10371 - CERTIFIED SURVEY MAPISM cicis �'Ub% - BADGER �..0 BLUEPRINT COMPANY, INC. (262) 542-8200 &I VII, s i - ,Z11'$-Go( 3 -7'4IIS a.S ORM BBC-101 CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP NO. /D 3 7/ BEING A PART OF THE NW Y4 OF THE NW 3/4 OF SECTION 7, T5N, R20E, IN THE CITY OF MUSKEGO, WAUKESHA COUNTY, WISCONSIN r I- N00°48'07"W " 2076.12' SW CORNER OFF NW I/4 SEC. 7, T5N, R20E 6"x6" CONC. MON. W/BRASS CAP N 336,300.93 E 2,485,154.20 UNPLATCED LANDS _CKWEAR MYE WEST LINE NW 1/4 SEC. 7-5-20 �60048'07W 596.451 263.18' I] CORNER I I EASEMENT 1 U-I I I 0 I L `\,,,,,�,tilIII11i1Ip►,",,,,, o� II I` LOT 4 C 0 IV /, '° G I �I � 252,306 S.F. /e �t I NI 5.71�ACRES s CHRISTOPHER J. V N III } \ KUNI L _ I S17 5 IQ WAUI A, IP I wt i �C SUR It-wS-D 4/S/& 7 S00038'46"E 37.48' To SCALE: 1" = 200' °0 w EXIST. GARAC; ,__ 1 (FLR. - 988.8) (I,106S.F.) Groundwater Recharge Easement Restrictions Those areas of land identified as groundwater recharge easement areas on this Certified Survey Map shall be subject to the following restrictions: - EXIST. 2 STY 1. Grading and filling are prohibited unless approved by the City of Muskego. 2. Construction of buildings within the easement area Is ( N prohibited. 1-43. Ponds may be permitted subject to approval of the City of Muskego. It shall be the responsibility of the landowner upon whose property A groundwater recharge easement lies to maintain the easement area In an unobstructed condition so as to maintain its intended purpose. The landowner grants to the City the right (but not the responsibility) to enter the easement area for the purposes of inspection, repair or restoration of said area to maintain Its intended purpose. Expenses incurred by the City for inspection, repair or restoration of said easements may be placed against the tax roll for the affected properties and collected as a special charge by the City. FLR. - (937 5) I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I 1 Y SJOILOMA PARK I _zL 00 SETBACK �'I I r rn N LINE 00 16 �I O 119,821 I 2.75 ACRES �I W NW CORNER OF NW Y4 SEC. 7, T5N, R20E 6"x6" CONC. MON. W / BRASS CAP N 338,973.02 E 2,485,116.80 GROUNDWATER RECHARGE t� EASEMENT (SEE SHEET Z. OF 4) .12' WE ENk_ GITr)'.S EASEMENT I '-- �!32'02"") C.S.M. 6185 BUILDING SETBACK: STREET = 50' SIDE & REAR = 40' i NOTE: „ EXISTING GARAGE TO REMOVED WITHIN 6 MONTHS nOF RECORDING OF THIS MAP. V N c I� I� J t ► I CROWBAR DRIVE((- 4 �I -SCALE, SCALI E_J VICINITY SKETCH NW Y4 SEC. 7-5-20 106.35 1 1 363.78 1 -4.53 0045'49"E 544.66' UNPLP ZED LANDS S0 EAST LINE NW 1/4 OF THE NW 1/4 SEC. 7-5-20 ......... 7.9' �� \�OT12 'XI.. 1'. GARA ,E 1 468 2.88 ACS1 1'l I2n'Al2o' D� BUILDING IL _J LOT 3 1171,350 S.F. 1 3.93 ACRES •I SOIL BORING 1 ­c YPICAL) 1 I 125' WIDE WE ENERGIf,S EASEMENT NOTE: NOTES: THE RESIDENTS OF JAMES COURT ARE FULLY 1) o - DENOTES 1.05"x18" IRON PIPE 1.13 LBS. PER LINEAL FOOT SET AT ALL RESPONSIBLE FOR THE MAINTENANCE OF TI-IE DITCHES LOT CORNERS UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. ALONG SAID STREET. 