10932 - CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP1 3882553 I�IIII IIIII I�III I�III II��I III�I IIII� IIII I��I CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP NO.-to-q3z Being a redivision of Parcel 3 of Certified Survey Map No. 9335 in the Northwest and SouthwestY4 of Section 2 and the Northeast% of the Southeast % of Section 3, Township 5 North, Range 20 East, in the City of Muskego, Waukesha County, State of Wisconsin. Northwest corner of the Southwest % of Section 2-5-20 I l 21 _Glen%rook 1 �� Conc. Mon. W/ Brass Cap Outlot 1 1 Glenbroo!< 1=1 T 1 N:342301.82 -(LS a 10601 N87° 44' 48"E 1337.79' E: 2506397.66 north line of the southwest 114 of SecUan 2-5-20 Lot 3 694,566 Sq. Ft. Woodland Preservation Area u) Per CSM 9127chi ml W =1 C) z L=31.42 R=20.00 CHB=N56° 20' 20"E CH=28.28 A=90°00'00" S78°39'In N 40" S 281.4q' N e � � n h in w / P, M o oha oz e I Z o I e�- 3I a N a � N N / R p L=28.83 R=13.5049° 50' 11"W CH=23.65 �621z19 1 ' m \ O \ N78° 3943"V 392 uz ' >A �a y 0 \ 80.0' \ z Lot 1 86,715 Sq. Ft. L=74.50 R=135.00 CHB=N4°28'1 CH=73.55 A=31 °37'02" L=42.78 R=70.00 CHB=N83° 50' 46"E CH=42.12 A=35°00'52" N66° 20' 20"E 58.73' Cross Access -Ee Per CSM 9335 (see sheet 2) r S78" 39' 40"E 41.11'_ L� / e 11,,,20' 20"Vr 43.8r.. N78°39'40"W 716.77' E S11° 20'0"W- -- L=79.41 65.50' S78°39'41"E _` ---- R=130.00 CHB=N83° 50' 20"E 64.00' CH=78.18 S11° 20' 21"W } A=35°00'00" 69.51' j !1 41"E r S78° 39' 40"E 7.94' 65.00' ' 5.0' f Lot 2 k 371,648 Sq. Ft. N 1 t N Parcel 2 CSM 9335 f _ PK `/ J�49.2 ' 43"W 49.28 S11 ° 20' 17"W \ 19.49 m © SIGMA Single Source. Sound Solutions. G R O U P www.thesigmagroup.com 1300 West Canal Street Milwaukee, WI 53233 Phone: 414-643-4200 Fax: 414-643-4210 N N78° 39' 39"W 0 63.00' t CO PK N78° 39' 40"W J I 36.50' ! ' o 1 ' ' co S83° 56' 49"W 314.30' ``• _ / o9d lG unalaeed lands 50. s0.01 , � Southwest corner of the Southwest% of Section 2-5-20 \\\\\\\\\tBl9i{IFfFF��q>>1, Conc. Mon. W/ Brass Cap ����� C O iva E:2506424.64 P� Owner: ' Boulder Venture 28, LLC Cf�- � _ 311 E. Chicago Street, Suite 210 0 S,_2:_rt, J _ Milwaukee, WI 53202 JFlC1Cq d - < W1 Project #2940 Drafted by Kevin A. Slottke LEGEND & NOTES: x Indicates chiseled cross set ® Indicates 1" iron pipe found Vicinity Map Southwest% of Section 2-5-20 Scale 1" = 2000' 9 Indicates set 314" diam, rebar, 18" long weighing 1.50 IbsAin. it Bearings referenced the Wisconsin State Plane Coordinate System with the west line of the sw 114 jy of Sec. 2-5-20, assumed to bear N 00°34'55" W, as published by SEWRPC, NAD 1927. Distances measured to the nearest 0.01'. Angles measured to the nearest 01". GRAPHIC SCALE 0 200' 400' Sheet 1 of 11 CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP NO. 101E2 Being a redivision of Parcel 3 of Certified Survey Map No. 9335 in the Northwest 14 and SouthwestY4 of Section 2 and the Northeast% of the Southeast % of Section 3, Township 5 North, Range 20 East, in the City of Muskego., Waukesha County, State of Wisconsin. Iml Glenbrook Outlotl ( Glenbrook ({( T _CSM 10683 north Ilne of the southwest 114 of section 2b20 Lot 3 694,566 Sq. Ft. @I Lul �I �I of cuI cl j 2I 5 ross Access Easement per CSM 9335 /or the benefit of Parcels 1 2, 3 & 4 of CSM 9335 ui L.to N o G.°3 3 0 in " Existing E t edge of pavement m c o W y o M Z 0 V46 a 45 U) yI y U 3 o h � a S45' 11' 27"E ��%' ! 