10818 - CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP22C� .cl Y3cl BADGER BLUEPRINT COMPANY, INC. r (' (262) U2-8200 � 1 Z 2 2'-9 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII FORMBBC-101 CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP No. BEING A PART OF THE NORTHEAST 1/4 AND SOUTHEAST 1/4 OF THE SOUTHWEST 1/4 AND THE NORTHWEST 1/4 OF THE SOUTHEAST 1/4 OF SECTION 18, TOWN 5 NORTH, RANGE 20 EAST, CITY OF MUSKEGO, WAUKESHA COUNTY, WISCONSIN. PREPARED FOR:CARL WAUER C/O Waste Management Controller PO Box 1450 Chicago, IL 60690 NORTHEAST CORNER OF VICINITY MAP THE SOUTHWEST 1/4 OF SOUTHWEST 1/4 OF SECTION 18-5-20 No Monument (in Pond) SECTION 18-5-20 N 331,128.32 SCALE: 1" - 2000' E 2,487,874.29 12 SOUTH WITNESS COR. Z 6"x6" Conc. Mon. Brass Cap 120.52' online to South E O N 331,007.82 to 0 E 2,487,876.64 P �Q Zq in l� I �• O I �O I CARVE RADIUS DELTA LEN CURVE TABLE CHORD HORD BEARIN CI 3879.72 1.36'52• 109.31 109.31 856.04'55•W� o I N N) I UNPI.ArrED 0 / � I CJ1 N LANI2S NOTE: The drainage easements N I shall be maintained by the respective parcel owners. The parcel owners shall maintain said LOT 1 I / easements in an unobstructed Q interconcc d so purpose. maintain their CSM s int boilraConstruction of 42,127 s ft. 0. any building grading or filling-iniced. Th r � K _ -•i said easements is prohibited. The N 0.97 scree � 'I parcel owners grant the City of 0 VACANT I Muskego the right (but not the Ln - reapon5lbility) to enter upon said N /f easements in order to inspect, tJ repair or restore said easements to Ul 25.00' their intended purpose. Expenses - ` 1, 19 sq. R / incurred by the City for inspection, M DEEI TE FOR PUBLIC repair or restoration of said ROADWA PU SES easements may be placed against x the tax roll of said parcel owner and collected as a special charge by G Ie City. F-± 5' Wide WISC. BELL G1 / ijNP1.ATTF.f] R/W GRANT per Doc. Y �V No.1296368 / x I-11� 711 �� '�j .�'y � WEPCO R/W 20' I POB � SOUTH WNE OF THE NORTHEAST o l •t 2� • S ] /4 OF THE 90UTHWEST 1/4 OF SECTION IB-5-20 IL ILEND: / 0—DENOTES Vx24" IRON PIPE, WITH AN / WEPCO R/W / OUTSIDE DIAMETER OF 1.315 INCHES AND / WEIGHING 1.68 LBS. PER LINEAL FOOT, SET AT ALL LOT CORNERS UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. / NOTE: p / BEARINGS REFER TO THE WISCONSIN STATE O 18 PLANE CO-ORDINATE SYSTEM SOUTH ZONE. THE / C EAST LINE OF THE SOUTHWEST 1/4 OF SECTION l 18-5-20 WAS TAKEN TO BEAR NO1"07'05"W. / - (NAD-27) ��q���\\11A11111111111f,'111////l///////� �_e' ONSt%°� �- / m o GRAPHIC, SCALE tso UNPLATTEn __ * T �k " CC SOUTHEAST CORNER OF _ THE SOUTHWEST 1/4 OF z(,s i9 ES' ' S 1 p � / SECTION 18-5-20 Sheet 1 of 3 Cast Iron Monument with rI Braes Ca November 2, 2010 \� N 328,493.57 E 2,487,925.71 METRGPOLITAN ENGINEERING, INC. �i�/`,",• 1.. �� �\�` setts o� cow-C. am Wk WAM*k, vL sow •_= �gtrument drafted by Scott F. Zimmerman, RLS-2639 rx aw 742-.m FM 782-44M DAACAD DRAWINGS\Surveys\S210000-250\S210077 Cart Wauendap 11/2/2010 24346 PM CDT BADGER BLUEPRINT COMPANY, INC. (262) 542-8200 FORM BBC-1o1 CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP No. BEING A PART OF THE NORTHEAST 1/4 AND SOUTHEAST 1/4 OF THE SOUTHWEST 1/4 AND THE NORTHWEST 1/4 OF THE SOUTHEAST 1/4 OF SECTION 18, TOWN 5 NORTH, RANGE 20 EAST, CITY OF MUSKEGO, WAUKESHA COUNTY, WISCONSIN. SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE I, Scott F. Zimmerman, a Registered Land Surveyor, do hereby certify: That I have surveyed, divided, mapped and dedicated a part of the Northeast 1/4 and Southeast 1/4 of the Southwest 1/4 and the Northwest 1/4 of the Southeast 1/4 of Section 18, Town 5 North, Range 20 East, City of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin, which is bounded and described as follows: Commencing at the Southeast corner of the Southwest 1/4 of said Section 18; thence North 01°07'05" West along the East line