land rr!`!`y�p re by certify: E98. 04, SCALE I'`=60' THAT I have surveyed and mapped a part of the NE4 of NE14 of Section 9, T.5 N., R. 20 E., in the Town of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin bounded and described as fellows= Commencing at a point on the East line of the said quarter section distant South 903.04 feet from the Northeast corner of the said garter section; thence S*rIth'870 08' 30" West 348.04 feet to the point of beginning of the lands herein described; thence continuing South 870 08' 30" best 32,5.00 feet; thence South 20 51' 30" East 221.00 feet; thence Borth 740 08' 48" East along a meander of the shoreline of Little Muskege Lake 111.18 feet; thence forth 710 26' East along said meander 110.46 feet; thence North 840 07' 10" East along said meander 110.49 feet; thence Borth 20 51' 30" West 160.28 feet to the point of beginning, also conveying lands lying within the meander aforesaid and said shoreline and the lateral lines of the above described lands extended to the shoreline. w THAT I have made this survey, land division and map by the direction of Mr. Lester i Fehr, owner of said land. THAT such map is a correct representation of all the exterior boundaries of the land surveyed and the land division thereof made. THAT I have fully complied with the previsions of Chapter 236 of the Wisconsin Statutes and ordinances of the Town of Ruskego in surveying, dividing and mapping the same. Dated this 20TH day of August, 1964. � `h Claude C. Johnsonirjr., Land Su eyor ram,, SHEET 2 OF 2 SHEETS 01MERIS CERTIFICATE OF DEDICATION AS OWNER I hereby certify that I have caused the land described above to be surveyed, divided, mapped and dedicated as represented en this map in accordance with the requirements of ordinances of the 'fora of Muskege. WITNESS the haad and seal of said owners this . day of C ,1964. _In the Ile—*exee Cr r(t UC9 -LZ (SEAL) r. LestergFskr 1 Mrs. Irene Fehr STATE OF WISCONSIN ( SS COUNTY OF WAUKESHA { PERSONALLY came before me this day of '�- ,1964, the above tamed Mr. Lester Fakir and his wife Mrs. Irene Fehr to me known to be th arsons who executed the foregoing instrument and a0mewledged the same. My commission expires.' My camww expires J=L 28. maj PLAN COMMISSION APPROVAL 2-10 Notary Public,1W kesha County, Wiacoxsia' ` Approved by the Planning Commissiox of the Tern of Muskego en this d,y of d — 1964. Secretary This instrument vas drafted by Claude C. Johnson, Jr., Surveyor RELGISTER"S OFFICI Mukesha Co., M& No. RECEIVED FOR REGLRU THE . DAY !k0, .r ar El 2A. D., 19 AT C K_��INI. AND R Evi-,'0 RD E D N V OFri ON PAGES REGISTER eli