12.04' �2 0 ' S27' 33' 43"E gA39 10.53' C11 L28 r Cap V9 L24 c12 � C6 t22 N11' 20''70"E� C7 3"SP S11" 20'20" bldg. on line 30.00' � Existin I edge of pavement L79 Lot 1 1715 Sq. Ft. :el 4 9335 J 0 n� L \,A Z 7B m ©SIG Single Source. Sound Solutions. ff G R O U P www.thesigmagroup.com 1300 West Canal Street Milwaukee, WI 53233 Phone: 414-643-4200 Fax: 414-643-4210 Lot 2 Line Table 371,648 Sq. Ft. Line# Bearing Length 26 _ - L18 S78' 39' 40"E 58.57 y`110 L27 L19 S78° 39' 40"E 403.05 L20 S11 ° 20' 20"W 149.93' L 78 07 l L3 07s 11" 02' 31"W / 33:64' � G un hatted lands anes��``ej \�ittttiiitr,frupii� A j S. S-25� JACKSON W ( Project #2940 Drafted by Kevin A. Slottke L21 S20° 16' 42"E 142.80' L22 S78° 39' 40"E 41.lT L23 N66° 20' 20"E 58.73' L24 S78° 39' 40"E 142.82' L25 N11' 29 20"E 214.6T L26 N78° 39' 40"W 403.06 L27 S86' 20' 20"W 40.29, L28 S78° 39' 40"E 41.13. L29 N66° 20' 20"E 58.73. Line Table Line # Bearing Length L30 S78° 39'40"E 142.87 L31 N11' 20' 20"E 180.91' L32 N69° 55' 40"E 45.7T L33 N62° 24' 44"E 215.76' L34 N27' 33' 43"W 47.01' L35 S62' 24' 44"W 177.74' L36 N11' 20' 20'E 157.99' L37 N11' 41' 02"W 66.46' L38 N20' 16' 42"W 142.80' L39 N78' 39' 40"W 58.11' L40 N68' 59' 17"E 67.14' Curve Table Curve # Chord Direction Chord Length Length Radius Delta C1 S66' 47' 45'E 67.86 68.34' 165,00' 23'43'50" C2 S50' 19'41"E 200.49' 209.92' 200.79' 59'54'05- C3 S81'00'37"E 14.76' 14.76' 180.00, 4'41'5C C4 S56' 20' 20"W 21.21' 23.56' 15.00' 90*00,00, C5 S4' 28' 11"E 73.55 74.50' 135.00' 31'37'02- C6 N83' 50' 46"E 42.12' 42.78' 70.00' 35°00'52" C7 N83°50'20"E 78.18' 79.41' 130.00' 35'00'00- C8 N56' 20' 2PE 28.28' 31 A7 20.00' 90*00,00, C9 N33'39140"W 21.21' 23.56' 15.00, 90,00,00" C10 N86'09'40"W 39.16' 39.2T 150.00' 15'0010(r C11 N83° 50' 42"E 60.16 61.1 T 100.00' 35*00143' C12 N83' 50' 20"E 60.1,r 61.09, 100.00, 35*00,00, C13 N56° 20' 20"E 70.71' 78.54' 50.00, 90*00,00, C14 N40'38'00"E 44.04' 46.07 45.00' 58'3520'" C15 N66'.10' 12"E 15.21' 15.22' 116.00' 7'30'56- C16 N66° 29' 41"E 7.17 1 7.13' 50.00' 1 8.09'54- C17 N49' 50' 11"W 23.65 28.8T 13.50' 122°21'03"' cis N50° 16' 02"W 230.11' 240.90' 230.79' 59°4820" C19 N63' 53' 13"W 68.85' 69.67 135.00' 29°32'S4" a GRAPHIC SCALE 0 200' 400' Sheet 2 of 11 CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP NO. A0.5 ' Being a redivision of Parcel 3. of Certified Survey Map No. 9335 in the Northwest Y4 and SouthwestY4 of Section 2 and the NortheastY4 of the Southeast% of Section 3, Township 5 North, Range 20 East, in the City of Muskego, Waukesha County, State of Wisconsin. lol Glenlarook outlot 1 I Glenbrook 11 T _CSM 'JQ6Q3 north line of the southwest 1l4 of Section 2520 Lot 3 694,566 Sq. Ft. of ml �1 30' Utility Easement �l Per CSM 9335 . o C29 2 _ C �4 �43 C27 C" C37LL60 O �� �Z2 C35 m/ m of L57 1 3I C21 I �4"el / Lot 2 L69 371,648 Sq. Ft. _ S27" 33' 4 20.10' Lot 1 86,715 Sq. Ft. :el 4 9335 Q \ 80.0' -'@SIGMA Single Source. Sound Solutions. N G R O U P www.thesigrhagroup.com 1300 West Canal Street Milwaukee, WI 53233 Phone: 414-643-4200 Fax: 414-643-4210 L Jr .. _ C31 C38 s 1 unolatted lands d lG 6/0.0\� 50.01 \ KEVE JACKSON, w) iz, �/lj6////1dfJJlilit9111iti!!!1\\\�,1 Project #2940 Drafted by Kevin A. Slottke Line Table Line # Bearing Length L41 N69'5540"E 45.77' L42 Nl l' 20' 20"E 180.91' L43 S78" 39' 40"E 142.82' L44 N66' 20' 20"E 58.73' L45 S78'39'40"E 501.76' L47 N62' 24' 44"E 229.86 L48 N69' 55' 40"E 52.77' L50 Nl1' 20' 20"E 180.91' L52 S78" 39' 40"E 142.82' L54 N68. 201201E 58.73' L56 St 1' 20' 20"W 71.28' L57 S78' 39' 40"E 30.00' Line Table Line # Bearing Length L58 N11' 20' 20"E 83.46 L60 S78. 39' 40"E 2.21' L61 Stt'18'59"W 124.37' L62 S77' 32'. 27"E 53.37' L63 S11'20'20'W 25.08' L64 S78" 39' 40"E 30.00' L65 Nt 1. 20' 20"E 54.50' L66 N77. 