of the Southwest 1/4 of Section 18, 1340.98 feet to the Point of Beginning of the lands to be described; thence North 71°13'37" East, along the North line of the WECO Right of Way 84.35 feet; thence North 02°52'25" West, 217.11 feet; thence South 71°13'37" West, parallel to the North line of the WEPCO Right of Way, 208.55 feet; thence South 02°52'25" East, 217.11 feet to a point on the North line of the WEPCO Right of Way; thence North 71°13'37" East, along said Right of Way line 124.20 feet to the Point of Beginning, said tract of land containing 1.00 acres or 43,546 square feet of land. That I have made this survey, land division. map and dedication by the direction of Carl Wauer, owner of said land. That such map is a correct representation of all exterior boundaries of the land surveyed and the land division thereof made. That I have fully complied with the provisions of Chapter 236 of the Wisconsin Statutes and Chapter 18 of the City of Muskego Subdivision Ordinance in surveying, dividing and mapping the same. Date / ? .z 0i 0 OWNERS' CERTIFICATE CON CC?TT F. ,�„ iYIaS WILLIS n I, Carl Wauer, Owner, do hereby certify that I have caused the land described above to be surveyed, divided and mapped as represented on this map in accordance with the requirements of Chapter 236 of the Wisconsin Statutes and Chapter 18 of the City of Muskego Subdivision Ordinance. We further certify that this map is required to be submitted to the following for objection or approval: City of Muskego. WITNESS the hand and seal of said owner this 3 day of Ne MbDr 2010. IN THE PRESENCE OF: LKg,' Witness STATE OF WISCONSIN ) SS WAUKESHA COUNTY ) Carl Wauer Personally came before me this q day of NOXMly,Y , 2010, the above named Carl Wauer, to me known to be the person who executed the foregoing instrument and acknowledged the same. ft'� VL� Notary Public- State of Wisconsin ��\�`aeCAa►` 1 � My commission expires ` - O`O T 4 R t Sheet 2 of 3 ` G November 2, 2010 METR❑P❑LITAN ENGINEERING, INC. sN W lSGL em am�.a�o� cans. am 0% vow vc sauc 94 This Instrument drafted by Scott F. Zimmeiii4W KI.S-2639 aw am 701M rAx 700-0« D\ACAD DRAWINGS\Surveys\S210000-230\S210077 Cart Vau.r.d.p II/2/2010 2145-16 PM CDT BADGER BLUEPRINT COMPANY, INC. (262) 542-8200 FORM BBC-101 CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP No. BEING A PART OF THE NORTHEAST 1/4 AND SOUTHEAST 1/4 OF THE SOUTHWEST 1/4 AND THE NORTHWEST 1/4 OF THE SOUTHEAST 1/4 OF SECTION 18, TOWN 5 NORTH, RANGE 20 EAST, CITY OF MUSKEGO, WAUKESHA COUNTY, WISCONSIN. PLAN COMMISSION APPROVAL -1 APPROVED b the Plan Commission of the City of Muskego by Resolution No.�.0 • l� ' 20 �bfi this Z �nr�i day of 17jeMb2 2010. Io R. Johnso hairman �a-u W-�'twyo Kellie McMullen, Recording Secretary COMMON COUNCIL APPROVAL APPROVEI? by the Common Council of the City of Muskego by Resolution No. W52 0 1 0 on this _� �V\ day of M OQe-VAhLr , 2010. \```\11111����/ MU �S 111 o R. Johnson, r = �n .......... e , Sharon Mueller, City Clerk/Treasurer CERTIFICATE OF CITY TREASURER ;STATE OF WISCONSIN ) SS WAUKESHA COUNTY ) 1, Sharon Mueller, being the duly elected, qualified and acting City Clerk/Treasurer of the City of Muskego, do hereby certify that in accor ance with the records in my office, there are no unpaid taxes or unpaid special assessments as of ��-10 - 201(� (date) on any of the land included in this Certified Survey Map. % / I /l U /,7of c0 Date Sharon Mueller, City Clerk/Treasurer 3790875 REGISTER OF DEEDS WAUKRECORDEDNOWI N November 11, 2010 11:38 AM James R Behrend Register of Deeds 3 PGS TOTAL FEE: $30.00 TRANS FEE: $0.00 Book 105 Page 1-3 Sheet 3 of 3 November 2, 2010 II METROPOLITAN ENGINEERING, INC. II Mn aosoows CM= am a~ vmw v� sar This Instrument drafted by Scott F. Zimmerman, RLS-2639 rw rro 742-M M 701H t D\ACAD DRAWINGS\Surveys\S210000-250\S210077 Carl Vauer.deg 11/2/2010 24516 PM CDT