1876 - CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP.--. 4p- r -- SSW 1/4 SE 1/4 k + I r LOCATION MAP 5EC.IO,T5N,R2OE. `� /Vs/����������ti►rrrlrrrrtrmr�i,,,��i ������•� ���'', 'A`' HOMAS L"� . rc PETERSON S-11 Q0 WAUKEs A, %NIS.O G IVI4111111'i,C" ►30V' O 5s SCALE I" = 60' UC00042E 4 562 - /0 (^ %f 7� CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP N 1/4COR SEC.10-5-20 being a part of the NW 1/4 of Section 10, T5N., R20E., City of Muskego, Waukesha County,Wis. May, 1973 Q Q� 5 o 5.96` Oi y\ 5' DEDICATED TO THE cm CITY OF MUSKEGO FOR ROAD PURPOSES LANDS TO BE CONVEYED TO THE LANDS OWNERSHIP OF 60NALD AND NAOMI 141ILLER LOT "1" 481 AC. VEYED TO THE OWNERSHIP OF UN ATTED LANDS DUANE LANGFELT 5T k02' / 90DU r LOT " 2" .494 AC. Al Cr C ° 65.00' LOT li 311 .471 AC. ZD J f CQ 0 M se 25':E 25' 0 O 1CM ul O DEDICATE W LFiORROAD OF MUSKEGO PURPOSES = w'90Z 4 - 36.52` 510` 124.01' o N ' 94 9s'ARc � WEST 165.53 z ® — to ?n [V CURVE LOT RADIUS CHD LENGTH CHD BRG. ICEN. ANGLE 1 -3 317.67, 258.66 N6505V26"W 48003'08" 1- 2 1 169.35, N5702W26"W 30055,08" 2-3 2 94.64' N81°06'00"W 17008'00" °- Indicates 1"x24" iron pipe, 1.13 , lbs, per lineal foot. Identifiable Meridian- North 1/4 line of Section 10, T5N., R20E., Due North, assumed. CURVE LOT RADIUSCHD LENGTH CHD. BRG. CEN. ANGL 4-5 2 312.67 92.65' N81028'46"W 17°02'28" 5-6 1 312.67 168.52' N59605'43'.'W 3005i'23" 4-6 1- 2 312.67' 290.60' N69046'48" W 47053'51" Sheet 1 of 3 c3j SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE STATE OF WISCONSIN) SS COUNTY OF WAUKESHA) I, Thomas L. Peterson, registered land surveyor, do hereby certify that I have surveyed, divided and mapped all that part of the Northwest One -Quarter of Section 10, Town 5 North, Range 20 East, City of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin, bounded and described as follows: Commencing at a point on the North One -Quarter line of said Section 10 and the centerline of Bay Lane,said point being Due South of and 1695.32 feet distant from the North One -Quarter corner of the aforementioned Section 10; thence Due West 25.00 feet to a point on the West Right -Of --Way line of Bay Lane and the place of beginning; -thence Due South along said West Right -Of -Way line, 201.16 feet to the point of intersection with the North Right -Of -- Way line of Vine Street; thence the following bearings and distan- ces along said North Right -Of -Way line; Due West 165.53 feet to the P.C. of a curve; 266.42 feet along the are of a curve, radius of 317.67 feet the center of which lies to the North and a chord bearing N65°58126"W258.66 feet; thence N57001100"E, 176.12 feet; thence Due East, 254.02 feet to the place of beginning and con- taining 1.518 acres. That I have made this survey, land division and map by the direction of Don Miller owner of said land. That such map is a correct representation of all the exterior boundaries of the land surveyed and the land division thereof made. That I have fully complied with the provisions of Chapter 236 of the Wisconsin Statutes and ordinances of the City of Muskego in surveying, dividing and mapping the s me. jnl 7 —9 DATE •/� ANN,POL IN,B CKER & ASS C.,INC Thomas L. Peterson S-1100 OWNER'S CERTIFICATE OF DEDICATION As Owner I hereby certify that I have caused the land described above to be surveyed, divided, mapped and dedicated as represented on this map in accordance with the requirements of ordinances of the City of Muskego. W'tness the hand and seal of said owners the day of 1973. Don Miller G\ Sheet 2 of 3 .k 40 STATE OF WISCONSIN) SS COUNTY OF WAUKESHA) Personally came before me this �a � day of 1973, the above named Don Miller, to me 3 nown to be executed the foregoing instrument and acknowledged My Commission Expires: PLAN COMMISSION 'APPROVAL Approved by the Planning on this - _ _ _ _ ,.?' day of the per*on who the same. NoyAry Publi5�4-Waukesha County.,Wis. Commission of the City of Muskego 1973. halrmaa' Secretary REGISTER'SOFFiCE),SS 85 237 Waukesha Co. Wis. ) No ............. RECIE:IVED FOR RE -CORD THE ... Y ..... DAY r X ,J.UL 7 A TIL' �Z . . . .......... A. D., 19. --!;� Ri'i I —ST E i L'L