32' 27"W 53.38' L67 N11' 18'591E 94.96 L68 S78" 39' 40"E 8.92' L69 N27' 34' 01"W 1 9.53' Curve Table Curve # Chord Direction Chord Length Length Radius I Delta C21 1468' 35' 371E 6.36' 6.36 136.50' 2'40'07' C23 N40' 38' 00"E 23.98' 25.05' 24.50' 58'35'20- C25 N56'20' 20"E 99.70' 110.74' 70.50' 90'00'oa" C27 N83' 50' 20"E 47.81' 48.56' 79.50' 35*00,00, C29 N83'50'39"E 72.49' 73.63' 120.50' 35'00'391 C31 S89' 10' 51"E 29.03' 29.19' 79.50' 21'02'22^ C33 N40' 38' 00"E 53.33' 55.73' 54.50' 1 58-35-201 C34 N56'20'20"E 57.28' 63.62' 40.50' 90'00'00" C35 N83' 50' 201E 1 65.86 66.89' 109.50' 35'00'00- N67' 38' 55"E 4.14' 4.14' 90.50, 2'37'10_ EC3 S84' 32' 301E 18.59 18.62' 90.50' 11'47'10'" S69'05'WE 71.76 75.31' 70.50' 61'12'17" q GRAPHIC SCALE 0 200' 400' N Sheet 3 of 11 N of cl m 1J. 01 CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP NO. log4z. Being a redivision of Parcel 3 of Certified Survey Map No. 9335 in the Northwest% and SouthwestY4 of Section 2 and the Northeast% of the Southeast% of Section 3, Township 5 North, Range 20 East, in the City of Muskego, Waukesha County, State of Wisconsin. I Iml Glenbrook Outlot 1 Glenbrook I ryl T I _CSM 9�,683 — north line of the southwest 114 of Section 85.20 0' 633.71' L L78 o_ --- Lot 3 Storm Drainage Easement 694,566 Sq. Ft. per Doc. No. 1228894 J I J �I S78° 39' 40"E I S78° 39' 40"E 304.97' / 89.08, 20' Sanitary Sewer, Lift Station & N11° 20' 20"E Force Main 192.81' �� _� U4 Easement / _ /� / N58°zs'as"EQIo per Doc. 3586353 4/1 482 �// 247.87llm W S82° 52.18" N78° 39' 50"W L- 877 ' 39, 127.76 38.25' Stormwater Detention Pond 132Z710"s —� Easement for the Benefit of 9-1 L72 / �- Parcels 1, 2, 3 & 4 of CSM 9335 Per CSM 9335 w J I I L84 01' 39"W I I 73.10'�j ly � I J N26° 05' 11"W \ \ / 58.85' S27° 53' S8° 46'c, S62° 24' 44"W 250.19' / / / N62 7° 33' 43"W 57. 0' Parcel 4 CSf 9335 7° 51' 41"W \� 82.01' �p 19' 31' 27"W \ 156.27' 0 I � �o om O� \y w�� 0� �J \ 80.0' m©SIGM Single Source. Sound Solutions. G7 R O U P www.thesigmagroup.com 1300 West Canal Street Milwaukee, WI 53233 Phone: 414-643-4200 Fax: 414-643=4210 417N \ N22° 3T 10"E Lot 2 91, 60.98' 371,648 Sq. Ft. / / NS' 46' 42"E 58.62' Lot 1 ° 24' 44"E 260.31' 86,715 Sq. Ft. N6° 03' 11"W 45.00' unolatted lands so.o�50.0' Jill.[wQ Iy, Project #2940 Drafted by Kevin A. Slottke Line Table Line # Bearing Length L71 N12' 54' 18'E 135.61' L72 S79° 39' 48"E 199.96' L73 N28° 43' 22"E 298.09' L74 S74'31.4T'E "281.93' L75 N52' 27' 15"E 227.58' L77 N3' 08' 03"E 208.32' L78 N87" 4S O5"E 20.10' L79 S3' 08' 03"W 219.39' L81 S52° 2T 15"W 246.74' L82 N74°31'47W 276.OT L83 S28' 43' 22"W 296.68' L84 N79' 39' 48"W 195.27' L85 S12' 54' 15"W 141.19' q GRAPHIC SCALE 0 200' - 400' Sheet 4 of 11 W to �I �I .CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP NO. log32- Being a redivision of Parcel 3 of Certified Survey Map No. 9335 in the Northwest% and Southwest% of Section 2 and the Northeast% of the Southeast% of Section 3, Township 5 North, Range 20 East, in the City of Muskego, Waukesha County, State of Wisconsin. Iml _Gienk-ok j Outiot 1 I Glenbrook I I T _CSNt106$3 I north line of the southwest 114 of SecBon 2-520 Lot 3 694,566 Sq. Ft. a)l Acell4 9335 20' Sanitary Sewer Easement Per CSM 9335 as corrected by Document No. 3068756 SEE SHEET 11 FOR NOTE �0 L99 ,I11,� / 1J10 A* �9;� Lot 2 p 371,648 Sq. Ft. Lot 1 — ° I 86,715 Sq. Ft. L112 �� L Line Table Line # Bearing Length L88 N78" 47' 37"W 46.39' L89 S69" 15' 41"W 155.63' L90 N78' 40' 41"W 171.47' L91 S19' 52' 16"W 241.18' L92 N70" 00' 22"W 50.01' L93 N11' 40' 55"E 37.60' L94 N78' 19' 05"W 20.00' L95 S11" 40' 55"W 90.00' L96 N78"19'05"W 341.94' L97 N36" 15' 01"W 109.14' L98 N19'52'.16"E 228.66 L99 S78' 40' 41"E 160.00' 1-100 N69' 1641"E 146.64' L101 S6' 25' 52"E 97.13' L102 N83" 34' 08"E 20.00' L103 NB" 25' 52"W 96.33' L104 S78" 47' 37"E 29.81' L107 S8" 46' 42"W 113.18' L108 S81" 13' 18"E 20.00' L109 N8' 46' 42"E 88.82 un hatted lands aslC' J\\\ee JerreS 50.01 a/ 5" \ i ee\��\���ri►{ittturrui, W®R Q'\' Line Table Line # Bearing Length L110 S70" 00' 22"E 32.65' Lill S36" 15' 01"E 119.13' - L112 S78' 19' 11"E 359.66' JACKSON," m ©S'G Single Source. Sound Solutions. I G R O U P GRAPHIC SCALE www.thesigmagroup.com 1300 West Canal Street 0 200' 400' Milwaukee, WI 53233 Phone: 414-643-4200 Fax: 414-643-4210 Project #2940 Drafted by Kevin A. Slottke Sheet 5 of 11 0 CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP NO. i(©g32- Being a redivision of Parcel 3 of Certified Survey Map No. 9335 in the NorthwestY4 and Southwest% of Section 2 and the Northeast% of the Southeast% of Section 3, Township 5 North, Range 20 East, in the City of Muskego, Waukesha County, State of Wisconsin. I -5:3 f JACKSON, Wi-fir/ m©SIGNy4 Sin4le Source. Sound Solutions. G R O UP www.thesigmagroup.com 1300 West Canal Street Milwaukee, WI 53233 Phone: 414-643-4200 Fax: 414-643-4210 Project #2940 Drafted by Kevin A. Slottke L140 1 S20' 2T WE 1 38.99' N GRAPHIC SCALE 0 200' 400' N. Sheet 6 of 11 CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP NO. (ng?�2 Being a redivision of Parcel 3 of Certified Survey Map No. 9335.1n the NorthwestY4 and Southwest% of Section 2 and the Northeast% of the Southeast % of Section 3, Township 5 North, Range 20 East, in the City of Muskego, Waukesha County, State of Wisconsin. o L6 N LO U No Cn l 0) Wetlands marked by Thompson & Associates October 3, 2006, L296 , 1`2 4�'�'�o �1 I� ry�6 �•� I N .72 L287 "ry /-L276 J '3 /`L277 L278 �/-L279 \.,,-L280 \,-L281 \ \�L282 / L284 Parcel 4 CSM 9335 T -�� \-Z' N \ 0 \ ^, \ Y� m©SIGM Single Source. Sound Solutions. AF G R 0 u P www.thesigmagroup.com 1300 West Canal Street Milwaukee, WI 53233 Phone: 414-643-4200 Fax: 414-643-4210 \• \ `329 - L326 L325 h79m �9B\.- ` �•%^ \may L329 - . 3 �'tL321// C302, n I � � o l �^ >1 /Z? L307 / ----- L308 L309 L310 V Lot 1 86,715 Sq. Ft. \,�`i``\�� C0sihl�;/,ZIV ����� Ev+��\ A. r K ,, J 'KSON,. � wl 1!!/!!f1ll l i f littltlll�� Project #2940 Drafted by Kevin A. Slottke Line Table Line# Bearing S27. 34'01"EL272 N61" 10'54"EL273 ELengthL271 N83" 08'24E L274 N36" 32' 21'E 26.46 L275 S53' 47' 22"E 22.84' L276 S56"20'48"E 22.96 L277 S43'53'26"W 29.58' L278 S4" 02' 28"W 24.16 L279 S24° 34' WE 13.16' L280 S32" 54' 28'E , 17.90' L281 S35" 31' 33"E 15.11' L282 S31" 37' 30"E 16.42' L283 S20' 12' 33'E 22.29' L284 S48' 29' 49"W 21.93' L285 S61' 34' 56"W 4.32' L286 N49° "'WE 49.6T L287 N81 ° 58' 45"E 9.63' L288 N80 28' 12"W 16.3T L289 N5° 35' 30"E 14.08' L290 N44' 21' 11"W 20.48' L291 N44' 16' 10"W 16.86' L292 S72. 50'51"W 17.06 L293 S24' 29' 05"W 15.6T L294 - S9* 04' 59"E 18.38' L295 S60° 56' WE 42.8N L296 N870 42' 38"W 325.90 L297 S5°4T31"E 12.12' L298 S43. 20' 07"E 44.71' L299 S41' 14' 55"E 19.36' L300 S15' 26' 38"E 8.98' Line Table Line # Bearing Length L301 S23' 29' 01"E 20.93' L302 S73° 53' 44"E 23.41' L303 S5'27'46"E 24.54' L304 S17°46'24'W 27.36' L305 S6° 23' 07"E 26.44' L306 S270 09' 54"W 30.79' L307 S12' 48' 58"W 10.90' L308 S83' 32' 33"E 45.16' L309 N89° 19' 36"E 29.78' L310 S87' 42'27"E 22.3T L311 N57° 14' 54"E 23.18' L312 N23' 43' 48"E 28.23' L313 N21' 37' 00"E 28.72' L314 N320 34.01"E 36AZ L315 N360 56' 56"E 29.79 L316 N42° 5T 14"E 41.1 T L317 N24' 26 04"E 32.54' L318 N10' 02'07"W 9.7T L319 N64' 44' 06"W 11.93' L320 S45' 09' 49"W 48.54' L321 S80'3T 28'W 12.93' L322 N500 12' 34"W 32.94' L323 S72' 31' 24"W 43.30' L324 N33' 47' 42"W 33.04' L325 S820 41' 05"W 26.97 L326 N79" 47' 25"W 20.3T L327 S44. 19' 27"W 19.69 L328 N71.49' 56"W 24.0T L329 N71 ° 50' 59"W 8.7T L330 N58. 29' 40"W i 46.46 a GRAPHIC SCALE o Boa ,200' Sheet 7 of 11 T CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP NO. (ae-?52- Being a redivision of Parcel 3 of Certified Survey Map No. 9335 in the Northwest 4 and Southwest% of Section 2 and the Northeast% of the Southeast4 of Section 3, Township 5 North, Range 20 East, in the City of Muskego, Waukesha County, State of Wisconsin. I�i Glen rook Outlat 1 I Glenbrook I ( T (IS 10613_ north line of the southwest 114 of Section 2-5-20 Lot 3 694,566 Sq. Ft. �I mi coil RI 31 /20' Watermain Easement Per Doc. No. 3677517 n . L211 Lo L21 � r L210 L206 L205 04 / N 'VIA 209 L207 55/ / -1 in u L214 �L24= / 1 �'` ••-- .,.,..._ L2� N78" 39' 46"W z / Lzaa / l - 157.48' cz