2) BEARINGS REFER TO THE WISCONSIN STATE PLANE CO-ORDINATES THERE SHALL BE NO DIRECT VEHICULAR TO CROWBAR SYSTEM SOUTH ZONE GRAPHIC SCALE DRIVE FROM ANY LOTS ON THIS CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP. (SCALE: 1' = 200'� LOT 4 MAY CONTINUE TO USE THE EXISTING GRAVEL DRIVE TO CROWBAR DRIVE UNTIL SUCH TIME THAT A NEW HOME IS BUILT ON SAID PARCEL 01 100, 200' 400' 800' PREPARED FOR: BASEMENT RESTRICTION -GROUNDWATER IIMOTHY.J.BASELER ALTHOUGH ALL LOTS IN THE PLAT HAVE BEEN REVIEWED AND S74 W17396 LAKE DRIVE APPROVED FOR DEVELOPMENT WITH SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL USE IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 236 WISCONSIN STATUTES, MUSKEGO, W1. 53150 NOTE: SOME LOTS MAY CONTAIN SOIL CONDITIONS WHICH MAY REQUIRE PREPARED BY: THE ONLY TREES THAT SHOULD BE ADDITIONAL SOIL ENGINEERING AND FOUNDATION DESIGN WITH CHRISTOPHER J. KUNKEL 5.1755 REMOVED FROM THE PROPERTIES ARE REGARD TO BASEMENT CONSTRUCTION. IT IS RECOMMENDED THAT EITHER A LICENSED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER OR OTHER EDG EWOOD ENGINEERING GROUP, INC. THOSE THAT ARE MINIMALLY SOILS EXPERT DESIGN A BASEMENT AND FOUNDATION WHICH WILL S71 W23325EWOO NATIONAL AVE. SUITE 5 BE SUITABLE TO WITHSTAND THE VARIOUS PROBLEMS ASSOCIATED BIG BEND, WISCONSIN NECESSARY FOR CONSTRUCTION. WITH SATURATED SOIL CONDITIONS ON BASEMENT WALLS OR FLOORS 53103 OR THAT SPECIAL MEASURES BE TAKEN. SOIL CONDITIONS SHOULD BE SUBJECT TO EACH OWNERS SPECIAL INVESTIGATION PRIOR "Cl BNCINBBRINCCONSTRUCTION AND NO SPECIFIC REPRESENTATION IS MADE HEREIN. GROUP INC.SHEET 1 OF 4 LcEwooD a "ginssrlrg Isnd svvsyinD sits pi—Ans MATIDMAL AVE. STC s BIG SEND VISCOMSIM 53100 THIS INSTRUMENT DRAFTED BY CHRISTOPHER J. KUNKEL S-1755 <162766E-500! Isx <262x662-501! WAVAUKCSNA COUMT9\VAU-a41 CSM CROV/M AD - RV RCALTy\d•D\VAU-asl CSM CROVIM ROAD - RV RCALTT.d•D 4/16/2007 92206 AM CDT I BADGER BLUEPRINT COMPANY, INC. (262) 542-8200 Z3'4' ? Z' r=' as ORM BBC-101 CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP NO. /d 3 7/ BEING A PART OF THE NW 1/4 OF THE NW 1/4 OF SECTION 7, T5N, R20E, IN THE CITY OF MUSKEGO, WAUKESHA COUNTY, WISCONSIN N00.4807"W 2076.12' — SW CORNER OF-J NW T/ SEC. 7, T5N, R20E 6"x6" CONC. MON. W/BRASS CAP N 336,300.93 E 2,485,154.20 r�\�>>����uluunntu►►�ii���11 a, b /e7 N CHRISTOPHER J. IV KUNK L I� S-17 5 z WAU1 AI I" l I SUP �9,\\\ I7 S00038'46"E- UNPLATI'ED LANDS CROWBAR DRIVE WEST LINE NW 1/4 SEC. 7-5-20 LN�60048'07W 596.451 263.18' I I— J0'x30 V Mo_N:�7 CORNER I I EASEMENT II I N II) ��tT I I a LPT 4 C II ,, 25 ,306 S.F. Cr I NI 5.7 ACRES N I • I I 1,7:tiAi I. Ex1S1-. 2 STY \ L1wrL1.INc I.t , FLR. �' r+.O� �l (937 S.� .) 37.48' 00 60 SCALE: 1" = 200' °o W EXP.t. GARAGE (F1a1 6 9hr.3) Groundwater Recharge Easement Restrictions Those areas of land identified as groundwater recharge easement areas on this Certified Survey Map shall be subject to the following restrictions: I. Grading and filling are prohibited unless approved by the City of Muskego, 2. Construction of buildings within the easement area is ON CST prohibited. V 3. Ponds maybe permitted subject to approval of the City of Muskego. It shall be the