123 - CERTIFIED SURVEY MAPucaeozaas �Ul4V LLOYD S. DANCEY 5115 E338 .e wAuFAEaNx, was. � o, '0 AL �- y�E Cor. ,-I% �-20 nm 84 CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP e1T%s �x� 1gpo4c gt... b�, A� Test holes No. 1-6 Inc. ' numbers underlined are elevations N Scale 111-40 r SURVEYORS CERTIFICATE it" c`oo VN Id r-4 3 h 9' gex xse pxo�extY Onester '99f co r-f z Lloyd S. Dancey, a registered surveyor, Wisconsin S. 115,hereby certifies that by the order and under the direction of Charles E. Hudson and Yvonne D. Hudeon,his wife, as owners, he has surveyed and mapped all that part of the S. E. 1/4 of Sec- tion No. 9, Township No. 5 North , Range No. 20 East, in the ';*-- of Muskego, Wauke- sha County, Wisconsin, described as follows, to -wit Commencing at the intersection of the East line of the said 1/4 section with the cen- ter line of State Trunk Highway No. 24, distant South 109.60 feet from the stone marking the East 1/4 corner of the said section, and running thence South 63=14' West on said center line 891.87 feet to the My corner of the ]ands of the Wisconsin Telephone Company, and thence South 24-17' East 283.0 feet to the SWly corner of the said lands, the point of commencement of this description at the XWly corner thereof. Thence South 25L311 East 139.0 feet; thence North 72101'-30" East 254.09 feet to the center line of Westwood Drive , $• town- road, of width 50 feet; thence due North on said center line 187.15 feet; thence South 65_04'-30° West 332 .55 feet to the point of commencement. Containing 0.83 acre of land, more or less. He further certifes that this map and description is a correct representation of the (r' exterior boundaries of the land surveyed, and that he has filly complied with the provisions of Chapter 236 of the Wisconsin Statutes in surveying and mappin& the same. Dated at Waukesha, Wisconsin this 5th day of Sept. 1963 ` 93 Sheet 1 of 2 sheets Lloyd S. Dancey , Surveyor Certified Survey Owners' Certificate As owners of the lands described in the foregoing certificate of Lloyd S. Dancey, surveyor we hereby certify that we have osased the said lands to be surveyed and mapped and dedicated as represented in the map of the said survey and description thereof. Witness the hand and seal of the said owners this �_ day of September 1963 In 777 enea of (. f Stats of Wisconsin ) County of Waukesha ) SS `• a sal) Charles E. Hudson LRN--( seal) Yva 4D.dkson Personally came before me this E day of September 1963. the above named Charles E. Hudson, and Yvonne D. Hudson, his wife, known to me to be.the•,-.pzr-sons who executed the foregoing instrument and acknowledged the same. My commission expires- ` Notary b li c , W shi C pun t �� W sconsin ? \ - Approved by the Planning commission of the Town of Muskego Dated this %13 This instrument was drafted by Lloyd S. Dancey , Surveyor. Sheet 2 of 2 sheets 4001"5 U 0 LLOYD S. r DANGEY sli 038 A w++R�Ka. A1 Q f algisTERgs OFFICE ss 7 s. Waukesha Co., W'S' 140, T8C AV I ItCCEVVED FOR RECORD [-;-' qT-1 -AT M D IN V6pZL 'CORDEDINVOL, C,C CK M. AND RE AGE PAG otj AU P REGISTER 0 0