L216� Z v c %] L247 3i L2,6�� /J^� Lot 2 L24L4zas 371,648 Sq. Ft. / Lz2s F'3� ���L2a2 L240 L239 ^3p L23�L237 U33 N / U23 t224 Lot 1 -� - = L?35 28 �, N78° 39' 39"' 86,715 Sq. Ft. _ �43.01' L232 \CS 9335 \` Y 0 \ 80.0' I m©SIGMA Single Source. Sound Solutions. ff G R O U P www.thesigmagroup.com 1300 West Canal Street Milwaukee, WI 53233 unulatted lands , �Caa kC 6/0.050.01 ' i Jh'.l�f\OVIV, WI Phone: 414-643-4200 Fax: 414-643-4210 Project #2940 Drafted by, Kevin A. Slottke Line Table Line # Bearing Length L202 N33' 33' 36'W 13.79' L203 N78' 33' 36"W 575.24' L204 S69' 03' 08'W 133.2,E L205 N18' 18' 43"W 5.19, L206 S71'41'1TW 20.00' L207 S18'18'43"E 6.11, L208 S69' 0T OM 27.7T L209 N78' 57' 37'W 170.73' L210 S56' 27' 17"W 3.26' L211 N31' 17' 38"W 15.8T L212 S58' 42' 22"W 20.00' L213 S31' 17' WE 16.6V L214 556' 27' 17"W 40.45' L215 S11' 2T 17'W 87.05' L216 N77' 59' 35"W 6.41' L217 512. 00'25"W 20.00' L218 S77' 59' 35"E 6.67 1-219 S11. 2T 17-W 90.81' L220 S62' 00' 39"W 316.30' L221 S27' 33' 43"E 20.01' L222 N62' 00' 39"E 174.04' L223 S27' 45' 40"E 40.75' L224 N62'14'20"E 20.07 L225 N27o 45'40"W 40.8T L226 N62. 00'39"E 93.26 L227 S30' 15' 01"E 85.66' L228 S78' 28' 55"E 414.01' L229 N1,' 22' 01"E 37.47 L230 N78' 39' 47"W 20.00' L231 S11' 20' 13-W 79.87 Line Table Line # Bearing Length L232 N78" 28' 55"W 13.47' L233 N10' 25' ST'E 11.18' L234 N79' 34' 03"W 20.00' L235 S 10' 25' S7"W 10.80, L236 N78' 28' S5"W 170.54' L237 N7' 27' 01"E 11.39, L238 N82' 32' S9"W 20.00' L239 S7' 27' 01 "W 9.97' L240 N78' 28' S5"W 177.65' L242 N50' 59' WE 4.09' L243 N39' 00' 38-W 20.04, L244 S50' 59' 06"W 3.29' L245 N30' 16 01"W 58.04' L246 N62- 00' 39"E 18.60' L247 N11' 27' 17"E 199.02 N56' 27'17"E 47.24' EL255 S78' S7'37"E 74.36' N69' 03' O8"E 180.96' I GRAPHIC SCALE 0 200' 400' N Sheet 8 of 11 CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP NO. 1©,?32- Being a redivision of Parcel 3 of Certified Survey Map No. 9335 in the Northwest% and Southwest% of Section 2 and the Northeast% of the Southeast of Section 3, Township 5 North, Range 20 East, in the City of Muskego, Waukesha County, State of Wisconsin. SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE: I, Kevin A. Slottke, Registered Land Surveyor, do hereby certify that I have surveyed, divided and mapped a redivision of Parcel 3 of Certified Survey Map No. 9335, in the Northwest Y4 of the Southwest Y4 Section 2 and the Northeast Y4 of the Southeast Y4 of Section 3, Township 5 North, Range 20 East, bounded and described as follows: Beginning at the Northwest Corner of the Southwest Y of said Section 2; Thence N 87"4448" E, along the north line of said Southwest Y4, 1337.79 feet to a point on the west line of Golden Country Estates Subdivision, thence S 00"46'33" E, along said west line, 631.56 feet; thence N 78"39'40" W, 716.77 feet; thence S 11°20'20" W, 109.37 feet; thence S 78"39'41" E, 64.00 feet; thence S 11o20'21" W, 69.51 feet;, thence S 78"39'41" E, 65.00 feet; thence S 11 "20'20" W, 187.98 feet; thence N 78°39'39" W, 63.00 feet; thence S 11 *20720" W, 175.00 feet; thence N 78"39'40" W, 36.50 feet; thence S 11 W20" W, 351.86 feet; thence S 83"56'49" W, 314.30 feet to the easterly right of way line of Moorland Road (C.T.H. "O"); thence N 27°3343" W along said right of way line, 394.62 feet to the southwest comer of Parcel 4 of Certified Survey Map No. 9335; thence N 62"24'36" E along the south line of said Parcel 4, 154.20 feet to the east line of said Parcel 4; thence N 11 o20'20" E along said east line, 157.99 to a point of curvature; thence nortwesterly along the arc of a curve whose radius lies 13.50 feet to the southwest and whose chord bears N 49*50'11" W, 23.65 feet to the north line of said Parcel 4; thence S 68°59'17" W along said north line, 67.14 feet; thence continuing along said north line S 62°24'44" W, 177.74 feet to the easterly right of way line of said Moorland Road; thence N 27"3343" W along said right of way line, 57.10 feet; thence N 62°26'32" E, 234.39 feet; thence N 27-34-01" W, 229.93 feet to the west line of Parcel 1 of said Certified Survey Map No. 9335; thence N 00°34'10" W, 505.31 to the Northwest comer of the Southwest Y4 of said Section 2 and the point of beginning. Containing 1,152,934 Square Feet That I have made such survey, land divi;l� [61998Ift 1!