10221 - CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP• • 1111111I�NIdl�llq • • WC3396454004 CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP NO. j n ,2, i BEING A REDIVISION OF PARCEL "A" CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP NO. 103, AND UNPLATTED LANDS IN THE NORTHEAST Y4 AND SOUTHEAST Y4 OF THE NORTHWEST Y4, OF SECTION 10, TOWN 5 NORTH, RANGE 20 EAST, CITY OF MUSKEGO, WAUKESHA COUNTY WISCONSIN LEGEND VICINITY SKETCH G N 6• 14 OF SEC 10e5-21) �` UE f ,n ,, 7 SCALE: 1 " = 120' 0 30 60 120 240 - CONC. MON. W/ BRASS CAP O - 1 ` 01A. IRON PIPE FOUND O - 1 112" DIA. IRON PIPE FOUND • - 1 " DIA. IRON PIPE SET, 24 " LONG, WT = 1.13 LBS/LIN. FT. NORTH LINE OF THE NW 114 Of SEC. 10 - - - i 1 - --2667.81 _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ - ----- . 986.81'--- 1681.00 yo NW COR. OF NW 114 ! d SEC 10. 7514 R20£ N.• 339,488.13 I E. 2,501,063.80 "' FOREST GLEN SUBDIWSION OUTLOT I 104 o (REC. AS EAST 540.45 ) of IIII OUTLOT — N88' 11 '29 "E 540.70' sl m� �I �I zl QI zl �I �I I 10,3 Ohl � WETLAND TABLE LINE LENGTH BEARING L7 re. ?v LJ 2109 L4 iae, 45 27..,5 Le !716 L7 47.50 L6 e9u L9 X42 L10 :900 L11 64739 L rr AN LIJ 77. A7 Lr4 2-CM L15 7114 Lle Jl 96 07 4A16 Awn Lye ]Q2D LIP M55 L20 r4.50 Lr mm L22 3:7J Let L14 7 l7.67 LM ia77 LM 24129 L27 21.72 11 L" 2As7 L29 059 LJ0 7AJ1 Lit M62 LJP 2174 LJJ hart tJ4 1a64 LYS lira bmwowIr L-W 5d51 L.l7 1942 4m A50 Lip 7.9J L40 4L57 L41 1A50 142 ladl Lm M4s L" -mm L45 ,946 L46 ISO.! L47 2173 L461 2254 NE COR. OF NW 114 SEC 10, UN, R20E N.• 339, 572.32 E.• 2,503,750.08 2 11 / / 0 OUTLOT 1 vl +Z-1 W r A N N N �I vl COI � ��6xQ �I C�iU4� QI of t i�l QI t3 � 4 1n �I to m The wetland boundary is located within Outlot 1 and does not encroach into Lot I. GRID Access to Lot 1 shall be restricted to one access point. This access point shall be restricted to a shared driveway with unplatted land to the East. SURP£YOR DANIEL R. FLAMINI RLS /2486 THE CYTY OF MUSKEGO 0182 S8200 RAC/NE AWNUE MUSKEGQ W 53150 OWNER. 7H£ CITY OF MUSKEGO 0782 E8200 RACYNE A bENUE \ MUSKEGO, W 53150 `V C THIS INSTRUMENT DRAFTED BY DANIEL R. FLAMINI PAGE 1 OF 4 00 BADCER BLUEPRINT COMPANY, INC. (262)542-8200 010 FORM BBC-101 CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP NO. l BEING A REDIVISION OF PARCEL. "A" CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP NO. 103, AND UNPLATTED LANDS IN THE NORTHEAST Y4 AND SOUTHEAST Y4 OF THE NORTHWEST Y4, OF SECTION 10, TOWN 5 NORTH, RANGE 20 EAST, CITY OF MUSKEGO, WAUKESHA COUNTY WISCONSIN SUR I-E3 OR'S CERTIFIC.4 TE 1, Daniel R. Flarnini, Registered Land Sure eyor hereby` certify- - That I have surve ed divided and mapped, Parcel 'A " of Certified Sunn-ev Map No.10-3. and part ofunplatted lands, in the Northeast 'd. and Southeast '4 of the Northuvest 'a, ofSec tion 10. To it n ; North, Range 20 East. Croy ofAluskego, ff "aukesha County; IT isconsin more ful1v described as follou.s: Commencing at the Northeast corner of the North west L 4 of Section 10, Tbim y North, Range '0 East, thence S 88°ll 29" IV along the North line of said Northwest 1: 4 986.811eet, to the lVest line offorest Glen SubdAision,- thence S 01 *05 al "Ealolza said West line So -724 to the Southwest corner ofOutlot 3 in said Forest Glen. said point also being the point ofbeginning oflands to be described - thence N SS°l 129" E along the South line ol'said Forest Glen Subdivision 540.70 feet, to the R st line of0atlot 1 of said Subdivision: thence S Ol °1S'08" E along said ff-iest line extended 20-3.1 ' feet,- thence S SPOS'47" If ; 183.92 feet., thence S 01'15'08"E. 40.3.41 feet: thence S 75'1 T4 3" IV 92 10 feet- thence S 04°06'()4"E, 197.00 feet to the existing North right- of - Ft -a;,- line oflanes y ille Road (C. T. H. "L "); thence S .51ti °49'2?" W along said North line 143.47 feet; thence N 16002 'S2 " id•; 4/ 3. 