responsibility of the landowner upon whose property a groundwater recharge easement lies to maintain the easement area in an unobstructed condition so as to maintain its intended purpose. The landowner grants to the City the right (but not the responsibility) to enter the easement area for the purposes of inspection, repair or restoration of said area to maintain Its intended purpose. Expenses incurred by the City for inspection, repair or restoration of said easements may be placed against the tax roll for the affected properties and collected as a special charge by the City. I I I I I I I I I I I I I L1 DWAY SONOMA PARK 1 00 BUILDINC,--I SETBACK N LINE r� I 11 N O 119,821 .F. I i 2.75 Af RESS ` 3� \� t 12'WE ENGIIS EASEMENT II NI _"�-N W CORNER OF NW Y4 SEC. 7, T5N, R20E 6"x6" CONC, MON. I [ W/BRASS CAP z N 338,973.02 I I E 2,485,116.80 z I I� W Tt GROUNDWATER RECHARGE EASEMENT (SEE SHEET 2 OF 4) \ 2ol �]Y 17.9' WP2�1I :Xl.qr. GARA L a 125,468 S.F, fl? 3E RFWION� T)1 � 2.88 Aca>#s 120,A 11201 . 2 II i �(GFS ra� z IL _J \ •� I LOT 31� �\ I 1171,350 S.F. 1 13.93 ACRES 1 cW 1 I • SOIL BORING 1 1 I *--TVA(iYPICAL) 125WIDE WE ENERGIES EASEMENT C.S.M. 6185 BUILDING SETBACK: STREET = 50' SIDE & REAR = 40' z NOTE: % EXISTING GARAGE TO REMOVED WITHIN 6 MONTHS n OF RECORDING OF THIS MAP. V N c I� I� CROWBAR DRIVE. � I � Cr I d �I �I I � ESCA�LE* 00' _J 106.35 1 363.78 1, 74.5.5 00 434911E 544.66' UNPLATTED LANDS S0 EAST LINE NW 1/4 OF THE NW 1/4 SEC. 7-5-20 VICINITY SKETCH NW Y4 SEC. 7-5-2C NOTE: NOTES: THE RESIDENTS OF JAMES COURT ARE FULLY 1) o - DENOTES 1.05"x 18" IRON PIPE 1.13 LBS. PER LINEAL FOOT SET AT ALL RESPONSIBLE FOR THE MAINTENANCE OF THE DITCI IES LOT CORNERS UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. ALONG SAID STREET. 2) BEARINGS REFER TO TI1E WISCONSIN STATE PLANE CO-ORDINATES SYSTEM SOUTH ZONE THERE SHALL BE NO DIRECT VEHICULAR TO CROWBAR GRAPHIC SCALE DRIVE FROM ANY LOTS ON THIS CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP. (SCALE: 1' = 200') LOT 4 MAY CONTINUE TO USE THE EXISTING GRAVEL DRIVE TO CROWBAR DRIVE UNTIL SUCH TIME THAT A NEW HOME IS BUILTON SAID PARCEL 01 100, 200' 400' 800' PREPARED FOR: BASEMENT RESTRICTION -GROUNDWATER TIMOTHY. J. BASELER ALTHOUGH ALL LOTS IN THE PLAT HAVE BEEN REVIEWED AND APPROVED FOR DEVELOPMENT WITH SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL. S74 W17396 LAKE DRIVE USE IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 236 WISCONSIN STATUTES, MUSKEGO, WI. 53150 NOTE: SOME LOTS MAY CONTAIN SOIL CONDITIONS WHICH MAY REQUIRE PREPARED BY: ADDITITHE ONLY TREES THAT SHOULD BE REGARDTOLBASEMENT SOIL NGCONSTRUCTION. INEERING AND FOUNDATION DS TRECOMMENDEDWITfI CHR15I'OPHER J. KUNKEL S•1755 REMOVED FROM THE PROPERTIES ARE THAT EITHER A LICENSED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER OR OTHER EDGEWOOD ENGINEERING GROUP, INC. SOILS EXPERT DESIGN A BASEMENT AND FOUNDATION WHICH WILL S71 W23325 NATIONAL AVE. SUITE 5 THOSE THAT ARE MINIMALLY BE SUITABLE TO WITHSTAND THE VARIOUS PROBLEMS ASSOCIATED NECESSARY FOR CONSTRUCTION. WITH SATURATED SOIL CONDITIONS ON BASEMENT WALLS