103 - CERTIFIED SURVEY MAPUC0002465 NORTH LINE 10.5. 20 540.45 /DUE WEST 448.65 in N to H 44 ODR. p SEC. 10 DUE WEST SCALE I" = 10C+ o — INDICATES IRON PIPE 1.13 */UN FT CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP FOR D G U H R, OWNER PART - N.W. A SECTION 10, T. 5 N, R. 20 E. TOWN OF MUSKEGO, WAUKESHA M WIS. 8Y - HOFFMANN, POL21N 8 ASSOCIATES, INC. OOUNTY SURVEYORS OFFICE W r SHEET I 0 C OCTC STATE OF V1ISCQ1SIN)S8 COUNTY OF 17A MSHA) We, Hoffmann, Polzin and Associates, Inc, do hereby certify that vie have made a survey of: "All All that part of the Northwest Quarter of Section 10, Town 5 North, Range 20 East, Town of irnaskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin, bounded and described as follows: Commencing at the North (quarter Corner of Section 10; thence Due T7est, along the North Line of said section, 448.65 feet; thence South 00 degrees 32 minutes 25 seconds West, parallel to the North Quarter Line of said sec- tion, 807.53 feet to the place of beginning of the parcel hereinafter des- cribed; thence continuing South 00 degrees 32 minutes 25 seconds West, 203. 12 feet; thence Due West, parallel to said North Line of Section 10, 274.44 feet; thence South 00 degrees 32 minutes 25 seconds '"Jest, parallel to laid North Quarter Line, 666.85 feet to a point on the center line of State Trunk Highway 24; thence South 57 degrees 35 minutes 50 seconds West, along said center line, 120.00 feet; thence North 14 degrees 21 minutes 25 seconds West, 448.45 feet; thence Due West, 50.00 feet; thence North 00 degrees 32 min- utes 25 seconds Fast, 499.53 feet; thence Due Fast, 540.45 feet to the place of beginning containing 5.837 acres. ++B11 All that part of the -Northwest Quarter of Section 10, Torm 5 Worth, Range 20 East, Town of iolaskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin, bounded and described as follows: Commencing at the "forth Quarter Corner of Section 10; thence Due tifest, along the North Line of said section, 989.10 feet; thence South 00 degrees 32 minutes 25 seconds West, parallel to the North quarter Line of said sec- tion, 1307.36 feet to the place of beginning of the parcel hereinafter des- cribed; thence continuing South 00 degrees 32 minutes 25 seconds West, 540.00 feet to a point on the center line of State Trunk Highway 24; thence North 57 degrees 35 minutes 50 seconds East, along said center line, 196.96 feet; thence North 14 degrees 21 minutes 25 seconds 'Nest, 448.45 feet; thence Due ;Pest, parallel to the aforementioned North Line of Section 10� 50.00 feet to the place of beginning containing 1.274 acres. And that ire have fully complied with the provisions of Chapter 236.34 of the Wisconsin Statutes in surveying and mapping the same, and that the plat herewith drawn is a correct representation of said survey. Hoffmann, 111olzfaa Associates, Inc. Donald R. Polzin, Vice -lies. S-624 OPEMIS CERTIFICATE As owners, we hereby certify that we caused the land described herewith to be surveyed, divided and mapped as shown on this p'-1 Date:_. �7" `-� �2_ --- P 196-331 PLANNING 001 1ISSIM APPRO17AL Division approved z , 3 by the T f Idusk go.._. � LIZ Chairman, arming Co'ud ssion Clerk, Planning Cission r (! Sheet 2 of 2 sheets. REGISTER'S OFFiCE Waukesha Ww•, � RD THE E f &3 AT M ND R011 "ED IN 10 •