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• 0003613 �v k1A ,l �v hS. 89 °IB:E Yr33sc�y' CERTIFTED7SURVEY MAP SHEET ONE OF T'wJO 0f apart of SHEETS. SO oSec. 21 , TY, R20E. , City of Muske_go, Waukesha County, Wisconsin 04 04, WTV IT TWO SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE STATE OF WISCONIN ) COUNTY OF WAUrUSHA ) I, CLAUDE C . JOHN SON, Ss. VNPL r9 T7`.E',D .CANaS- 611- if 00� AR ©, 000 sc>. FT, �#`SS ROAD m r h Nix:Y -99 zr j CA591 C.4 TTEL, .C,QAfJTS 13 Z) B.�AR1,i�G 77,r, ' S-4l oV C OF S. W. X4 w.4S ASS UM,ED r45 C,LAUD E G. �JOHNSON JR. ' NEW $ERLiN, ��• WIS. 9;. Ao «rf►�u+uuti►►►►u JR., land surveyor do hereby certify: THAT z have survmyed and mapped all that Dart of the. Southwest•ore- auarter of Section 21, `!'own 5 forth, Rang& 20 East, ' City of Vuskero, Wank^.ah Cnuntv, Wisconsin. bounded and described as follows, to -wit: rnmmenciny at a point on the `youth line of the said quarter section distant "ouch 100 18' East 105.07 feat from the Southwest corner thereof; thence, "orth 127.01 fat - thence North Qo 051 East 322.75 feet; thence North 110 331 East 147.27 feet to the roint of beginning of the lands heron described; thence cortinuing North 110 33' East along the centerline of Parker Road 304.5A feet: thence South 880 24' East 440.62 feet; thence South 110 33' West 304.58 feet: thence North 880 241 West 440.62 feet to the point of herinning and nontnin- ing 3.034 acres of land more or less, excentinu' and dedicating therefrom the Westerly 40 feet. measured at right angles to the centerline of Parker Road, for road vurposes. r7 SHEET T110 OF TT-iG SHEETI. THAT such map is a corrert representation of all the exterior boundaries of the land surveyed and the land division thereof made:. THAT I have fully complied with the vrovisions of Chanter 236 of the Wisconsin Statutes and ordinances of the City of Muskego in surveying. divid- ing and maupinn the same. )L i Dated this 31st day'of Au-ust, 1070. WARMAJYND URVEYc IN . Claude C. Johnson, Jr., Tand Surveyor. OWNER t S CERTIFICATE OF .DEDTCATIOI1 AS OVIDERS we hereby certify that we have caused the land described ahnvR to be surv^ye<d, divided, mapped and dedicated as renresented on this man in accordance with tho requirements or ordinances of. the City of Muskego. WITURSS the " And and seal of said owners this /a day of I070 zy-91-14 /! r- ' Harold R. DeBack Cero1- J. JYeHack " STATE OF vrISCOUSIU } SS. COUPTY OF WAUKESHA ) PERSONALLY came before me thin' /o day of � 1970, the above named Harold R. DeRack and Carol J. Dr.M& his tirife, to rye known to he the persons �,a:o,,executed the foregoins instrument and acknowledged the same. My commission wires: Notary Public, WEAK Countv, 71t.c. PLAN C,OISI;I: SI�Id x'.'FI�U�rr�L Anngove►d by the Planning Commission of the City of day of %f., 1970.jFI r Secretary This instrument was drafted by Claude C. Johnsnn, Jr., Surveyor. this • A E+