10824 - CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP- 1 Page 1 of 5 - • •., BADGER • 0- BLUEPRINT _ COMPANY, INC. (262) 542-8200 3795959 `i ., I I IIIIII II II I I I II I I I I I I II CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP No. 09c>? y BEING A REDIV/S/0N OF LOT 2 OFC,S.M. NO. 10115, BEING RED/VIS/ON.OF PARCEL l_OFC.S.M._ NO.9131, OF A PART OF THE S. E. 114 OF THE N W 114 OF SECTION 29, TOWN 5 NORTH, RANGE 20EAST,. IN THE CITY OFMUSKEGO,, WAUKESHA COUNTY WISCONSIN. N. W. 114 SEC. 29- 5-20 C.S.M. 2 QQ Q PARKER RD. LOCATION( MAP Scal e l -?.Coo" 4 e 25 OflAPH/C SCALE O 5075 150 300 450 Scale 1= 150' 0-DENOTES 1'x /8"IRON PIPE, 1.13I.BS./LIN. FT. INTERLINE SURVEY SERVICES, INC. 10521 W. FOREST HOME AVE. STE. 201 HALES CORNERS, WI 53130 PHONE 425-2060 U N P L Al L_E.D c - 605.33- N. 88*23'29"E. 200 00 `f'c�r 405.33 DRAIN Q; _ p N o Q WETLANDrB" %A 5,358SaFT. a iz3 AC. £ 4I �'I 0 (SEE DETAIL, SHEET 5) 2 0 122.7 r` g. O T h DWEL i t141,729 SkF71 4 m W �� i L4J Q m J V R M6 °23 29' E. 'I I�Q 300. OD W � 1 1643.72- / • ��� S. L1. OF Y 0 r o S w cor. N.W. 114 Se c.29-5,?0 2 H.320, 596.73 O E. 2, 490,839 ", u N P L A T T E Wis. ST. PL,COORD,S -- S IS-ZONEi:' Q: OWNERS ' W . Note: Drain Tile may be present over these lots. NOTE: FORM BBC-101 Welland Staking by SEWRPC on 9- 9•10 Wetlands located 9-10-10 Wetland Offset = 15' F o' W to PAR. 2 . k y WETLAND \ N \ "A" Q C. S M NO. 91JI 51, 6 75 SQ. FT. 1 y 1.18 6 AC. v (SEEDETA1I 'r SHEET 51 _ �/' LOT 2 N N s (177, 230 SQ.fT.1 > C. S.Ad. 7959 ro � H 305.33 �k m -605.33� S.88 23 29 W. os.a8�3'z9"w. i 114 SEC. i r 433.05 - R� S. E Cor. N.W.114 Se c. - 2662.10 - 29Z.20 I D L A N O S N. 320, 672.02 —' E. 2, 493, 520.20 WISC. ST. PL. COORDB. IS. ZONE1 RON, RICK, RENEE KAEBISCH ' S 98 W z /3 1 4 PARKER R ,�\\\IIIIIIlIIlllllt/11 �`sC OcLtangers are responsible for maintenance and or repair of same: 2 M U SK E G O 53150 'ry1l- W Q w 95H- ll1l I1111111\111�\\� SHEET / OFS, ' I JOB NO 32002 Page 2 of 5 • • BADGER • BLUEPRINT COMPANY, INC. (262) 542-8200 FORM BBC-101 CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP NO. BEING A REDIVISION of LOT 2 of C.S.M.NO. 10115, Being a redivision of PARCEL 1 of C.S.M. NO. 9131, of a part of the S.E. I/4 of the N.W. I/4 of Section 29, Town 5 North, Range 20 East, in the City of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin. SURVEYORS CERTIFICATE STATE OF WISCONSIN) MILWAUKEE COUNTY) SS I, GARY J. SMITH, registered land surveyor do hereby c ertify : THAT I have surveyed, divided and mapped All of LOT 2 of C.S.M. NO. 10115 , being a redivision of PARCEL 1 of C.S.M. NO. 9131 , of a part of the S.E. I/4. of the N.W. '/4 of Section 29, Town 5 North, Range 20 East, in the City of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin, more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the Southwest corner of said N.W.1/4 Section 29; thence N. 88 22' 29" E., along the south line of Said'/4 section, 1,643.72 feet to a point; thence N. 02 08'56". W., 40.00 feet to the southwest corner of LOT 2 of C.S.M. No.10115, and the point of beginning of the lands to be described; thence continuing N.02 08' 56" W., along the westerly line of said LOT 2, 526.94 feet to a point; thence N.88 23' 29" E., 605.33 feet to a point; thence S. 02 08' 56" E., 526.94 feet to a point; thence S.88 23'29"W., along the southerly line of said PARCEL 2, 605.33 feet to the point of beginning. . Containing 318,958, sq. ft. THAT