� Iftlpirection That such plat is a correct representog ,sq q i$�fp da That I have fully complied with the °roo 1%i s pte 3 f tl`%e N surveying, dividing, and mapping�gie s��rrr� w Boulder Venture 28, LLC. ,ies of the land surveyed and the map thereof made. isconsin State Statutes and Chapter 18 of the City of Muskego Municipal Code in Dated December 7, 2011 UI N A. Erna, Kevin A. Slottke R-2503 'JACKSON i WI c /z CORPORATE OWNFR'S CFRTIFI -AT Boulder Venture 28, LLC, a Wisconsin Limited Liability Company, duly organized and existing under and by virtue of the laws of the State of Wisconsin, as owner, certifies that said Limited Liability Company has caused the land described on this map to be surveyed, divided, and mapped as represented on this map. Said Limited Liability Company further certifies that this map must be submitted to the City of Muskego for its review and approval. In witness whereof, Boulder Venture 28, LLC, has caused these presents to be signed by Robert Schmidt, Managing Member. this l day ofDoC42mton 2011 In the Robert Schmidt, Managing Member State of Wisconsin) )ss County) Personally came before me this _day of � C 2011, Robert Schmidt, to me known to be the person(s) who executed the foregoing instrument, and to me known to be a Managing Member of Boulder Venture 28, LLC. and acknowledged that they executed the foregoing instrument. My commission expires m ©S'G Single. Source. Sound Solutions. ff G R O U P www.thesigmagroup.com 1300 West Canal Street Milwaukee, WI 53233 Phone: 414-643-4200 Fax: 414-643-4210 Notary Public, State of Wisconsin Project #2940 Drafted by Kevin A. Slottke SHARON BELL Notary Public State of Wisconsin Sheet 9 of 11 CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP NO. Being a redivision of Parcel 3 of Certified Survey Map No. 9335 in the Northwest% and Southwest% of Section 2 and the Northeast% of the Southeast% of Section 3, Township 5 North, Range 20 East, in the City of Muskego, Waukesha County, State of Wisconsin. CONSENT OF MORTGAGEE: Johnson Bank, a corporation duly organized and existing under and by virtue of the laws of the State of Wisconsin, mortgagee of the above described land, does hereby consent to the surveying, dividing, and mapping of the land described on this plat, and does hereby consent to the certificate of Boulder Venture 28, LLC, owner. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said Johnson Bank has caused these presents to be signed by Jasin Pasho, Vice President Special Assets Group. in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, and its corporate seal to be hereunto affixed this Z 7 day of 12�20 /l . In the presence of: Jasin Pasho, Vice President Special Assets Group, Johnson Bank Date 'SHARON BELL STATE OF WISCONSIN)ss Notary PUb)ic MILWAUKEE COUNTY) State of Wisconsin Personally came before me this day of�C�..l�cl�. 