1955 - CERTIFIED SURVEY MAPr UCR004333 TJWauLkesha CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP ng part of the NE 1/4 of Sect: T5N., R20E., City of Musk.ego, NE 1/4 County, Wisconsin. — - September, 1973 t, �O--Indicates I" x 24" iron pipe, / W I !j 1.13 lbs. per lineal foot. I I I/4 SSE LOCATION MAP SEC8,T5N,R20E. R 1/4 COR. SEC.8-5-20 M 0 m N890371001W N.LINE SEC.8-5-20 NORTHWEST CO; 4.. HILLV1EW FARMS u SCALE I" =60' 0 60 120 180 N89037' 00"W 225.85' 5000' PARCEL "A" 1.449 AC. (INCL. R/W) 1.400 AC. (EXCL. R/W ) i tY N N (^ N It I IV89°37'00"W UNPLATTED LAffDS 191.02' R' b RESERVED FOR o PUBLIC STREET PURPOSES % S89037"00"E - 208.7E 194.53' f PARCEL "B" 0.437 AC.(1NCL. R/W) o Q408 AC.(EXCL. R/W) In 100.00' o PARCEL "C" 0D 0.322 AC. o (INCL. R/W) o- Q 311 AC. (EXCL.R/W) e9°.' Cp 215.OY LOT 17 EAVES OF FARMM GARAGE WLLVIENCROACHES IT SUB'D O HILLVIEW FARMS SUB'D O O Identifiable N Meridian- West line of Hill View Farm o m Flat, NO3+33'00"W, 0 -0assumed. � p O N U? [10 0) O 288.63' to -9761' Z ., .4�"'- I oo" w DR. P1' .. 0i a1 / CHD. 29.24' DEDICATED FOR S i CHU BRGN�43°25'00"E PUBLIC STREET CEN.ANG.9^6'00" PURPOSES `O ARC. 32.79 CV1 GO'APPROVED R/W 100.85 '4.23 W O 0 PARCEL "D" o to 359 AC. K) t ONCL. R/W) o`` M `n Ui O 321 AC. 3 o Lo (EXCL. RIW)'4-R*3r' 00 " I z CIE I13Z90oyn�4�� TH**04a5 AUKESHA, :J I WIS. s R111111110100 30°36'00"E 71.00' S89037'00" E'`10 N N 185.00 ` DEDICATED FOR PUBLIC STREET PURPOSES HILLVIEW FARMS SUYD'- VlV Sheet 1 of 3 SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE STATE OF WISCONSIN) SS COUNTY OF WAUKESHA) I. Thomas L. Peterson, registered land surveyor, do hereby certify that I have surveyed, divided and mapped all that part of the Northeast One -Quarter of Section 8, Town 5 North, Range 20 East, City of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin, bounded and described as follows: Beginning at the Northwest corner of Hill View Farm Plat, a subdivision recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds Waukesha County Courthouse in Volume 8 of Plats on Page 45; thence N99037100"W, along the North line of said Section 8, 225.85 feet; thence S00028100"W, 462.60 feet to a point on the North Right -Of -Way line of Hillview Drive; thence the fol- lowing bearings and distances along said Right -Of -Way line; S89037100"E, 185.00 feet; N30036100"E, 71.00 feet; NO3°33100"W, 202.19 feet; '89°37' 00"E, 83.38 feet; thence NO3°33100"W, along the East line of Lot 17 of said Hill View Farm Plat, 200.00 feet; thence N89037100"W along the aforementioned North line of Section 8, 50.00 feet to the place of be- ginning and containing 2.570 acres. Reserving and dedicating those strips of land adjacent to the Hill View Drive as shown on certified survey map. Also dedicating a parcel of land for road purposes across the fol- lowing described property: Beginning at the Northwest corner of Hill View Farm Plat, a subdivision recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds, Waukesha County Courthouse in Volume 8 of Plat on Page 45; thence S03°33'00"E, along the West line of aforesaid plat 225.00 feet to the P.I. of a curve and said point being the point of beginning of lands herein described; thence continuing S0303310011E, 21.42 feet to the P.C. of said curve; thence 32.79 feet along the are of said curve radius of 20.00 feet center of which lies to the East and a chord bearing N4312510011E, 29.24 feet to the P.T. of said curve; thence N89037100"W, 21.42 feet to the P.Z. and the point of beginning and containing 0.0052 acres. That I have made this survey, land division and map by the direction of Gerald C. Heinz, and Dorothy A., his wife, owners of said land. That such map is a correct representation of all the exterior boundaries of the land surveyed and the land division thereof made. That I have fully complied with the provisions of Chapter 236 of the Wisconsin Statutes and ordinances of the City of Muskego, in surveying, dividing and mapping the same. �����au►' urtrrrrruru,�i DATE l/C�/�� `. TH`.S HOFFMANN, POLM1 A !9, - , INC. Thomas L. Peterson 5 - 1 1 0 OS-D 190 • WAUKESHA, • wiS. `0 r�rrrr rtu a 11 uu��u�`` Sheet 2 of 3 • • OWNERS CERTIFICATE OF DEDICATION As Owners, we hereby certify that we have caused the land described above to be surveyed, divided, mapped and dedicated as represented on this map in accordance with the requirements of ordinances of the City of Muskego. Witne,s thq hand and seal of said owners this a��- day of 1973. f Barbara J. Sands /.tine Elger STATE OF WISCONSIN) COUNTY OF WAUKESHA) SS Gerald C. Heinz ;r'rtr-4-) �Q- , / I. orothy A. Heinz Personally came before me this /-5- day 1973, the above names Gerald C. Heinz, and Dorothy known to be the persons who executed the foregoing acknowledged the same. My Commission Expires: PLAN- COMMISSION APPROVAL_ of C�/;-) p l c° fL. _s A., his wife, to me instrument and:. No ry Pub lia Waukesha -;Cpunty.;... Wisconsin:'''. Approved by the Planning Commission of the City of Muskego on this day of (L-�= — - s 1973. Secretary lvs.n, arse COMMON COUNCIL APPROVAL Approved by the Common Cc uncil`.' f-. ­tP'e City of Muskego on this ` day of 973 Sheet 3 of N_ Jg ome J. , ottf ried f L�e r71� C/11� C12 La ca. c -j