1025 - CERTIFIED SURVEY MAPi IIIMIIII1111III11II1III WC000338T w 4b a' �h 0C U IK 7ooAc.f 17 a� r<3 S� �_ t *-�' ,_ t ,yc Es CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP of a part of S* of Section 21, T5N, 120T, City of Muskego Waukesha, County, Wisconsin SHEET c.INE OF TWO SHEETS J O-D.ENOT.ES /"x 24���.RO�II�/P.E,• A /3 *�l.0 IA 7-116 W-45 A 5sUM.Ed 45 s.89�l8%E ISW..CoRSW/.¢ 0 51EC.21-s 20 CSC �33S.C7' .3 _SX\\���u►C ``\\ V,t1,"L A CLAUDE C. I * JCHNON JR.:* SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE NE'14 dtRLIN, s �• WIS. STATE OF WISCONSIN COUNTf OF WAUKESHA) I. CLAUDE C. JOHZSSON, JR., land surveyor do hereby certify: �i�inrrrrmIIw000 THAT I have surveyed and mapped all that part of the Southwest one -quarter of Section 21, Town 5 North, Range 20 East, City of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin, bounded and described as follows to -wit: Commencing at a .point on the South line of the said quarter section distant Sou%h 890 181 East 1335.07 feet from the Southwest corner thereof; thence South 890 181 East along the said South line 360.14 feet; thence North 719.46 feet; thence North'470 011 West 325.22 feet to a point on the centerline of Parker Road; thence South 480 051 West along said centerline 164.22 feet; thence South 827.08 feet to the point of beginning and containing 7.00 acres of land more or less, excepting and dedicating therefrom the Northwesterly 40 feet measured at right angles to the centerline of Parker Roac_Rfor road purposes. THAT suct map is a correct representation of all the exterior boundaries of the land surveyed and the land division tnereof made. THAT I have fully complied with Statutes and ordinances of the City same. Date: April 2. 190. the provisions of Chapter 236 of the Wisconsin of Muskego in asurvenf,, dividing and mapping the KESHA vETB, INC. Claude C. Johnson. Jr. Surveyor SHEET TWO OF TWO HHE TS OWNER'S CERTIFICATE OF DEDICATION AS OVMS we hereby certify that we have caused the land described above to be surveyed, divided, marped a3id dedicated as reuresented on this man in accordance A th the requirements or ordinances of the City of Muskego. WITNESS the hand and seal of said owners this ? 3 day of �� �-�R 1969. Harold R. DeBack Carol J,`".- eBack STATE Off' -WI SCONSI N ) SS COUNTY -OF WAUKESHA ) PlaSONALLY came before me this day of 1969, the above named Harold R. DeBack and Carol J. DeBack, his wife, tT known to be the persons who executed the foregoing instrument and acknowledged the same. My commission expires: Notary Public, Wau sha C . nty,�Wise. PLAN CM11 I S S I O13 APPRROVAL Approved by the planning commission of the City of Muskego on this day ofc�lit.�v , 1969. —1J Cnairman" .� L_ ecretary This instrument was drafted by, Claude C. Johnson., Jr., Surveyor. 0 rA� �qw�( @ ik R w k ) . f n L61 � b • �--