1913 - CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP�c00VR0AIN��1N Ei599'72 i yi3 Section Line CERTIFIED SURVEY PLAT (Center Line of Kelsey Road) Al2Tr NOTE: In Certified Survey c o Plat as recorded, Public �r Road dedication is only 30.0feet 1j ND 180.0 220.0 -h. --F � -y - � A y - �- A � ! -., -- - r Tract Number 3 of Survey Plat as -Volume 1, pages Register of Deed Waukesha --- -----103.5------ Z7°,��_W� 6�.31 S.— -- ti o a. Certified recorded in 229 and 230 'A --------------1-32.0-------- -A Q ca 0 c TOTAL ACREAGE: 3.048 Acres, Exclusive of Public Road. 4.315 Acres, Including Public Road. ��0-----_------145.0----------- Shed ----------i82i�1---------------- .;r :11 ' 400.0 Feet, rest Scale --- 1 ind''h ,e4tials 50 feet • -----Indicates Iron Stake Stake 1 inch by 30 inches Prepared b.)► Me:rY-ill E. Sta-lbauzl Weight 1.13 pounds per foot. Land Sury6yoi:;: Wisconsin Registration .5-718. PAGE ONE OF iRREE PAGES y 1 of e • • SURVEYOR'S CERTIIICATE Merrill E. Stalbaunt, a registered land surveyor, Wisconsin registration S-718, hereby certifies that tie has surveyed, mapped and divided the following described land, by the order and under the direction of Hans Keiser and Hertha L. Heiser as owners of the said lands located in that part of the Northeast quarter of Section 32, Township 5 North, Range 20 East, City of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin, described as follows: Tract Number 3 of a certified Survey Plat recorded in Volume 1 on Pages 229 and 230 of Certified Surveys in the register of Deeds Office of Waukesha County, Wisconsin. ALSO The following described property to be made a separate and distinct Certified Survey, described as follows: All that part of the Northeast quarter of Section 32, Township 5 North, Range 20 East, City of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin, described as follows; Commence at a point on the North line of said quarter section due East 1.`340 feet from the North quarter corner of said section, said point marks the place of beginning of parcel of land hereinafter described, thence running South 0008130" East 252.0 feet to a !mint, thence South 77e29' West 184.38 feet to a point, thence South 0°08'30" East 178.0 feet to an iron stare, thence due East 400.0 feet to an iron stake, thence North 0008130" Went 470.0 feet to a paint on the North -line of section, thence West along the section line 220 feet to place of beginning. Containing 3.948 acres of land exclusive of the North 40 feet reserved for highway known as the Kelsey Road. This includes acreage of Traft 3 of Certified Survey Plat as recorded in Volume 1, Pages 229 and 230, Register of Deeds Office, Waukesha County, which consists of 1.0 acre.) And that I have fully complied with the provisions of Chapter 236 of the Wisconsin Statutes in surveying, dividing and mapping the same; that the within map is a correct representation of the exterior boundaries of the lands surveyed and the land divisions thereof. Dated at Waterford, Wisconsin, the J g� day of , 1973. G Merrill E. Stalbaum Land Surveyor, Wisconsin Registration S-718 OWNER'S CERTIFICATE OF DEDICATION As owners of the land described in the foregoing certificate of Merrill E. Stalbaum, surveyor, I do hereby certify thatwe have causeil the said lands to be surveyed, divided, and mapped and dedicated as represented on the map of said survey, in accordance with the provision of Chapter 236 of Wisconsin Statutes. Witness the hind and seal of said owners, li ns Keiser and Hertha Keiser, his wife, this 9. fir' Gt day of �� „ 1073 Witnesses Nr. 385 der run enr—o a ur 1973 STATE OF )F County of-. ) !� (SEAL) H aKeiser, Owner Tfa 41 1 (SEAL) Bertha L. Keiser, Owner Personallv came before me this V day The. '.above th-e-. persoi This PAGE -TWO aertha Keiser, his egoing certificate of rT�-r.�J`--,1973, wife, know to we to be and acknowledged the same. My commisa .on expires / 1,e V Notary Public, O.ounty, by Merrill Stalbaum, S-718, Waterford, Wisconsin. Approved by the City of Mugkego Planning Commission This ay of 1973. ro �ottfri', Mayor vin C. Basse, Sec. Muskego Plan omm. Signatures of Hans Keiser and Hertha L. Keiser are authenticated this 13th day of August, 1973. George ber Member, State Bar of Wisconsin REGISTER'S OFFICE } SS Waukesha Co. Wis. } No.859972 RECEIVED FOR RECORD THE ..�.`.? D*AY6 �+�.u.�7.iJST.. , A, D., 19� A .1..:zA-1 O'CLqEh,. & ECOp DED IH ....�.:. f' L(4 .; �J �aisree L PAGE THREE OF THREE PAGES F,.