10956 - CERTIFIED SURVEY MAPpy 3900955 CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP NO.IU,,�Z R.A. Smith National, Inc. Beyond Surveying Part of the Southwest 1/4 of the Northwest 1/4 of Section 8 and and Engineering the Southeast 1/4 of the Northeast 1/4 of Section 7, in Town 5 North, 16745 W. Bluemound Road, Brookfield W153005 Range 20 East, in the City of.Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin. 262-781-1000 Fax 262-797-7373 www.rasmithnational.com Appleton,Wl OrangeCounty. CA Pittsburgh, PA GRAPHIC SCALE PREPARED FOR S:\SIfi4C9Tdwy\ 150 0 75 150 300 600 NANCY A. BORST CS1011.3H.dwg\CSIr11L3H S74W20188 FIELD DR. MUSKEGO, WI 53150 ( IN .FEET ) z o cn z cn 1 Inch — 300 ft. wz� �0cn\0 I i I i K. N �1 1 I' _ n1 z 0 O I I I I I FS—K WSO LS9L WSO L 13321bd o Iz I i SdNtll Q311 v IdNfl I OSf•f• WSO _ I Z l3Oabd _ _ — — — — — I mco IJ—j------__---;IAPI----- ^'c�Dn mi� ---- ,LL'Z8� to ,I,VOLL to Iw I r c ='" MIm I low CO oo� r' V D (�I JC. 00 En 0! h o �irn i Ivi D O 0 0 0� j 0) �I�—I-- �' o ncn N j N iv �Iol i W -n I,'9LZ is JIB I 91 } I� ,198.-"z 00 1 l l r c 14- F c- c,4 CA00 0 4- I " 7 0 -P `N rnN I J r am�.. 0 ,CDl 0 nJ 4acD—♦00.NS9l , j N i ncnW wZcnzcn CA O v 0 r-3 a 01 z O ,00'OOi P M„W,61,.I,0N rI� fV D 0') CP r. �ch v1 En LnCA Mv o o D 00 1` N'0 -I cj� v v N i — T 0 p0 'ovrn r— c!D�CS Q Co W (D O N o co—' C N tD / in �0� P cD W r w.00 LL'89Z � K3 M„60,LE. ON a to rnr 0. :-, CO �Ln I ,9LV9 I ,9 L-999 3,', L£,61. LOS. 1� I pl IA c �� IA 1� M„l£,6l.LONlo Iv r� -- zoo in ,9l'S0Z �Im�-- IL I Ivy a1 I,:CD rn :a N I m c� _---- ,88'�8Z 3 �g�� Z.9 wtvoroaovrncn.Pw�i�m z c �rrrrr-rr Z toW 00 00 oW Co 00 zW'zztoW 0 00 0 0 9 Oo WWWW-•v— v.I j N N N N 0 w 0 0 Gi Gi X �cocorococowcocoww z oa'`w°109)P�wtc; 0 CY)U1CwVIV00 mm 0 �0 �Or0�PN� �r-Q zA G7 mo cz 'Q O N c0m n D omv m Iv ` Ic 0-0 z z �I rn 0 I \\ 1 L4 I o I CO w `2 7' —T� \\ IA �� OD I r \ Ip� Iv i lo, / all co Rtoo CN I W Jl X / \ / to 00 z l �1m *m i. 0o v 0 IN X ,L£'OOL 3„L£,6-V.00S 3"L750 F wsO I I --1Z v I-z I �-- I 1# l A Irr Iv 5 I I I`Ir IR.O Iz —sue fD. Z Oo in z �I K U IPD cn ()1 —� N _ 1 C) If -1 z M I 011 I g I A 00 I I I-0 Im P ao v o I cnOJODZA c�i1D''�D� • 0 -0M � Co v m mvm- °so 0 cc XO i Z z —► M c—�1 —0 V) -- v� 4� 0 Z z cn cn I to O 0 N'PD;ach 0(41) N tD O vv to um�20 Ir M Z _,� m m m i,4 O m r� z to is * 0 M -nn 00 tr 00M>;o � O Izv zz m a)O to v M ^1 71 00 MOg v 0 m -0 — 0 Z rivDi �0 0 c1 z c -r0 z v Oo ? = m z -0 O�rm 'J O m�V) O Z N N 0 M a —I 0� O�m � rri -0 M0 ii v r D z 0 W oco C m v P 0 N �I SHEET 1 OF 6 SHEETS CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP Part of the Southwest 114 of the Northwest 1/4 of Section 8 and the Southeast 1/4 of the Northeast 1/4 of Section 7, in Town 5 North,_ Range 20 East, in the City of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin. GRAPHIC SCALE 150 0 75 150 300 600 ( IN FEET) 1 inch = 300 ft. R.A. Smith National, hic. ^,�.,.x Beyond Surveying and Engineering 16745 W. Bluemound Road, Brookfield WI 53005 262-781-1000 Fax 262-797-7373 www.rasmithnaUanal.com Appleton, WI Orange County, CA Pittsburgh, PA SA5164697W,vg\ CSI011.3H.d vg\CSI02L3H I j I I I I I SaIJ dl Q3LLN TdNfl I 091 ti WSO i I I I 199L.-W63 I I133NVdd 133NVd _ _Z -1-------C-----Z------------- 15 I 15 z W IZ IDo + T ID I0 IN D' I I + Iln W IV zI I0 ln pm +tn W Imp CD ,6'98t A A I r.tnOt0 Z CMM171 IN) ta>>Z AZZM La MZ tt1 omm m a Imo LA O0 .Zo 1-4. 