159 - CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP• • .9 kq C �h of a +part of. tl,e S.L-1/z±' of Section 13-5-20 Town of EuskeL:o I1aukesha County Wis. wE 'DENOTES /'/RoNP/PF -Q SCAr~E./"�/oo" Ea_sr 300.E ' TovYn Board Approval Approved b5 th Jlannin,- Conimi :sign Z& Cha" 1'ildn r secretary Date: --'= ROBERT C. HARDIE 2 ° WEST ALLIS, WIS. 40 v . a h N 1 LJC0002521 This instrument drafted by R.C.Hardie / OO- Z 5-HEZ-73' • r1 Certlfi ea Surv,�aj 7 of a +part of Vie S.L.114 of Sectiurl 1:3-5-2G 1OW 1 Of i.;uSkF; O 'J'aukesha County +is. �..UrvDyors C ;rtif icate yt i, of ':is. %a; 1,,� C.rar�:iF,re isteid 1�_'_nd surv•�­,or Iiereb- t�71�eF: (�Vi.7il' i�'I CCi ¢,lf4'_l:at Z '_:'ZV?i.irve e-1 :.li•i M dividl.�d a :}arcel of 1'uid in the Towvi of Liu:lie ;U,Vail kasha r"U"l:_'%' „i s, :.uilI `_4iid described US fu11c1':JS I1.u._Orlie3' i tip 5.1.1/: L'f S Ct_vi1 1.7,+;pwli i i'iiJi't1i,r_tllu? lit t':1'_11C? r11I"inir, s t `tao1-1 ti1'? Burt}, liii o =''C n, i�r9 Lti fP"^'t. l!) 1v1'lit; i,il?I1C? 3Gllt11 t _"1 Jilt =a.Li!l :s to 5: Ction liile,l�37.flt' k??t to t'Lic? i:1ttce, Of beyinniii,- Of t11i. arc• of !'-iIld; tl -?I IC- ruC-11t 1, 41;63.i;J ft tti t'Iei-Cc C_As-'t 16 =1 f e e t Lo a :'c:,i4it i.ii i,",.,e Center Iiir' of the ort_1Cap e Roarlt?1e1'lc'a S 11 w aloe— MLi.� celiter lii-ie of s_ti_d road,270.35 f yet to a th! Ixce }i;est tc. t,iie ii4rt:i lizie of S3i'a 1i SeCtiGii,:6.,. c% f ??7, t4: c1 +_ virlt cf curvz c !-:tice iiurt r' _ terl alon,; a curvje .iavin :. r'iaii]s of Z 10 00 i'a L t_ ti!!' r 11t, t1!F3 Ci1Gi"•1 lJ' fir? it I: 71O5C ' � 1��6 3 f-sat ti!� trc ei ii: t:) Ja `,,jint :Jf rev:r:Je Ci1rve; t[1.CiicC a C1,7rve ?v115 Oet 1LC'U" b.�irl.if lUU, 1Ni. �V ft the, arc b'eii1 ' .LeJG.47 'L jet t0 cl 1lt; V11S]1GP 110rt11,lU.CJ.V,1 i -aIV t�s 01fit, s_ai b e i nZ 167.E}U f net Soul: of nortJ 1 1i1-1c, '�r sal i 1, -t S 30%1QZI; t1-1 11C0 et aliu +AaI'311e1 ' O 'Id i-�.0 Ii0rt;,i l iil+, Uf S 1iu i,' 4 _ M1 6=Ction,300..i�1 ft�-'.:-1 Vv y uilc i.11'lce �Jl be--inii.ii L . 1L,_ t T rkv? c,i_i 10 surve-: 14i!il' '.iivisicn _..id,}, :.i-z1 b- t's?e direction of Pr.-'3d and tr_Liik Scil'..efv'1' CJ',vner 8 of S_tid Lanl�i.lilai. f'ri ve cora'llled v�.iti1 t'.r �;-o of tilt' `�t.1.tu of tile? S -ate of �SCOIi lti Llia thes?lbul :153.uii ro1 or"altia�iC _. ii l ia'. '1'0..__ of ieallS}Ce- - _ter--------_- .0 .iiardie Lai]( S1.lrvo-, Or IEarC%i ,,N 1J64 0':-n,r6 C e r t i f i cate. .Y8 L>.,;YLer` ,she P?rPbJ' Certify tlaut we cause' tie 1,!nCi ueSCrib?i on to s plat i,o be '�'urve; ei,ui videa,u]a}� �d ..1nii dedicute,� as re,,resimtad hereon, r � x iii ziccurrl•-Luce i,it'ii tiiF recnirements of Subdivision Control of t;iF 1'ov)la of L:uskeL�o. T:itnesssd t11e :i rid and seal of : Aid owners this ---!--d,.ty of Li Ure 'erice C�f� Fr--tnk Schaefer --------------------__--- Je Fred Sc?.aef er i'erS6nnll'r C�:,iae before I,;-3 tliia t11'�_ ._above 11--LL.]ed and '=`- --- tU Li73 Y11O';41-I to be the L)ersa .S l"Ji1u execut'-i f.he for �;�i]11i; 11ZStrL7iii�vilt �1Yid -i4cknowled ed the sai-iie. .•� 1%onl�,ii s5i ai; expires: Notary blic State of !r1is. This inetrument drafted b / ri.C.Hardie r� SHF_ FT 2of 2 SryE�TS 1IMSTFR'S OFFICE I ss . Waukesha Co., Wis. IYo RECEIVED FOR RECORD THE C/ DAY A. D.,19_L_V_AT C ; � O'CLOCK._ M. AND IffGDRDED IN YOk_�_ /tAGES i f Rfi�13i�R