10294 - CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP• • 9�BIRtlI�I�!I��IpIRtl�N • • 4C3425006-006 File No. 99178 CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP NO. 0 ?- 9 Y- Being a re -division of Parcel 1 of Certified Survey Map No. ��g`3, being a part of the Southeast 114 of the Northwest 114 and the Northeast 114 of the Southwest 114 of Section 14, Town 5 North, Range 20 East, in the City of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin. Bay Ln.-- Existing 30' Ingress- I Egress Easement \ �I 10' Wetland Buffer/ Preservation Easemen ol. Scala J0 1 =300' ' oI �I of OIL �i z4a CI afl SW Gainer NW 1/4 , I Sx.14-5-20 N N=331, 67B.05 N 87' 2 08' E=2.5016, 590.57 30 tv Cast Iron Mon. W/6vass cap y 1340.67' poln t N 8752 08" E Of Kclnity Sketch Beginning 3' 5 Iq c� r �2aoio• S/W 114 l Sec. 14-5--20 L._._. Parcel 2 C.5 M. 4ff09� M=C _F - . Parcel 1 GSM. ,j' 5679 'Lot 1 C.S.M. I ,,,1ISI ,r1 Nbtlands Dellneated On August 14 20104 By Alice East Llne Ex/stln Thompson P. W..S Of 7hompsw NW 1/4 A=Olt & Associates Hbtland SwW;cw Sec. 14-5-20 Drlva & &rmwd By Intadine Survey SarvAm Inc. SLrwy Dated January 34 2G105 N (See Detai Sheet 2) Lot 3 V77,379 so tt 76.10'�� E .. N Lot 2 tP` n 89,677 eq., f. g= N 761 r .39' •. 30',% • �i N 8752'08' E .'.'•, outh Ow NW 1/4-1 Sec. 14-5-20 • •! L t 1 Lot Lot 2 4 PrOR_osed Proposed �S.AI Lot 3 { C.SM. Temparnry Proposed C.SM Tum Around 2' Above I ,-Easement 100 Year Rood Line 6 (EL. 776.1)�� i 177 dc' I 4Q2.7► 4iJ N 88��• 5205 Sq. Ft. ale Bam �-d.=7845 r 1310.6'7'if: / ' 543. 3i �4295' 06 100 Year •Flood Line (EL. 774.1) W .SE Corner ' NW 1/4 Sec 14-5-20 N=331, 777.76 .. E=2509,269.89 o Cast Iron Mon. H W/ Bross Cap c, 4W • J Z829 Sq. Ft. -,�879,507 sq. Ft. Owedling f7n. r4p'OB }.tn To Meander Line Grd.=7852 1 6 74 =' :•::: 50' ► Hand Buffer/ � a� •fast Line. \ Preservation Easemena� :':_SW 1/4 • •: � � � ..• � �:1'�' ••••:'Sec. 14-5-2b•�•. 5 �' ....... 'rep..... red �X •' •' m W VOA 0A,'�. Metropolitan Survey Service, Inc. �.� Meander y5 ��- . 5200 West Loomis Road Line Greendale, W 53129 Prepared For.• °j Gerold Doric & Gail James W151 58102 M tic Dr. ^r,' :' • •Big Muskego Muskego, 53 50 ....... y f:•'-' '•'-'•' Lake Notes: �r • - Denotes 1 1/4 O.D.xZ4" Iron Pipe �Y- / •.•,:.:::: Set, 1. i3 Lbs Per Lin. Ft. Graphic Scale Bearings Referenced To The •'•' '.'•300• 0 150 300 Wisconsin State Plane Co- �•'•'•'•'•'• ordfnafe System, South Zone, (NAD-27). (Apr# 2001 Datum) - Denotes So# Boring O dinar High (In Feet) None Of The Publlc ROW Ditches Will WQte1 �Ork 1 Inch=300 Ft Be Maintained By The Oty Of Muskeg Curve Table Curve Length Radius Chord Chord Bearing Central Angle Tangent In Tangent Out 1 69.77 120.00 6879 S •3029'12" E 3378'39" S 47178 J2' E S 13 49 53" E 2 245.21 170.00 224.50 S 55??9'13" E _ 82J8'40" S 134953" E N 83Jl27" E 3 4336 60.00 42.43 S 75 46'15" E 4124'35 _ N 83'3127' E S 551?3 58" E 4 100.72 6000 89.30 N 7650'40" E 96704.3' a 55t73'58' E N 28 45'19" E 5 67.65 150.00 67. 08 N 14 t7351 " W 2550 :31 ' N 01.0836" W N 26 59'07" W 6 67.65 150.00 67.08 N 14t73'51 " W 2550 JI' - N 2659'07" W N 01 V8'36" W 7 67.65 150.00 1150.00 6708 N 1146'39" E 2550'31 " N Of'O8'36" W N 2441'55" E 8 67.65 67.08 N 1146J9" E 2550'31 " N 24 4155" E N O7V3'36" W Sheet 1 of 6 FORM NO. 985-A • tvd�61 er c. G............. Stock No. 26273 CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP NO. ��q Being a re -division of Parcel 1 of Certified Survey Map No.; being a part of the Southeast 114 of the Northwest 114 and the Northeast 1/4 of the Southwest 1/4 of Section 14, Town 5 