0 K It m N WN Z 0 D�OrDVOrftT-0r. WNW fZ N m N N N Z O N Z O Z O N N •_O.00OOVOOVOpVOpZV m A Z P OCjtn��Opr O�p?rn0��000-P. W-'N wNOf f0vppppOopODV W?a00Pz t+t r F1 cn Ac C)� G� C cn c� :0:: n;0 Gam; o t3a , ,+ C .. `rrr(t IC IZ Ir' 1� Io 1 icl U) SHEET 2 OF 6 SHEETS CERTIFIED. SURVtY MAP NO. Part of the Southwest 1/4 of the Northwest 1/4 of Section 8 and the Southeast 1/4 of the Northeast 1/4 of Section 7, in Town 5 North, Range 20 East, in the City of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin. L48 N1014:02"E 80.65 L49 S70'45'12"E 15.78 L50 S41'47'29"E 62.78 L51 S00'29'44"E 376.97 L52 S00'29'44"E 100.89 1-53 S3131'04"W 17.42 L54 S00'01'38"W 82.40 L55 S15'04'21"W 54.33 L56 SO8'34'39"E 106.46 L57 S07'18'47"E 80.89 L58 S00'29'44"E . 484.46 NS111111J11j, to Co !! ;�A•""9`S1�/'o .I GRAPHIC SCALE 1411, 100 �• JOHIq�N 0 50 100 200 400 CASUCCI ( IN FEET ) S"2055 1 inch = 200 ft. 4 A. aw. n . WI A f��ra�u►�e�''' SOIL -BORINGS AN MOUND AREAS P L51 SOIL TESTING, IN ,r R.A. Smith National, Inc. 1 I • 6eyondSurveyingw OHWM AND WETLA I � and En rneeren s� s DELINEATED BY I 00 16745W.BluemoundRoad. BmakfieldW153005 NATURAL RESOUR I 262-781-1000 Fax 262.797-7373 wwraemilhnallonal.mm CONSULTING AUG. I IVI I 11.1 tsm±un.4.esw±ui r OHWM I OHWM\8419-7OHWM III 848.1 + �S L25 C/L DITCH �- L3g-L37 r0 �001 8 J IJ to J 66297 HWM o,----'-- 47.6 o MI �I Z46-'�j !�\--- L45\ 15' CITY OF MUSKEGO �'' WETLAND PROTECTION AREA SEE NOTE ON SHEET 4 L31 D APPROXIMATE ER CES r co �1L10 BADGERLAND NDS i 2009 ,, 15' CITY OF MUSKEGO WETLAND PROTECTION AREA SEE NOTE ON SHEET 4 N` .0- �21 \, i L23 J 850.1 I� LTNE BEARING `LENGTH L1 N07'18.47"E 98.95 Ll 31 N60-52.56"E 57.97 L2 N14'27'28"W 46.58 L14 N60'58'23"E 48.76 1-3 N08'57'05"W 1.64.95 L15 N43'46'44"E 42.17 L4 N21'49'43"W 60.98 L16 N43'1 '32"E 57.95 L5 N8930'16"E .24.081 L17 N56'442'42"E 71.14 L6 N0029'44"W 121.43rL241 N45'42'56"E 139.79 N3125'57"E 146.84 NO2'18'17"W 78.92 L9 N00'49'37"W 85.12 N70'26'49"W 65.30 L10 S83'2435"E 96.73. N32'48.'52"E 20.76 L11 N79'32'13"E 32.82 N86'54.05"E 59.20 L12 N59'24'15"E 48.29S89'13'21"El 88.59 SHEET 3 OF 6 SHEETS A N I CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP NO. ZO �,5Z Part of the Southwest 1/4 of the Northwest 1/4 of Section 8 and the Southeast 1/4 of the Northeast 1/4 of Section 7, in Town 5 North, Range 20 East, in the City of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin. SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE STATE OF WISCONSIN) :SS WAUKESHA COUNTY. ) I,,JOHN P. CASUCCI, Registered Land Surveyor, do hereby certify: THAT I have surveyed, divided, and mapped a part of the Southwest 1/4 of the Northwest 1/4 of Section 8 and the Southeast 1/4 of the Northeast 1/4 of Section 7, in Town 5 North, Range 20 East, in the City of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin, bounded and described as follows; Beginning at the Southwest corner of said Northwest 1/4 section; thence South 87°00'33" West along the South line of the Northeast 1/4 of said Section 7 a distance of 463.27 feet to a point; thence North 01 037'09" West 244.86 feet to a point; thence South 87000'33" West 356.00 feet to a point; thence North 01037'09" West 1092.88 feet to a point in the North line of the Southeast 1/4 of the Northeast 1/4, of Said Section 7; thence North 87004'55" East along said North line 845.48 feet to a point; thence North 88'45'22" East along the South line of the Southwest 1/4 of the Northwest 1/4 a distance of 1346.27 feet to a point; thence South 00049'37" East along the East line of the Southwest 1/4 of the Northwest 1/4 a distance of 700.37 feet to a point; thence South 88040'29" West 231.81 feet to a point; thence South 05024'16" East 285.88 feet to a point; thence South 88040'29" West 236.43 feet to a point in the