2011,Jasin Pasho, Vice President Special Assets Group, of the above named corporation, to me known to be the persons who executed the foregoing instrument, and to me known to be such Vice President Special Assets Group, of said corporation, and acknowledged that they executed the foregoing instrument as such officers as the deed of said corporation by its authority. My commission expires Notary Public - State of Wisconsin PLAN COMMISSION APPROVAL Approved by the Plan Commission of the City of Muskego this (0 day of �evv�b if^ 2011 By Resolution No.32011 dated \Z r(a !710 i Kathy Chiav, 'rotti,iairperson Kellie McMullen, Secretary COMMON COUNCIL APPROVAL Approved by the Common Council of the City of Muskego this -a_day of 'DzCQWt 0` V_ , 2011 By Resolution No. 181-2011 dated 2 13 I ZOl (kci >"/���� Kathy Chiav . i, Mayor ` y � Y Sharon Mueller, City Clerk CERTIFICATE OF TREASURER I, Sharon Mueller, being the Treasurer of the City of Muskego, do hereby certify that in accordance with the records in my office, there are no unpaid taxes or unpaid special assessments as of O2CevN/ocp07 a�'0 i/ - on any of the land included on this Certified Survey Map. ........... > Sharon Mueller, City' Clerk/Treasurer m © SIGMA Single Source. Sound Solutions. G R O U P 'www.thesigmagroup.com 1300 West Canal Street Milwaukee, WI 53233 Phone: 414-643-4200 Fax: 414-643-4210 Project #2940 Orafted by Kevin A. Slottke Sheet 10 of 11 CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP NO. Being a redivision of Parcel 3 of Certified Survey Map No. 9335 in the Northwest 4 and Southwest 4 of Section 2 and the Northeast,/ of the Southeast4 of Section 3, Township 5 North, Range 20 East, in the City of Muskego, Waukesha County, State of Wisconsin. NCITF 1 Retention Pond and Drainage Easement Restrictions: 1. There shall be no structures constructed within the stormwater management areas located within the exterior boundaries of this plat. 2. Maintainance of the stormwater management ponds shall be the responsibility of the owners of Lots 1, 2 and 3 of this Certified Survey Map and Parcels 1, 2 and 4 of Certified Survey Map No. 9335. Waukesha County and the City of Muskego shall not be liable for any fees or special assessment in the event Waukesha County or the City of Muskego should become the owner of said lot be reason of delinquency. The said lot owner shall maintain said retention pond easements in an unobstructed condition so as to maintain its intended purpose. The said lot owners grant to the City the right (but not responsibility) to enter upon these lots in order to inspect, repair or restore said easement areas to their purpose. Expenses incurred by the City for said Inspection, repair or restoration of said easements may be placed against the tax roll for Lots 1, 2 and 3 of this Certified Survey Map, and Parcels 1, 2 and 4 of Certified Survey Map No. 9335 inclusive and collected as a special charge by the City. NOTE 2 Wetland Area Restrictions Those areas of land which are identified as wetlands shown on this plat are subject to the following restrictions: 1. Grading and filling shall be prohibited unless specifically authorized by the City of Muskego and, if applicable, the Waukesha County Park and Planning Commission, the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources and the Army Corps of Engineers. 2. The removal of topsoil or other earthen materials shall be prohibited. 3. The removal or destruction of any vegetative cover, i.e. trees, grasses, etc. shall be prohibited with the exception of compliance with the City of. Muskego weed ordinance, agricultural purposes and the removal of dead, diseased or dying vegetation at the discretion of landowner or silvicultural thinning upon the recommendation of a forester or naturalist and the Waukesha County Department of Parks and Land Use. 4. Grazing by domesticated animals, i.e. horses, cows, etc. shall be prohibited. 5. The introduction of plant material not indigenous to the existing environment of the preservation area shall be prohibited. 6. Ponds may be permitted subject to the approval of the City of Muskego and, if applicable, the Waukesha County Park and Planning Commission, the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources and the Army Corps of Engineers. 