North, Range 20 East, in the City of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin. I i 30 L qe...;, Parcel 3 Wetland Area #4 Parcel 2 We tlan d De tail Prepared By. Metropolitan Survey Service, Inc. prepared For: \ 5200 West Loomis Road Gerald Dovic IGreendale, WI 53129 do Gail James r I it Scala• 1'=200' I f 1 1 I 'Areaa3 Existing _. _silolw a ;• •��' N 875208 E 1310.67 Existing South Line NW 1/4 Pole Barn ++ p yM1`• h Sec. 14-5-20 A - Par�� Existing ue Dwelling . . o Wetlands Delineated On ��s � ' August 10, 2004 By Alice ' Thompson P.W.S. Of Thompson �r�.` `•`•`- `- •`- -`-, & Associates Wetland Services ,� •'Wetland - - - irk & Surveyed By Interline Survey ,► ' Area #1 � Service, Inc. Survey Dated ;s� - C'•".'--•'•'- -,� January JO, 2005 L4 . ... Wetland tiro •�� Approximate 2 # Area ` � j;j B►g Muskeg0 waW 9„��e ...-. Lake �;sGiv si,n, Sheet 2 of 6 3--3/-6& • • FORM NO. 985-A ��-11i tv(Jr C ler p.... r............. Stock No. 26273 CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP NO. /Q 2 9 V 00 Being a re -division of Parcel 1 of Certified Survey Map No. �� 'Zg being a part of the Southeast 114 of the Northwest 114 and the Northeast 114 of the Southwest 114 of Section 14, Town 5 North, Range 20 East, in the City of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin. Wetland Line Tables Watland Area Ir LINE BEARING LENGTH L1 N 01U5155' W 195 48' L2 S 47'01'45' W M 53' L3 S 362221" W f040:i' L4 S 397220' Wtgaog' 15 S 404146' W L6 S 45tl5'50' W L7 S 7236' W L8 S 064742' WL9 S 077551' W 00 S 24M'44" W 15t 18' 01 1 S 335729' W 21.13' L12 S J8:W54' W 1642' 113 S 2574'01' W 19.49' L 14 S 227474' W 2J 96' 05 S 5750 J6' E 22.52' 05 S 775100' E 62.73' L 17 S 577600' E 3&54' L18 S 3843'35' W 54016' 119 N 79VI'08" W ., .YI' L20 S 4071 J4' W 32.19' L21 S 842344' W 42.92' L22 S 747359' W 21.85' 123 1 S 7 7J9' W 41.42' L24 S 5479' ' W 4153' L25 S 7171'53' W L28 S 6650'47' W 37..29' 127 S 655649' W 2i64' L28 5 577225' W 4164' L29 S 6 77J0' W 4& 06' 1JO S 4JV9' 4' W 31.27' L31 S 7076'18' W 70' 132 S 44' W 2460' 1.33 N J5' W 17.7 ' L34 S 6159' ' W M24' L35 S 68,56 44' W 1' L36 S 53:33'10' W 56.69' L37 S 5773'43' W L38 04' W 39.J3' L39 5 56*52'50' W 5459' L40 I S 534407' W 6 ' L41 S 57tu'44' W L42 s 427210' W L43 S 5399 ' ' WR62.5O' L44 S 4515449' WL45 S 405205' WL46 S 107' WL47 S 7 ' 6' W L48 S 36. ' W 42.01' 149 S 6147'36' W L50 S 3334 54' W S 707452' WL5? g7lL51 717 00' W Nbt/and Area 12 153 I S 032254' E 631.06' L54 N 04 :39 02' E 97.90' L55 S 575128' £ 26.98' L56 S 854309' E 27.41' L57 S 507970' E 22.85' L58 S 7777951' E 32.58' L59 S 49 JI 06' E 2& 04' L60 I S 19:3551' W 19.12' L61 S 45 9'3T W 18.13' L62 S 5T4442' W 27.64' L63 S 864222" W 4Q08' L64 N 6074'44' W 5�77' ft1land Area Af3 L65 S 18'S4;?1' E 51.35' L66 N 86J2'52' W 26t 88' L57 S 56 571' W 29.88' L68 S 25*0579' W Ja56' 469 S 144254' W 49.58' L70 S 58VJ'34' W J&0l' 01 S 833418' W 5&88' L72 S 4644J9' W 5466' 173 S 3172J6' W 67.43' L74 S 24 42 20' W 46.19' 1-75 S 59 5505' W 4a 40' 176 S 724846' W 42.61' L77 1 S 68'55'05' W 5534' 178 S 4729' W 57.17' L79 S 4756 56' W 39. 