East line of CSM 4479; thence North 01'19'31" West along said East line and its Northerly extension 205.16 feet to a point; thence South 88040'29" West.254.80 feet to a point; thence South 01 019'31" East along the West line of CSM 4479 and its Northerly extension 555.16 feet to the South line of said 1/4 section; thence South 88040'29" West along said South line and the Centerline of Field Drive 656.84 feet to the point of beginning. Containing 56.712 acres. THAT I have made this survey, land division and map by the direction of Nancy A. Borst, owner of said land. THAT such map is a correct representation of all the exterior boundaries of the land surveyed and the land division thereof made. THAT I have fully complied with the provisions of Chapter 236 of the Wisconsin State Statutes and Chapter 18 of the Municipal Code of the City of Musk,golibIbUr�'ey jig, dividing, dedicating and mapping the same. GO ,f� /44'g"W 9 oe� V; "• "� (SEAL) DIE JOHN R• JQH,N CASUCCI CASUCCI R�GI W�RED LAND SURVEYOR S-2055 _ S-2055 R n„ '" OCON0t41UWUC, `"" 3900955 WI REGISTER OF DEEDS ' • •������ WAUKESHA COUNTY, WI RECORDED ON. !�'`%Pi?lF4k►fir March 09 2012 02:17 PM James R Aehrend Register of Deeds a PGS TOTAL FEE: 30.00 TRANS FEE: 0.00 Book 107 Page 7-12 CERTIFICATE OF CITY TREASURER I, Sharon Mueller, being duly elected, qualified and acting. City of Muskego Clerk -Treasurer, do hereby certify that in accordance with the records in my office, show that there are no unpaid tax or unpaid special assessments on the lands included in this Certified Survey Map. Dated this day of �; At 20 _ by Resolution No. 0 It Sharon Mueller, Clerk -Treasurer Sheet 4 of 6 Sheets G CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP NO. 0,9 Part of the Southwest 1/4 of the Northwest 1/4 of Section 8 and the Southeast 1/4 of the Northeast 1/4 of Section 7, in Town 5 North, Range 20 East, in the City of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin. OWNER'S CERTIFICATE NANCY A. BORST, as owner, hereby certify that we have caused the land described on this map to be surveyed, divided, dedicated and mapped as represented on this map in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 236 of the Wisconsin Statutes and City of Muskego. NANCY A. BORST, as owner, also certifies that this map is required by S.236.10 or 236.12 to be submitted to the following for approval or objection: City of Muskego. IN witness whereof, these presents are signed by Nancy A. Borst on this MMiday of 20_4Z. Owner: NANCY A ORST, STATE OF WISCONSIN } :SS P cL COUNTY } PERSONALLY came before me this day of - Ua r , 20_z, NANCY A. BORST to me known as the persons who execubeQQQq j2rgoinq instrument and ackn wledged the same. . _=O�Ap;Y (SEAL) i� Nola Public, State of Wi$ onsin nE ; My commission expires 3 ` My commission is permanent. C-0,'Zens �?MX -v M0kja'amortgagee of the above described land, does hereby consent to the surveying, dividing, dedicating and mapping of the land described on this map and does hereby consent to the above certificate. IN witness whereof,.���C`��^L,e�\5 �� -,F KJy- have caused these presents to be signed by 17tz,:ac&,..�, Y' . , its �a•��ic� ,and the corporate seal to be hereunto affixed this%6VKday of -Jav►vex4',.N 20m , In the eresence of: c- �f STATE OF WISCONSIN } :SS COUNTY } PERSONALLY came before me this/e day of 20/ �, 1%r �os •.Brw W me known as the persons who executed the forgoing. instrument and to me known to be grui.as and acknowledged to be such person who executed the foregoing instru' ent as such officer as. the deed'of said corporation, by its authority. JOHN R A _ CASUCCI a+^^.