1911 - CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP• • 1111 wCa00azas 859'7'7'7 47�11 CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP OF A RE- SUBDIVISION OF LOTS 22 a 23 IN BLK. 3 OF LUDWIGS SUBDIVISION, BEING A PART OF THE EAST 1/2 OF THE NORTHEAST 1/4 OF THE SOUTHWEST 1/4 OF SECTION 10, TOWN 5 NORTH , RANGE 20 EAST, IN THE CITY OF MUSKEGO, WAUKESHA COUNTY, WISCONSIN LOT RADIUS ARC CHORD CHORD BEARING INTERIOR ANGLE DEFLECTION ANGLE 1 483.80 117.92 117.77 S. 2-80 21 ' 29" E. 130 17 ' 30" 60 38 ' 45" 1 288.80 110.70 110.02 S. 360 & 13 " W. 210 57' 44." 100 58 ' 57" 2 1 288.80 1 110.69 110.01 1 S. 14035' 28" W. 21° 57' 36" [00 58 ' 40" Z N VrALLACE G. 1 NIENOW _L_0_T 24 B LK` 3 s 175 _ M ILwauKEE, LUDWIGS SUBD. oA�+ ��� 7 Wis. _ � 32 ` � • � per, 3 \ u N ?3 �ZA AD \o\A \�n O U aw��► \ss , 206, �i Q/os � E X . LOT I DW. \N14 ti�/- \o` LOT 2 �o \5 �4 ° 4 4�SO LOT 21 BLK. 3 LUDWIGS SUBD_ 1Q c2• 1 NORTH LOCATION MAP CD O-V' F rV NN�iA' i � � Jcl) rL -- - -ft. 4 V` „ 10.0019,Flo I/ U H \N E I h Q W 00 t' S.W. 1/4 SEC 10-5- 20 0 50 100 SCALE 1 "=50' O—INDICATES I "X 24!' IRON PIPE, WEIGHING 1. 13 LBS. /LIN. FT. TH43 INSTRUMENT WAS DRAFTED BY WALLACE. G. NIENOW f� CERTIFIED SURUE'( MAP DF A RE -SUBDIVISION OF LOTS -E & '23 IN BLKI. 5 OF LUDWIGJS SUBDiUISION BEING A PART OF THE EAST 1/2' OF THE NORTHEAST i OF THE :IOUTHWLST + OF SECTION lil, TOWN NORTH, RANCE 2`0 EAST CITY OF V1J51<EGCi WAUK.ESHA COUNTY, WISCONSIN SURKYOR'S CERTIFICATE STATE OF WISCONSIN SS MI LWALII•:EE __OU1'JTY ) I, WALLACL S. NIENOW, regi...~tered surveyor, do hereby certify: That I have surveyed, divided and mapped a Parcel of land located in the East 1/= of the Northeast l/g of the Southwest 1; 4 0f Section 1U, Town_ -hip 5 North, Range 20 East, in the City of Musk.egli. Waukesha County, Wisconsin (said parcel being a redivision of Lots L and '__3 of Ludiiiiy's Subdivi7iion), bounded and mere particularly de -scribed as full0ws: Commencing_ at tfe intersection of the South line of Bellview Drive and the We_t line of Bay Lane, said point being the most easterly corner of paid Lot =:; thence S 470 31' 10" W along the Weet line of Bay Lane 7.74 feet to a point of curve; thence southwesterly along the West line of Bay Lane, said line being a curved line (having a radius of =8C.20 feet with its center to the Southeast and a chord distance of 1'1e.01 feet in length uihich bear_ 5 15`' 34' :'O" W) an arc distance of _21.59 feet to a point; thpncpN 740 44' 50" W along the North line of Lot 21, Block 5 of =aid aubdiviliun, 161.88 feet to a point in the We.