1577 - CERTIFIED SURVEY MAPNORTHWEST CORNER SECTION 15,T5N,R20E. o� O :v) ro � M a a W 0 w 0. Oy m1 I w O a N Lrj l Ol6 y MV5 m6po ' S.89028'45" W 199.75' ^ y 159.73' 0578 ACRES 0 462 AC (EX-C... OF ROAM a.� M89028'45" E. C3\ S 'R Z O Z Z Q J 159L73` 199.75' CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP for Walter Vesbach Being part of the NW 1/4 of Sec. 15, T5N., R20E., City of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin. f6ole,Is y \�\`\`\\\\\111114111I N IIl11111��'�i ��•' •••' ••• /i 4 • CLAU DE C. * : JOHNSON JR.1 NEW BERLIN, Al �u r O N Z Scale: 1"-40'1 NOTES: '-Indicates 1"X24" iron, pipe 1.13 lbs. per lineal -foot. Identifiable Meridian- West line of Section- 15, T5N., R20E., S02* 10' 00"E, assumed. ifir UC00g39¢1111 1 SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE I, Claude C. Johnson, Jr., do hereby certify that I have surveyed divided and mapped all that part of the Northwest one -quarter of Sec- tion 15, Town 5 North., Range 20 East, City of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin, bounded and described as follows: Commencing at a part on the West line of Section 15, said point being S00°37'00"W of and 36.14 feet distant from the Northwest corner of said Section said point also being the intersection with the centerline of Lannon Drive; thence S02° 10'00"E, along said centerline, 504.91 feet to the place of beginning; thence continuing S02°10'00"E along the aforementioned centerline 126.00 feet; thence N89°28'45"E, 199.75 feet; thence NO2°10'00"W, par- allel to the centerline of Lannon Drive, 126.00 feet; thence S89°28'45"W, 199.75 feet to the place of beginning and containing 0.578 acres. Excepting and.dedicating therefrom a strip of land 40 feet in width lying West of and adjacent to th.e above described centerline for road purposes. That such map is a true and correct representation of all the ex- terior boundaries of the'land surveyed. That we have fully complied with the provisions of C ter 23 f the Wisconsin Statutes in surveying and ma ing the same. Claude . Jo nson, Jr. Hoffmann, Polzin, Becker Assoc.Inc. Date: y-.� _ ,1972 Vice -President Land Surveyor OWNERS CERTIFICATE OF DEDICATION As owners, we hereby certify that we have caused the land de- scribed above to the surveyed, divided, mapped and dedicated as repre- sented on this map in accordance with the requirements of ordinances of the City of Muskego. '-----)WITNESS the hand and seal of said owners this / day of /-:9 , 1972. STATE OF WISCONSIN) SS COUNTY : OF',WAUKE Si3A,, Persopally came before me above navies. Wal-ter Vesbach. and to be the. persons who executed ledged the'same. Walter Ves ac Doro y Ves ac J this / day of 1972, the Dorot y es ach., his wife, to me known the foregoing instrument and acknow- Notary Public My Commission Expires y��� Sheet 2 of 3 �3s PLAN COMMISSION APPROVAL Approved;-b�y the Plannin Commission of the City of Muskego on this - C, - day of 1972. Se retary 0 .Fl f� 9 lzkA LAJ Lr.i C-2 U i L. LjL. O 4 �y ta! W O C q GC '� YI ZE L.L. Lai �• Lid 1M ri d L W I Y w— o y O 4J