1040 - CERTIFIED SURVEY MAPi '11111111111111111111111I WC0003402 CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP of a part of the SW * of SECTION 17, T.5N•0 R•20E•. City of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin Vr✓ro.4A rTdFO ,�— Dv,E WZ-5 T 90- 240.00' Y �,Ex/sr1 DW4. i r L a ^ RARC ZZ A $ h rki /. 668 AC_ 2L at 0 w r.R_ 45s T3' 7z4 8 7" 484;. 87' P,r4RC,��B •. 2. 996 AC. - SFiEE'T 1 OF 2 SHEETS Z 4LJDs 9. aS�•g3' 24420' 06, � s }�68i• 43 ;E sba 1.13 /4/M- FT. 7hYE MARIAA, pF rW,,C N- S %4 -4/N.E ��uiirrrngrr�ii WA 9 DR/.€A1 TEQ A S � 0 * 4"r . �`y C O �iS' a LADE C. * JOHNSON JR. * l NEW BERLIN, r Wis. SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE 0 ZS COI�i52N ) •.S.... � ���ruruuu STATE OF W�i+R{►��1°�� COUNTY OF WAUI�HA) SS. + VNP,(.) TTFp oA' 01 V m I, CLAUDE C. JOMCN, JR., land surveyor do hereby certify: \f �N vj r 4f �n h' h THAT I have surveyed and ,napped all afrA ¢artified Survey Map prepared for Mrs. Elsie Spitzner and all that part of the Southwest one -quarter of Section 17, Torn 5 North, Range 20 East. City of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin, bounded and described as follows, to -- wit: Commencing at the Southeast corner of the said quarter section; thence Due West along the South line of the said quarter section 233.88 feet; thence North 0. 06' East 319.00 feet to the point of beginning of the lands herein described.; thence continuing North 0* 06' East 200.00 feet; thence Due West 724.87 feet; thence South 276.35 feet to a point on the Northerly line of Woods Roadas relocated; thence 18.90 feet along said. Northerly line on the arc of a curve to the left of radius 455.13 feet, chord bearing South 76* 31' 40" East 18.90 feet; thence South 77e 43' East along said Northerly line 433.88 feet; thence North 12e 17' East 177.11 feet; thence Due East 244.20 feet to the point of beginning and. containing 4.666 acres of land more or less. THAT such map is a correct.representation of all the exterior boundaries of the land surveyed and the land division thereof made. THAT I have fully complied with the provisions and ordinances of the City of Muskego in surveying,, Date: May 8. 1969. of Chapter 236 of the Wisconsin Statutes �g pp �G-� the same . ' SHEET 2 OVE 2 SHEETS OWNER tS CERTIF_ IQZ OF DUICAZE AS OWNERS we herebor certify that we have caused the land described above to be surveyed, divided, mapped and dedicated as represented an this map in accordance with the requirements or ordinances of the City of Muskego. WIMSS the hand and seal of said owners this _ day of _ /%� , 1969. i�t G 7 v STATE OF WISCONSIN ) COUNTY OF WAUKESHA) SS PF3SONALLY came before me this day of 1969, the above named Francis 'If"neberry-. and. Lacine Henteberry, his Wife, to 'me Down to be the persons who e'cuted .-the. foregoing instrument and acknowledged the same. ti117 comEnUsi tm expires: 7,3 Notary Public, Waukesha Country, Wisconsin PLAN MMSION APPRW-AL Approved by the Planning Commission of a City of Muskego on this � day of 1969. 4 / . , Secretary + r This instrument was drafted by Claude C. Johnson, Jr., Surveyor. -<'¥ r � �Q / . 14 vet �