=t line of said subdivision; thence I%JOgTH 190.00 feet tU a point in the South line of Lot 24, Block; = of said cubdivie.ion; thence hJ 7�0 L' L14" E alonq trip South line of said Lot 1'4, _24.40 feet to .a paint in the We._t line of Bpllvielu Drive; thence southeasterly along the Wp_t line of Laid Bellview Drive, said line being a curved line (having a radius or 4H_3.80 feet mith its center to the Northeast and a chord distance of 117.77 feet in lenuth which bears S ='80 an arc distance 0f 117.9^_ fast to the point of com- mencement. That I have made such survey, land division, and map by the direction of JOSEPH F. SCHMIDT and JEAN D. SCHMIDT, his wife, as owners. That I have complied with the provisions of Chapter 2:6 of the Wisconsin State Statutes and the subdivision regulations• of the City of Muskego in surveying and mapping the came. Date: A v v 7 Wallace G. Nieriow, Surveyor No. S-175 OWNER'S CERTIFICATE As owners, we du hereby certify that we have caused the land described on thic- plat. to be surveyed, divided,«mapped as reprpaented on this map in accordance with the require- ments_ of Fl i + awJak4 y--= F the Lity of Musk.egLi, Waul:eeha County, Wisconsin. WITNESS the hand and seal of said owners thil '' Gdav of 1'?75. IN THE PRESENCE OF: SEAL t Joseph F. Schmidt SEAL I Jean D. Schmidt Sheet 2 of ; Sheets CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP OF A RE-SUeDIVI5TON OF LBTS ="_ 6 'L: IN BLI-'. OF LtJDWIGS SUBDIVISION BEING A PART OF THE EAST l;'= OF THE NORTHEAST a OF THE SOUTHWEST f OF SECTION l0, TOWN 5 NORTH, RANGE L'O EAST CITY OF MUSKEGO WAUKESHA COUNTY, WISCONSIN _ STATE OF WISE'-ONSIf'd }SS Personally came before ma this day of ['./f.c-;{='-=� , I�7=, the, pr'uceding named JOSEPH F. SCHMIDT and JEAN CI. SCHVICIT, his wife, to me�known to be the persona 'wht� executed the foregoing instrument and acknowiedned the Same'., , {7� ;' ] ' My Lummi lion e"pires f! - - -� /._1• -P,° f Notary Public•;-` `---G-ounty, Vdi_consin CON8ENT OF &F TlIL—FIRST- _WISGit..ISIf•I_sJll_T_'LCanL6L-_OA LI[_ F_HfLJ1ElW �rIL 4U7'r4 f.EF� - e tI e: �Rg- +HRpep ;and - ; - w i i•t hie e€ the 1 &I l s - e k=th- _ _ , p F et_-�di R g d- : tjeia i b e- d !aim , dGe-1 .^ +, - _ t t e the G IA rW13�i R E4 , d oV-d fr_ ,�cl"l t?rp-p-i-Fig- -eP a•Fqd ccrwet�*-o+�e Flrre�dnreer#rfi�ata .esf r- f: r21 kris -}y i -= _ +e r . I Ee WhEpeeF, G I'1E-E-alas- aus&d to r+ s-t-;;e G' -AFL Ii-P:-A � FFS ;I P-��es er,-sn�l-cuurrtars r�rTed t -czr-para.te _s9ai- u d•ay REG I�EI�"J U1`�$�-lJ���%77 �f�R'.�-W-I-SEt-+f,'Si-{+LNA-TI-UfidAL--�ftf�tl':-fly-MI-L�dAU-I-EE ' 80asho Co. wis: ) No ............. + RECEIVEDFOR RECORB THEaldent ...........,T 5.. A.D., 19:. `Al,%�.:.:� r-one d—by-: Q' OCI(.....M. & RECQRDE IN C� SEAL Gn_Fcam.r.. l_ly _ e v�eFepn FA }hi_ --rya- ----- -_----w 1-47 , 4" E4d -F : `-ANGER-SON, '� •e e— P F9 8 i d e R t R d GLRA�-E 3 . G 81= E , - r b g n g _ _ Et- �`tftie-Frr, n-I=ro ccTr, 1 e.—I!-Fio-U.*R--tfr--- be u u IS ;- W x G FI aRd-Nlertl:%p- r+4 r f i -� err F•r� r a i I� rr--�rrc�- : rna wig rye d +h., fi -Tic-a`��� sx�- tLre-deeF}-L�f�ssi�� cor�orainn, -_...... ----- ! -�$ s r tee my, W. :. �r � PLANNING COI`'INIS5ION APPROVAL Approved by the Planning Corpmissi'on of the City of Mu_-kegc thi; day of, (I t4 ,-, T 1973.' Chairman {� This in trumant was drafted by: 'W. G. Nienow Secretary