98' L80 S 3433'04' W 3458' L81 S 1872'19' W 2280' L82 S 267373" E 27.01' 18J S 2679'47' E 35J5' 184 S 397009' E 2480' L85 N 89t 39' E 1g03' L86 S 8276J2' E 21.49' L87 N 557507' E 37.45' 188 )V 547270' 2a84' L89 N 60VO 09' E 19.19' L90 N 5871'14' E 2&26' L91 H 59'3170' E 22.63' L92 AH 5810342' E 27.81' L93 N 48:3504' E 2402' L94 N 45 47J1' £ 49.43' 1-95 N 47V7'06" E 3449' L96 N 487007' E 41.10' L97 N 49'l76J7' E 51,19' 198 N 314476' E 3525' L99 AI 26V4 58' £ 39.42' 000 N 413024" E M 10' 001 N 437322" E 5a72' L102 N 327955' E 2431' L103 N 4 ' L104 ' ilfedand Area 4 LINE I 8EARfNG LENGTH L 105 N 007129' W 76R 4l' L 106 Al 7559'54' W 36 40' L 107 S 74V247' W 41.31' L 108 S 6152'42' W 47 48' L 109 S 37'50 47' W 44 71' 010 S 2957'51' W 42 71' L1 J 1 S 15V7'50' W 2d 48' L112 $ 28;T2 09' E 2& 75' L 113 $ 48 35?6' E 31.71' L 114 N 817726' £ M 49' L115 N 8141'38' E 49.54' L 116 N 3347.3'06' E 17.04' L117 N 431?817' £ 4L47' L 118 I N WOW' W 10.177' Sheet 3 of 6 • • FORM NO 985-A • 0 �ler Stock No. 26273 CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP NO. 16�9 V Being a re -division of Parcel 1 of Certified Survey Map No. �d�'?-/` ; being a part of the Southeast 114 of the Northwest 114 and the Northeast 114 of the Southwest 114 of Section 14, Town 5 North, Range 20 East, in the City of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin. SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE STATE OF WISCONSIN) MILWAUKEE COUNTY ) SS I, Michael P. Casey, Registered Land Surveyor, do hereby certify: That I have surveyed, divided and mapped a part of the Southeast 1/4 of the Northwest 1/4 and the Northeast 1/4 of the Southwest 1/4 of Section 14, Town 5 North, Range 20 East in the City of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin, bounded and described as follows: Commencing at the Southwest corner of the Northwest 1/4 of said Section 14; thence N 87052,08" E, 1340.67 feet along the South line of the Northwest 1/4 of said Section 14 to the point of beginning of lands to be described; thence continuing N 87052,08" E, 30.00 feet along the South line of the Northwest 1/4 of said Section 14; thence N 01*0813611 W, 630.00 feet; thence Northwesterly 67.65 feet along the arc of a curve whose center is to the Southwest, whose radius is 150.00 feet and whose chord bearing is N 1400315111 W, 67.08 feet; thence Northwesterly 67.65 feet along the arc of a curve whose center is to the East, whose radius is 150.00 feet and whose chord bearing is N 14°03151" W, 67.08 feet; thence N 0100813611 W, 100.00 feet; thence Northeasterly 67.65 feet along the arc of a curve whose center is to the Southeast, whose radius is 150.00 feet and whose chord bearing is N 1104613911 E, 67.08 feet; thence Northeasterly 67.75 feet along the arc of a curve whose center is to the Northwest, whose radius is 150.00 feet and whose chord bearing is N 11°46139" E, 67.08 feet; thence N 0100813611 W, 221.18 feet; thence S 47*0813211 E, 369.82 feet; thence Southeasterly 69.77 feet along the arc of a curve whose center is to the Southwest, whose radius is 120.00 feet and whose chord bearing is S 30*2911211 E, 68.79 feet; thence S 13'49153" E, 555.91 feet; thence Southeasterly 245.21 feet along the arc of a curve whose center is to the Northeast, whose radius is 170.00 feet and whose chord bearing is S 55-09-1319 E, 224.50 feet; thence N 83-31,2711 E, 402.71 feet; thence Southeasterly 43.36 feet along the arc of a curve whose center is to the South, whose radius is 60.00 feet and whose chord bearing is S 75°46115" E, 42.43 feet; thence Northeasterly 100.72 feet along the arc of a curve whose center is to the North, whose radius is 60.00 feet and whose chord bearing is N 76*5014011 E, 89.30 feet; thence N 88°54105" E, 177.96 feet to the East line of the Southwest 1/4 of said Section 14; thence S 01*0515511 E along the East line of the Southwest 1/4 of said Section 14, 243.62 feet to the Southeast corner of the Northwest 1/4 of said Section 14; thence S 01°11'25" E, 107.00 feet along the East line of the Southwest 1/4 of said Section 14 to a meander line on Big Muskego Lake; �%J" , . 