76 feet thence S SS"29'15 " If.. 50. 1? feet. - thence N 01 "2077" 11"499.?6ket. to the point ofbeginnirtg. Dedicating the Southerly 27.001eet forpublic road purposes. Containing 6.6 3 acres (2S8. 640 sq.ft.) more or less or 6.?3 acres(2 84 675sq. t1. ) more or less exclusi Ve ofright of u-ay. That I ha ve made such survt v, land di i, ision and reap b v direction of the City ol'Afvskego, oyyner ofsaid lands. That such survey is a correct representation ofall exterior boundaries oflands sun.-eved and the division thereofmade. That I hai,e fully complied iiith provisions ofChap tar ?36. 74 of the Wisconsin Statutes and the Land Division Ordinance ofthe City of Aluskego, in sun"eying, dividing. and mapping the same. Dated this -2 day of e4 uy Daniel R. Flarnini. RLS A2486 '006 - THIS INSTRUMENT DRAFTED BY DANIEL R. FLAMINI `V PAGE 2 OF 4 • • BADGER ISO BLUEPRINT COMM", INC. (262) 542-8200 FORM BBC-101 CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP NO. -Li) 2 JL I BEING A REDIVISION OF PARCEL "A" CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP NO. 103, AND UNPLATTED LANDS IN THE NORTHEAST Y4 AND SOUTHEAST Y4 OF THE NORTHWEST Y4, OF SECTION 10, TOWN 5 NORTH, RANGE 20 EAST, CITY OF MUSKEGO, WAUKESHA COUNTY WISCONSIN CORPORA TE O R- ER'S CER TIFICA TE City ofAfuskego, a corporation duly organized and existing under and by Virtue of)aii*s ofthe State of Wisconsin, as oT ner, does hereby ceitiA7 that said corporation caused the land described on this Certified Surf ey Map, to be sun eyed, A ided, mapped and dedicated as represented on this Certified Sun�ev Map. Cron, ofA-luskego, does tiirther certiti�• that this Certified Sun -ei• Alap is iequired to be submitted to the follon ' for appro val: Cits- of blush ego, if%aukesha County. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said City ofAluskego has caused these presents to be signed by Charles H. Damaske its Ala f or, and countersigned h v Janice Alo yer, its Clerk•-eTreasurer at the City of Aluskego, and its coiporate seal to be hereunto of bred on this�r,�, da v of 2006, In the presence oF. Cv e e,,� Charles skr, Mavor C�.`GpRgOR4TF ST.4 TE�f�F* ................... �lN 1 At 'ESH•4 T3 Aliu,lp (�JaniMoyer. Clerk•• re surer Personally came before me on this,/g? day of 7:1,, a „ , 2006. the abv ve named Charles H. Damaske Ala y or, and Janice Moyer. Clerk• -'Treasurer ofthe above named corporation, tome knoifv to be the persons is ho executed the fore going instrument. and to me hno if-n to be such Ala vor and Clerk— Treasurer ofsaid corporation, and acknouvledged that then executed the foregoing instrument as such officers as deed of said corporation, by it authority: i Pu llc County 44isconsin AA, commission expires 7 /.P - reiWq THIS INSTRUMENT DRAFTED BY DANIEL R. FLAMINI PAGE 3 OF 4 00 BADGER i BLUEPRINT COMPANY, INC. (262)542-8200 FORM BBC-101 CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP NO. i o a BEING A REDIVISION OF PARCEL "A" CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP NO. 103, AND UNPLATTED LANDS IN THE NORTHEAST Y4 AND SOUTHEAST Y4 OF THE NORTHWEST Y4, OF SECTION 10, TOWN 5 NORTH, RANGE 20 EAST, CITY OF MUSKEGO, WAUKESHA COUNTY WISCONSIN PLAN C01>4 MISSION APPRO IA L Appro ced by the Planning Commission ofthe Ciri• of Aluskego this / - day of .2006 obi.. - ja r ' Sandra S. ,4 sti. Secrem-v Charles H. Damas airman C041410N COUNCIL APPRO �:411 L Approved by the Common Council of the City, ofA-luskego this 3 da v of /Y) a �.I .2006 ►ver, Clerk / / _ _ c c1 p .. o7 ��y .23,^.�3G,Z+U5-4 REGISTER'S ❑FFICE WAUKESHA COUNTY, WI RECORDED ON 06-19-2006 1: E4 PIA MICHAEL J. HASSLINGER REGISTER OF DEEDS REC. FEE: 10.00 REC. FEE -CO: 5.00 REC. FEE-ST: 2.00 TRAM. FEE: TRAM. FEE -STATE: PAGES: 4 THIS INSTRUMENT DRAFTED BY DANIEL R. FLAMINI PAGE 4 OF 4