126 - CERTIFIED SURVEY MAPN 14'i N 0 �L V = CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP FOR OTTO HOHENSEE OWNER WCaa024aa SCALE I" = 401 o - INDICATES IRON PIPE, 1.13 `/ LI N. FT. N. A COR' SEC. 16 -off, M �IM T HOFFMANN, � r POLZIN & ASSOC. INC. r WALIICESHA, 0 BY- HOFFMANN, POLZIN 8r ASSOCIATES, INC. COUNTY SURVEYORS OFFICE`' SEPTEMBER 6, 1963 STATE OF ',' 1SCOM IN) COUNTY OF 17AIJYMHA)SS We, Ho'z'mann, Polzin and Assodiates, Inc, do hereby certify that we have made a survey of: All that part of 'the Northwest Quarter of Section 16, Town 5 North, Range 20 East, Town of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin, bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a point on the North Quarter Line of Section 16, said point being Due South of and 1533.30 feet distant from the idorth quarter Corner of said section; thence continuing Due South, along said idorth Quarter Line, 125.00 feet; thence North 84 degrees 38 minutes 20 seconds West, 254.82 feet to a point on the center line of County Trunk Highway M; thence North 21 degrees 28 minutes 15 seconds East, along said center line, 107.66 feet; tl,ence North 89 degrees 43 minutes 56 seconds Fast, 214.30 fFet to the place of beginning containing 0.610 acres. And that we have fully complied with the provisions of Chapter 236.34 of the Wisconsin Statutes in surveying and mapping the-rame, and that the plat herewith drawn is a correct representation of said s,arv4y. ] dioffMA$ Polar ociates, Inc. Donald R. Pol?in, dice-Pres, S-624 OdNER' S CERTIFICATE As anners, we hereby certify that we caused the land described herewith to be surveyed, divided and slapped as shown on this plat. A 16fj ii, //� Date : ,—J / 7. 196-1 Otto Hohensee u PLANNING CtIi,7ISSION APPROVAL Division approved ;.7uskego. Sheet 2 of 2 sheets. 0 REGI IER'S G# FICCE SS Waukesha Ca., Wis.� RECEI'JED c RECORD SHE— — SAY 17,1� "7 �' , A. D., A Al- ! O'CLOCK iv�.�fiHD I",EC'J,?DED IN if0 OFF`%7 U[ PAGES %�L� .4-1 77 'l� {i FG 15T