172 - CERTIFIED SURVEY MAPUCOP02534 1 It 3 ? 1 7 1 CERTIFIED SURVEY PLAT of PART of SE4 of Section 20, T. 5 N. R.20E, in the Town of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin, owned by Ervin Posbrig and Lorraine Posbrig, his wife. Sheet 1 of 2 € heete Scale 1"=100.0 feet N 0 indicates 1-5/8" x 24" heavy iron pipe 5 U l L L O'(D S. q, b / 1 i i DF,N Y toE3330' /b ;d WAVKE9HA. W jot � . 6 Parcel 1 5 �< �3 . �3 qrtj �� Parcel 2 Surveyors Certificate' Lloyd S. Dancey, a registered land surveyor, Wisconsin regis- tration S. 115, hereby certifies that has surveyed, mapped and divided the follow- ing described lands, by the order and under the direction of ERVIN POSBRIG and LORRAINE POSBRIG, his wife, as owners of the said lands,located in the SEJ of section No. 20, Township No. 5 North , Range No. 20 East, in the Town of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin , commencing at a point on the East line of the said SEi, distant due North 951.80 feet from the stone marking the BE corner thereof. Thence due North on section line 81.0 feet; thence North 62024' West 310.37 feet to the center line of County Trunk Highway "Y"; thence South 390-40'-40" West on said center line 300.0 feet; thence South 62°-24' East-344.0 feet; thence North 44°281ty-st 231.54 feet to begin- ning, containing a minimum area of two(2.0)-acres exclusive of the Nally 50.0 thereof reserved for highway use. That he has divided the said Lands into two separate parcels of 1.0 acres each, exclusive of lands reserved for.hijrhTay, as shown on the within map, and described as follows,to-wit: t. Description of Parcel 1 All -that)' -part of the SEJ of Sec- tion 20, T. 5 N. R. 20 E. , in the Town of Muskego, Waukesha , County �Wisconsin, commencing at a point on the East line of the said sec- tion , distant due North 951.80 feet from the stone marking the BE Cor- thereof. Thence due North on section line 81.0 feet; thence North 620- ,� 24' West 310.37 feet to the center line of County Trunk Highway "Y thence South 39°-40'-40" West on the said center line 150.0 feet; thence South 62°-24' East 356.44 feetl'"'to beginning, containing a net area of _• 1.0 acre of land exclusive of the NW1y 50.0 thereof reserved for high- way use. Description of parcel 2 All that part of the SE,.1 of Sec- tion 20, T. 5 N. R. 20 E., in the Town of Muskego, Waukesha County Wisconsin, commencing at a point on the East line of the said i sec- �. } tion , distant due North 951.80 feet from the stone marking the SE cor- ner thereof, and running thence South 44°-28' West 78.14 feet to the � r_A "+ . -P nr,mmnnnamcnt_ of +iio riounTbilnoA AY+Aa at. thA NE enrner t.heranf■ ''J CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP Sheet 2 of 2 sheets Description of parcel 2 continued from sheet 1 Thence from the point of beginning , North 620-24' West 356.44 feet to the center line of County Trunk Highway "Y'_'; thence South 39'-40'-40" West on the said center line 150.0 feet; thence South 620-24' East 344.0 feet; thence North 440-28' East 153.40 feet to beginning. containing a net area of 1.0 acre of land exclusive of the Nally 50.0 feet thereof reserved for highway use. He further certifies that the within map is a correct representation of the exterior boundaries of the lands surveyed , and of the land division thereof made, and that he has fully complied with the pro- visions of Chapter 236 of the Wisconsin Statutes in surveying, di - mapping the same, rIIa`et a Z�sha Wisconsin, this 24 th day of March 1964. �i I_D S. ,A.. Y D.5115 - r,;g Lloyd S. Dancey IN V.1AUY,FaHAI ; Land Surveyor, Wisconsin registration S. 115 OWNERS CERTIFICATE OF DEDICATION. As owners of the lands described in the foregoing certificate of Lloyd S.. Dancey, Surveyor, we do hereby certify that we have caused the said lands to be surveyed, divided, and mapped, an&.dedicated as represented on the map of the said survey, in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 236 of the Wisconsin statutes. hand Wit" ss the and seal of the said owners this Z� day o 1964 !r , SEAL Witnesses 'ERVIN TOSBRIG SEAL LORRAINE POSBRIG STATE OF WISCONSIN) SS COUNTY OF WAUKESHA) Personally came before me this i/ day of 1964, the above named �: known to me to be the persons who ex® ed the foregoing cer icate and ack- nowledged the same. My commission expires Nota : public,. Waukesha C unty,Wisconsin. This instrument was drafted by Lloyd S. Dancey, Surveyor, S. 115, Waukesha, Wisconsin. Approved by the Town of Muskego Planning Commissio t s Drawing number 5554 1964 � IN -- REGISTER'S OFFICE - sS 6 1 6 9 Waukesha Co., Wis. 3No y( FOR REWRD THE TAY �j �J 11VV GG , A. D.,19 & AT C+ Aj D MORDED IN VDL -I - o o P,AQE S •� ��w-�� r' RiCIS� c • •