�� N• 61 w my r f. 13 V/) N n L� P. - (SEAL) N WgPublic, State ofWlscofr!gin My commission expires . ung- IK ,2-g 4 My commission is permanent. Sheet 5 of 6 Sheets CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP NO. /U �9 6� Part of the Southwest 1/4 of the Northwest 1/4 of Section 8 and the Southeast 1/4 of the Northeast 1/4 of Section 7, in Town 5 North, Range 20 East, in the City of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin. PLAN COMMISSION APPROVAL Approved by the Plan Commission of the City of Muskego on this day of �((F t11�'Y'i/ 2011 by Resolution No. P , G . n 11 KX-rV� HY IA VEROTTI, CHAIRMAN KELLIE MCMULLEN, SECRETARY COMMON COUNCIL APPROVAL Approved by the Common Council of the City of Muskego on this 13 day of Q(Xe-laJ66 ►r , 20jL by Resolution No. KATHY HI + EROTTI, MAYOR SHARON MUELLER, CITY CLERK DRAINAGE EASEMENT RESTRICTION (SEE EASEMENT ON SHEET 1- AFFECTING LOT 3) The drainage easement shall be maintained by the respective parcel owners at the location shown or at an alternative location approved by the city and at which its intended purpose will be maintained. The parcel owners shall maintain said easement in an unobstructed condition so as to maintain its intended purpose. Construction of any buildings in said easement is prohibited. The parcel owners grant the City of Muskego the right (but not the responsibility) to enter upon said easement in order to inspect, repair *or restore said easement to its intended purpose only in the event it is found that the parcel owner is not maintaining the drainage area and/or if the owner fails to restore the. easement area to its original unobstructed condition. If expenses were to be incurred by the City for repair or restoration of the easement as a result of any negligence they may be placed against the tax roll of said parcel owner and collected as a special charge by the City. WETLAND AREA RESTRICTIONS: Those areas of land which are identified as wetland areas of this Certified. Survey Map shall be subject to the following restrictions: 1. Grading and filling shall be prohibited 2. The removal of topsoil or other earthen materials shall be prohibited. 3. The removal or destruction of any vegetative cover, i.e. trees, shrubs, grasses, etc., shall be prohibited with the exception of the removal of exotic invasive, dead, diseased, or hazardous vegetation at the discretion of landowner and upon the approval of the City of Muskego. 4. Grazing by domesticated animals, i.e. Horses, cows, etc., shall be prohibited 5. The introduction of plant material not indigenous to the existing environment of the natural area shall be prohibited. 6. Ponds may be permitted subject to the approval of the City of Muskego and, if applicable, the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources and the Army Corp of Engineeers. 7. Construction of Buildings is prohibited. WETLAND PROTECTION OFFSET RESTRICTIONS: there is a City required 15-foot wetland protection offset around all wetlands areas. The areas of land which are identified as wetland protection offset areas shall follow all restrictions listed in chapter 17 of the City of Muskego municipal code'refatin to `wetland protection offsets. If DNR regulations are applicable, then said regulation �slial#I to in addition to all City regulations. g C O f rif JOHN P,. CASUC.CI��rr�,,,, S-2055... '(.. •- a Uc,o�w��V �VUL� :y; :..,,: ,'a .. :'iiial, %fP�r ,.^,at'�i ,w• �. THI&INSTRUMENTWAS DRAFTED BYJOHN P. CASUCCI, t �, Q�e 7cs�m'"'" l�'" REGISTERED LAND SURVEYOR .S-2055 Sheet 6 of 6 Sheets