OR FLOORS BIG BEND, WISCONSIN 53103 OR THAT SPECIAL MEASURES BE TAKEN. SOIL CONDITIONS SHOULD BE SUBJECT TO EACH OWNERS SPECIAL INVESTIGATION PRIOR "0 EncEwooD BNGINBeRINC CONSTRUCTION AND No SPECIFIC RF.PRESENTAT I ON IS MADE HEREIN. GROUP INC. SHEET 1 OF 4 clvA enp:werinp IRnd sure ylrp slb pA.r1:q Sr1 W,3M NATIOUL AVE. SIC 5 BIG DEAD WISCONSIN 53103 THIS INSTRUMENT DRAFTED BY CHRISTOPHER J. KUNKEL S-1755 (262Y662-5002 ft. (262)662-5012 V \VAu(E$m CDLINTYNVAU-541 CSM CROWBAR RD - RW REAL T Y\e.D\WAU-541 CSM CROWBAR ROAD - RV REALTY.6.0 "16J200r 92206 AM CDT BADGER BLUEPRINT COMPANY, INC. (262) 542-8200 FORM BBC-101 CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP NO. %D 3 7 -'�- BEING A PART OF THE NW % OF THE NW %4 OF SECTION 7, T5N, R20E, IN THE CITY OF MUSKEGO, WAUKESHA COUNTY, WISCONSIN I 1 1 1 I SCALE: I 000 r-� I 1" = 80' 1 \10 1 � I 1 UNPLATTED LANDS 1 � I I I T ABOVE REGIONAL 100YEAR FLOOp E _986.33 — — U 1 n c a�aot 1b EGIONAL 100 YEAR FLOOD EL. - 984.33 / \ 70 \ , \ !3 I ' GROUNDWATER RECHA E EASEMENT (SEE SHEET 4 OF 4 FOR C URSE TABLE) L24 / I �tlo*GROUNDWATER RECHARGE EASEMENT 00 (SEE SHEET 4 OF 4 FOR COURSE TABLE I /I I � � / I I � lnor Ll� 1 1 1 I / 1 I / / CIRISIIOPS tIER J. KL 755ItUVE S-1 WAUGF /c 7 ENGINEERING . SHEET 2 OF 4 ZS NATIONAL AVE.1TE .+�VrEN .t. IS aA�w THIS INSTRUMENT DRAFTED BY CHRISTOPHER J. KUNKEL S-1755 s71 vB3us rwnwAL Asrc. s nc BCNO v1xONSIM s31w c262>662-5002 r0• (262)662-5012 Vl\WAIIKCSNA CCVNTYNWAU-541 CSN CROWBAR RD - RV RCALrY\d.0\VAU-541 CSM CROWBAR ROAD - RV RCALTY.d.O 4/16/2007 9e% AM CDT BADGER BLUEPRINT COMPANY, INC. (262) 542-8200 FORM BBC-101 CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP NO. l 1>3 % 1 BEING A PART OF THE NW Y4 OF THE NW 1/4 OF SECTION 7, T5N, R20E, IN THE CITY OF MUSKEGO, WAUKESHA COUNTY, WISCONSIN SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE: I, Christopher J. Kunkel, Registered Land Surveyor, do hereby certify: That I have surveyed, divided and mapped a redivision a part of the NW 74 of the NW 3/4 of Section 7, T5N, R20E, in the City of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin; bounded and described as follows: Commencing at the NW corner of said NW 1/4 of said Section 7, said point being the POINT OF BEGINNING THENCE N86°43'54"E along the north line of the NW 1/4 of said Section 7,1,316.16 feet; THENCE S00°45'49"E along the east line of said NW 1/4 Section 7, 544.66 feet; THENCE S86°43'55"W, 657.44 feet; THENCE S00°38'46"E, 37.48 feet; THENCE S85°29'14"W, 659,02 feet to the west line of the NW 1/4 of said Section 7; THENCE N00°48'07"W along said west line, 596.45 feet; to the POINT OF BEGINNING. Said lands containing 745,437 square feet or 17.11 acres, more or less. That I have made such survey, land division and map by the direction of the Owner of said land. That such map is a correct representation of all exterior boundaries of the land surveyed and the land division thereof made. That I have fully complied with the provisions of Chapter 236 of the Wisconsin State Statut \s� and Chapter 184of the City of Muskego Land Division Ordinance in surveying, dividing and mapping the same. ���@,� V -��//i�i'��� 1 r CHRISTOPH -R J.ZZ `r Date: "AV& % c {tU�-175� 17,55 =_ Chri o ier Kunkel, R.L.S.1755 L?