196 - CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP0 N N. w .co;e. ovrme, - 4 E�T/F/ED U,P I/E� M �- �cc. "-s A P/9P 7T OFF 'THE- V. C', Nt 0/�' 5CC7T1 CW 24 7~owN . No,4Th; �QAivG� 20MA577-tw._7 - SO- Ta wIV o It I�G��9UKE.SH� "COUIV77Y W15000n/S�N :4 -owmele. GEO�?GE SCHgEFE,P. 5urveYors_CPrtificata_ State of Wisconsin) ss County of IiJ-Y',:..ukeei • DEN47,65- /"%ROAl PIPE 2.$f"L ONG - /•/3 LB5-1Z/N.FT. DI , \C. .. � U LRobert C. Hardie,'.and surveyor,do hereby certify. Kit I h.tiv3 surveys,: vnd napped .a mart A the D.L.1/4 of Section 24,T.5 N.,R 20 Z.,in We Town Qf a: iuske,o,Waukesha County Wis•cwnsin,bounded and described as follows: Commencina 3t the N.W.corner of said 1ip4 section anti running south aloe, the west lisle of s hid 1/4 section,1356.10 feet to n point; tAvnbe South W353' Enst,1251- 90 feet to thn place of beginnQ6 of this 2arcel of land;thence South 60053''_"s t,291.17 feet ,to a >pint in the center line of the North Cu; e hoad, thence, SoUG1 901' %Lt alone the c outer i. nn of said Ronde l6' . iu flat to i iwi"t;thonc3 North 50 0rj315est,�G3-97 feet to a doint;tnence North 9107 ' iat,150.UC feet to the 21 acs of bn jinni n 4 , exceotiv a"! reserving the saaterly 50 fnet for North Care Ron!. Mat I hive wade this survey,l. M division and anp by the direction of Geor"* Schaef ;r, owner of said land. that such mao ie a correct reprezentation of all t aexterior boundarieE of ties land surveyed and the la"d di vi siaia tliereuf ma-u2• wvt 1 hAve full,;- com liod '+Frith the yrovisions of nha, ter 466 of th! 41i..cunsl" Stanutee AM Ordinances of the Tina for sub_iivi lion rejulations. jute June 11 1964 .�`', �t�GOf�S�'�'�► �� ` ���_- `— ----- — ��, r Robert C.I�_�rula LanaSUi'.'�?'�or ERT C. -"ARDIE � Z r ; wESwIS. 1S, 1ri I„Icoo @2558 '9'y . /0- i t a t 1 o f f sh4ets -_- _ _C O UIi 17 'Y lit I-5-C OA15-11 ✓ 1cate_ui-+J-? ic-t',1cJri__ c,-�rtil- t.i;at J-il'ave c us--d tki= .45�r1b i baYl' �v �� b's�.rV yJc,1�.�1Vlii?��Ii1}_;•':. �!lU lE''aiG" �.a ill tlds V'Atil li, o1 l:i �+11 yU4�l�1JU1 .,-,d seal ul s---4iA i Jun 3?l:.�r�•i. iii 1"M5F31i; . of. S State of i<?r UI1 L11' c,: i,ac b,�ure ,,i? l+ill:_—---U.1� Ol cT'•ari ?�� ` l,il? -tbov} naii-:d G?ur .? Sclar tU fa t{nuw,i tU b-� t.l'- e uuta. ti?' Ur?;vi lr; lnstr-u:i; nt n7 i -Acl{i1o1:1'U:,ed tl� lr,�• r�tii,l;.;i SSi��i] •=.���ii"�: lti�t it"— �.J11C +1� 1L1i{= cl count. 1={diilli] syiuii A; i'rc.1'-�i -- rru4 i [1' lan, J!-Tnin i I:1i:i1t51�:1 cl ti11 i'�1`:'li G1 iuU:Jri��,u :ire of ,4. 5acreti iry T!iis ins'r•ui,i:-nt w--ts dr:Lft�d by "ab-3rt C. F11,rclie REGISTER'S OFFICE SS 0 Waukesha CO.. Wis- No-,� RECEIVED FOR RECORD THE -i;' DAY Wall L��, A. D., 19 AE:—', vd.n. �v. AM SQ066 N VOL. IDN PAGES �'6 '577 OF 94 vq c�sH 0 0