1 . NSG1/ d Sheet 4 of 6 3' iFORM NO. 985-A • • !'Jiiler P..1 9-1.1..... .. Stock No. 26273 CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP NO. V Being a re -division of Parcel 1 of Certified Survey Map No. LJ-Z9: being a part of the Southeast 114 of the Northwest 114 and the Northeast 114 of the Southwest 114 of Section 14, Town 5 North, Range 20 East, in the City of muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin. SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE CONTINUED thence S 67040108" W, 748.70 feet along said meander line; thence S 55°06101" W, 325.77 feet along said meander line; thence S 47056123" W, 480.16 feet along said meander line; thence N 01044105" W, 850.04 feet to a point on the South line of the Northwest 1/4 of said Section 14 and the point of beginning. Said lands containing 1,146,563 square feet (26.3 acres). That I have made such survey, land division and map by the direction of Gerald Dovic and Gail M. James, owners of said land. That such map is a correct representation of all exterior boundaries of the land surveyed and the land division thereof made. That I have fully complied with the provisions of Chapter 236 of the Wisconsin State Statutes and Chapter 18 of the City of Muskego Subdivision Ordinance in surveying, dividing and mapping the same. 3'.T/-tea Date OWNER'S CERTIFICATE Michael Case Registered Land Surveyor S-2482 Gerald Dovic and Gail M. James, as owners, do hereby certify that we have caused the land described on this map to be surveyed, divided and mapped as represented on this map in accordance with the requirements of Chapter 236 of the Wisconsin State Statutes and Chapter 18 of the City of Muskego Subdivision Ordinance. WITNESS the hand and seal of said owners this 2006. c WISCONSIN) .X- COUNTY) SS PERSONALLY came before me this _ Dovic and Gail M. James, to be foregoing instrument and acknowj Notary Public-.S-torte of Wisconsin My Commission Expires: '- /'�?- Iday of C -Gall M. Vhe- per sona whothe ds tTh Sheet 5 of 6 2006,, Gerald executed the `1U111tK111 `..: � R!ly��4�j MIC V va OQ SURD ilurr a �u�,,ua`` � ��'-ate • • FORM NO. 985•A • MCA, ier p_- ♦-1.1........ Stock No. 26273 CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP NO. '7 Being a re -division of Parcel 1 of Certified Survey Map No. 16"2-9 ; being a part of the Southeast 114 of the Northwest 114 and the Northeast 114 of the Southwest 114 of Section 14, Town 5 North, Range 20 East, in the City of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin. PLANNING COMMISSION APPROVAL APPROVED by the Planning Commission da of ) Charles H. Damask , C airman City of Muskego COMMON COUNCIL APPROVAL APPROVED by the Common Council of on this ,,A d of Charles H. Damas Mayor City of Muskego CERTIFICATE OF CITY TREASURER of the City of Muskego on this 14 ---, L City of Muskego the City of Muskego by Resolution No. Janke Moyer, City - rtp City of Muskego UKIESS`,,`\ . I, Janice Moyer, being the duly elected, qualified and acting City of Muskego Treasurer, do herby certify that in accordance with the records in my office three ar no unpaid taxes or unpaid special assessments as of this %_ day of 2006 on any of the land included on this M a . x ,-:) 7 � CAD Dat ►T' Lnic'e Moyer, City T easurer �it. of Muskego REGISTER'S OFFICE AO RECOUNTY, WI CORDED ON 10-04-2006 11:39 AM MI REGISTER OFSER DEEDS REC. FEE: 14.00 REC. FEE CO: 5.00 REC. FEE-ST: 2.00 TRAM. FEE: TRA�l. FEEISTATEE: PAGES: THIS INSTRUMENT WAS DRAFTED BY: Michael P. Casey, R.L.S. 5--2482 XSC1''/1 Q�* Sheet 6 of 6