�v�sEa 312-9/� �,, WAUIKiSHA, Q CERTIFICATE OF CITY TREASURER r I�1�-���` az I uui E. BAR, Tieing the duly elected, qualified, and acting City of Muskego Treasurer, do hereby5certify that in accordance with the records in my office, there are no unpaid taxes or unpaid special assessments as of this day of 20,d7, on any of the land included on this map. Date nice Moyer -City Cl c/Treasu er U OWNER'S CERTIFICATE OF DEDICATION I, Timothy J. Baseler, as owner, do hereby certify that I have caused the land described on this map to be surveyed, divided, mapped and dedicated as represented on this map. I also certify that this Certified Survey Map is required to be submitted to the following for approval: City of Muskego IN WIT ESS W iEREOF, Timothy J. Baseler, owner, has caused these presents to be signed by, on thi�� day of i 20a. Z. In the ence of: STATE OF WISCONSIN ) COUNTY OF WAUKESHA ) Timothy J. Baseler Personally came before me this .,..2"I0 "` l day of 20 Q.7 the above named Timothy J. 5, I, owner, and to me knownp be they yfgpj].who execute the foregoing instrument and acknowledged the same. Notary Public - State of *isconsin My commission expires: G '�i •+» N* y'''�4 Of wilt _o, EDGEWOOD ;.,p R'Mc• SHEET 3 OF 4 `"' :g'111 9 I—d 1.1-,"'R "" pl*" s71 vz 5525 .MTIC L •VC sq 5 BIG SEND Veit 0"SI. 53103 (262>662-5002 fox (262M62-5012 V ,VAUKESHA COUN1YwnU-541 CSM CROVRAR RD - RV RCALTYNd.R\VAU-541 CSM CROVRAR ROAD - RV RCALTY.d.g 4/16/2007 9-22,06 " CDT BADGER BLUEPRINT COMPANY, INC. (262)542-8200 FORM BBC-101 CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP NO. % 0.3 7 BEING A PART OF THE NW V4 OF THE NW-V4 OF SECTION 7, T5N, R20E, IN THE CITY OF MUSKEGO, WAUKESHA COUNTY, WISCONSIN PLAN COMMISSION APPROVAL a Do APPROVED by the Plan Commission of the City of Muskego by Resolution No. o to his f ►O day of R&Wk 20Q. gn eRj,1'inso_n,_C_bTi_rman �, 9 U &,-,-� Kellie Renk, Recording Secretary COMMON COUNCIL APPROVAL APPR VED b the Common Council of the City of Muskego by Resolution No. D %( on this L111day of M� o n R. Johnson, or ice Moyer- ity Clerk/Treasu zkr ..NP, GJ;q //111111111►� oa���ti�n u a m r rurui�i all 1r CHRISTOPHER J. KUiNKEL = 5-1/ /11A %Z ism 3/29A GROUNDWATER RECHARGE EASEMENT LINE LENGTH BEARING Ll 121.56 589°11'12"W L2 53.36 N05°59'59"W L3 93.90 NO3°16'39"E L4 58.33 N65°43'02"E L5 50.06 S60'09'06"E L6 95.43 N62°15'47"E L7 53.13 N36°06'21"E L8 28.10 N73°22'16"E L9 71.99 S51°03'37"E L10 69.46 S10°27'45"W L11 70.69 S25°06'15"E L12 68.19 SO4°12'02"E L13 60.83 S36°21'59"W L14 28.45 S27°10'49"W L15 35.07 S51°36'54"W L16 20.80 S23°09'38"W L17 38.15 S40°28'07W L18 27.38 S51*08'47"W L19 85.64 S67°27'03"W L20 64.60 S79°50'02"W L21 67.89 N57°03'58"W L22 22.55 NO3°4511"W L23 90.30 N00048'48"W L24 138.20 N89°11'12"E V01 q9 po�, - a,13D Z3-4 REGISTER'S OFFICE WAUKESHA COUNTY, WI RECORDED ON 04-20-2007 12:08 PM MICHAEL J. HASSLINGER REGISTER OF DEEDS REC. FEE: 10.00 REC. FEE -CO: 5.00 REC. FEE-ST : 