1252 - CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP0 CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP OF A PART OF THE NORTHWEST 1/4 OF SECTION 14 T. 5 N. , R. 20 E. , CITY OF M USKEGO, WAUKESHA CO., WISCONSIN /NNAN SUI414FY/N6 X EN61NEER/NG AUGUST 19, 1970 EL ECTR/C CO. N.W. COR OF LANDS EA.SEME/17 N.W. 1/4 SEC. �o [4-5-20 of 1342.66' S. 88'07'49"W N. c.u. 445.06'/ RIGHT OF WAY vo N N cm N oI ALI f - JI o- II`3 9 9 415.04" S. SerO7'49"W. S'' ��ppa�b � U' PARC E L I M N Caaa361s N.E. COR.OF II NW. 1/4 SEC. `Q I 14-5-20 1342.6�' 3 Vm i U) ohOD 9� o z o' iz o� z o� 414.1V 444.11' N.88'00'22"E. SCALE I" = too' W MEINKEpS_ 0 50 175 0 DENOTES I".r 24" IRON PIPE 1.13 LBS./LIN. FT. 10 100 0 GI LI) e INUM ).0 W [AURM VIM PU Acres Net 40 c i" SECTION 14 -5 -20 SURVErOR'S CERTIF3X:A E I, Gerald Inman, registered land surveyor do hereby �r the certifsurveyed and mapped a part of the Horthvest rA of Section 14, Township 5 >Diarth, Range 20 East., City of Mugkego, Waukeshaa County, Wisconsin, bounded amd described: Commencing at the Northeast corner of said 1/4 Section; thence S. 8$ 07'49" West along the north line of said 1/4 Section 1342.66 feast to the point of beginning of the ].agd to be described; thence continuing along said north IZ4 line S.88 07'49" West 445.o6 feet to a point; thence S. Ol 11'17" E. 1267.25 feet; Revised Sept. 9, 1970 Sheet 1 of 2 4570 `� CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP OF A PART OF THE N.W. 1/4 of SECTION 14, T. 5N., R.20E. CITY OF MUSKEGO, WAUKESHA COUNTY, WISCONSIN thence N. 88000'22" East 444.11 feet to the centerline of Mystic Drive; thence N. 01008'36 " West along said centerline 1266.30 feet to the point of beginning. Dedicating the Last 30.00 feet for street purposes and the North 25.00 feet for Electric Company Right-ofway. THAT I have made this survey land division and map by the direction of ALMA BAAS, owner of said land. THAT such map is a correct representation of all the exterior boundaries of the land surveyed and the land division thereof made. THAT I have fully complied with the provisions of Chapter 236 of the Wisconsin Statutes. _August 19, 1970 .1moau Gerald B. Inman Surveyor S--891 OWNERS CERTIFICATE OF DEDICATION AS OWNER, I hereby certify that I caused the land described on this map to be surveyed, mapped and dedicated as represented - on this map, I also certify that this map is required by Chapter 236 of the-, - Wisconsin Statutes. WITNL.$S the hand and seal of said owner this day of try : �`1970. � ALMA BAAS ATE OF WISCONSIN) COUNTY) SS Personally came before me this ­2'," day of Z--/ce_ - ,197 9 the above named E'.,n /`` o me known to be the persorewho executed the €okeiding.instrument and acknowledged the same. (Notary Seal) = Notary Public, , Wisconsin My commission expires APPRQ he. EE>-. by.e•-,. PLAN COMMISSION of th-e City of. Mus.kego this of _r c. �. _ 1970. -- - Im /2 airma Secretary Y This instrument was drafted by INMAN SURVEYING & ENGINEERING 11221 W. Forest Home Ave. Sheet 2 of 2 #4570 RJ r. �l 0 N ul En