7. Construction of buildings is prohibited. NOTE 3 Woodland Preservation Area Restrictions: Those areas of land which are indentified as an isolated natural area as shown on this Certified Survey Map are subject to the following restrictions: 1. Grading and filling shall be prohibited except in conjunction with the construction of a residence in a designated pre -approved building envelope or with the specific approval of the City of Muskego. 2. The removal of topsoil or other earthen materials shall be prohibited. 3. The removal or destruction of any vegetative cover, i.e. trees, grasses, etc. shall be prohibited with the exception of compliance with the City of Muskego weed ordinance, agricultural purposes and the removal of dead, diseased or dying vegetation at the discretion of landowner or silvicutural thinning upon the recommendation of a forester or naturalist and the approval of the City of Muskego. The removal of any vegetative cover which is necessitated by the approved construction of residences, associated buildings and driveways shall be permitted. 4. Grazing by domesticated animals, i.e. horeses, cows, etc. shall be discouraged to the greatest extent possible. 5. The introduction of plant material not indigenous to the existing environment of the natural area shall be prohibited. 6. Ponds may be permitted subject to the approval of the City of Muskego and, if applicable, the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources and the Army Corps of Engineers. 7. Construction of buildings within the natural area is prohibited, except as may be specifically provided for on the Certified Survey Map. Any alterations to a pre -approved building envelope will require the approval of the City of Muskego. SANITARY SEWER EASEMENT NOTE The sanitary sewer eaement is granted to the City of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin (Grantee) with the right, permission and authority to enter upon, construct, install, inspect, test, operate, maintain, replace and repair Sanitary Sewer (Facilities) together with appurtenances thereto, in, through, under, across, and upon said easements. The right, permission and authority is also granted said Grantee, to trim and/or cut down trees and/or cut down trees and/or brush where said trees and/or brush interfere with the Installation or maintenance of the Facilities.or represent a hazard to such Facilities. The land must only be put to uses consistent with this easement such as lawn areas, parking lots and driveways. No obstruction of access to the Facilities or its appurtenances shall be created in the future in that no building or other structures or items that may interfere with inspection , maintenance or repair shall be located in the easement. Trees or shrubs may be allowed within the easement area upon written permission from the Grantee. The surface elevation of the land within the easement shall not be raised or lowered without the prior written approval of the Grantee. Grantee and its agents shall have the right to enter upon the eaement for the purpose of exercising its rights herein described. Grantee agrees to restore or cause to have restored said prem. 1101*911R/�s�is reasonably possible, to the condition existing prior to such entry by the Grantee or its agents. The restoration, however, doe�a�p t �r��or trees which may be removed at any time pursuant to the rights herein granted. s\sIN 3882553 m©SIGMA Single Source. Sound Solutions. ff G R O U P www. thes i g ma g rou p. com 1300 West Canal Street Milwaukee, WI 53233 Phone: 414-643-4200 Fax: 414-643-4210 K A. M1 rr JACKSON Wi Z. \0 7����'(dtdtt; its ids isl!!1l�"v Project #2940 Drafted by Kevin A. Slottke WAUKESHARCOF OUNTTY, WI RECORDED ON December 29, 2011 03:11 PM James R Behrend Register of Deeds 11 PGS TOTAL FEE: 30.00 TRANS FEE: 10.00 Book 106 Page 230-240 Sheet 11 of 11