2.00 TRAN. FEE: TRAN. FEE -STATE: PAGES: 4 CURVETABLE CURVE ARC RADIUS CHORD BEARING CEN ANGLE DEF ANGLE TAN BEARING TAN BEARING CURVE 1 275.22' 60.00' 90.00' N 00°48'48.0" W 262°49'09.0" 131°24'34.5" S 47°46'38.0" W S 49°24'13.0" E CURVE 2 43.36' 60.00' 42.43' N 70°06'30.5" W 41°24'35.0" 20*42'17.5" S 8961V12.0" W N 49'24'13.0" W CURVE 3 43.36' 60.00' 42.43' N 68°2855.0" E 41°2434.0" 20°42'17.0" N 47°46'38.0" E N 89°1112.0" E CURVE 4 23.56' 15.00' 21.21' S 44*1113.0" W 89°59'58.0" 44°59'59.0" S 00°48'46.0" E S 89*1 VI2.0" W CURVE:5 23.56' 15.00' 21.21' S 45°48'47.0" E 90°00'02.0" 45°00'01.0" N 89*1112.0" E S 00°48'46.0" L• LOT 1 63.26' 60.00' 60.37' S 77°58'49.5" W 60°24'23.0" 30°12'11.5" S 47°46'38.0" W N 71°48'59.0" W LOT 2 45.8T44.7T N 49°54'46.5" W 43°48'25.0" 21°54'12.5" N 71°48'59.0" W N 28°00'34.0" W LOT 3 45.00' 60.00' 43.95' N 06°31'25.0" W 42°58'18.0" 21°29'09.0"::# N 28°00'34.0" W N 14°57'44.0" E LOT 4 121.09' 60.00' 1 101.56' N 72°46'45.5" E 115°38'03.0" 57°49'01.5" 1 N 14°5744.0" E S 49*2413.0" E EDGEWOOD GROIUPeRINC. SHEET 4 OF 4 "°" '^`"""0TEA 5 BIG SEND "IS p°" '° THIS INSTRUMENT DRAFTED BY CHRISTOPHER J. KUNKEL S-1755 $n vnan NATIONAL AVEC. src. B nc uNB viscONsw Ba1Ba f2627662-5002 fox Q627662-5012 i WI\WAUKCSM COUNTY\WAU-741 CSM CROWBAR R0 - RW REAL TY\d.0\WAU-S41 CSM CROWBAR ROAD - RW RCACTYd.iI 4/16/2007 %2&C6 AM COT 000279 AUG15s un505352-001 AFFIDAVIT OF CORRECTION Z3 f5 10 1z; a E5 � REGISTER'S OFFICE WAUKESHA COUNTY, WI RECORDED ON 08-15-2007 10:46 AM MICHAEL J. HASSLINGER REGISTER OF DEEDS REC. FEE: 4.00 REC. FEE —CO: 5.00 REC. FEE--ST : 2.00 TRAN. FEE: TRAN. FEE —STATE: RAGES: 1 Name and return address Christopher J. Kunkel Edgewood Engineering Group S71 W23325 National Avenue Big Bend, WI. 53103 1, Christopher J. Kunkel, registered land surveyor, being first duly sworn on oath deposes and states the following: This document is written to make the following corrections to Certified Survey Map No. 10371 recorded in the Waukesha County Register of Deeds office in Volume 98 of Certified Survey Maps on pages 229 through 232 inclusive, located in the City of Muskego. Corrections are as follows: Sheet 1 of the map lists the dimension of the North line of Lot 1 as 505.53 feet, and it should be listed as 507.03 feet. Also on Sheet 1, the North line of Lot 2 is listed as 735.81 feet and should read 734.31 feet. The common lot line between Lots 1 and 2 is listed as N18°32'02"E, 266.62 feet, and should be shown as N18°49'57"E, 267.18 feet. Also, the area of Lot one is shown as 119,821 square feet or 2.75 acres and should read 120,005 square feet or 2.754 acres. The area of Lot 2 reads 125,468 square feet or 2.88 acres and should read 125,284 square feet or 2.876 acres. ````,uuu��rub��0 IV 1-1// Al CHRISTOPHER J. 4'X = KUNKEL - S-.1755 WAUKESHA, Christop er� u ii��u»������� STATE OF WISCONSIN ) )SS COUNTY OF WAUKESHA) nkei- Wis. Reg. No. S-1755 The above affidavit subscribed and sworn to me this19day of , 2007. 5% PUS ti BRIAN M. NOT<RY PUBLIC DODGE My commission expires —/ ,;.PF WIS�� � This instrument drafted by Christopher J. Kunkel S-1755