I have made this survey, land division and map by the direction of RON KAEBISCH, RENEE KAEBISCH and RICK KAEBISCH, owners of said land. THAT such map is a correct representation of all exterior boundaries of the land surveyed, and the land division thereof made. THAT I have fully complied with the provisions of Chapter 236 of the Wisconsin Statutes and the land division ordinance of the City of Muskego, in surveying, dividing and mapping the same. Dated: May \\\` \\`sC GARY J. SMITH 2195 MILWAUKEE, WI O �G y . �rri�rn+nunnunut�` GARY J. MATH'tRSL-2195 Sheet 2 of 5 Job No .32003 • • Page 3 of 5 BADGER BLUEPRINT COMPANY, INC. (262)542-8200 ®• FORM BBC-101 CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP NO. A r�o7 BEING A REDIVISION of LOT 2 of C.S.M.NO. 10115, Being a redivision of PARCEL 1 of C.S.M. NO. 9131, of a part of the S.E. I/4 of the N.W. I/4 of Section 29, Town 5 North, Range 20 East, in the City of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin. OWNERS CERTIFICATE AS OWNERS, we hereby certify that we have caused the land described on this plat To be surveyed, divided and mapped as represented on the plat. We also certify that this plat is required by S.236.10 or 236.12 to be submitted to the following for approval or objection: CITY OF MUSKEGO. WITNESS the hand and seal of said owners this — f day of j\Atft6,1/ ,90t o .Q . r 07-.75k, KAEBISCH STATE OF WISCONSIN) COUNTY) SS PERSONALLY came before me this day of Nk�� , 2010, the above named RON KAEBISCH, RENEE KABISCH, and RICK KAEBISCH, owners, to be known to b ersons who executed the foregoing instrument and acknowledged the same Ma t A� �0 9 4'&J'A A too NOTARY PUBLIC �, COUNTY, WISCONSIN. My Commission expires PLANNING COMMISSION APROVAL APPROVED by the Plan Commission of the City of Muskego by RESOLUTION NO. 0 51 D I dated JVJU , (D 2010. J R.JO ON Chairman KELLIE McMULLEN \%N%%%\,uuuluuiiilli/RECORDING SECRETARY 3795959 REGISTER OF DEEDS UAUKESHA COUNTY, UI RECORDED ON November 30, 2010 02:55 PM James R Behrend Register of Deeds 5 PGS TOTAL FEE: $30.00 TRANS FEE: $0.00 ,Book 105 Page 25-29 Sheet 3 of 5 Job No. 32003 ' J I Page 4 of 5 01191 BADGER le • BLUEPRINT COMPANY, INC. (262) 542-8200 FORM BBC-101 CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP NO. BEING A REDIVISION of LOT 2 of C.S.M. NO. 10115, Being a redivision of PARCEL 1 of C.S.M. NO. 9131, of a part of the S.E. 1/4 of the N.W. 1/ of Section 29, Town 5 North, Range 20 East, in the City of Muskego, Waukesha County,. Wisconsin. COMMON COUNCIL APPROVAL APPROVED by the Common Council of the City of Muskego on this 2 ) day .ofjLA'Jv ,2010, by RESOLUTION NO. C)-ZD) () . Signed on this 1-7 Day of N N C m!Q" ,2010 o SHARON MU L ER CLERK/TREASURER CERTIFICATE OF CITY TREASURER I, SHARON MUELLER, being the duly elected, qualified, and acting City of Muskego Clerk/Treasurer do hereby certify that in accordance with the records in my office, there are No unpaid taxes or unpaid special assessments as of this 17� day of AA�c».b« , 2010, on any of the lands included on this map. Date it / 1711 L) SHARON MUE L R CLERK/TREASURER WETLAND AREA RESTRICTIONS' THOSE AREAS OF LAND WHICH ARE IDENTIFIED AS WETLAND'AREAS OF THIS CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP SHALL BE SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING RESTRICTIONS: 1. GRADING AND FILLING SHALL BEFROH1,01TED. 2. THE REMOVAL OF TOPSOIL OR OTHER EARTHEN MATERIALS SHALL BE PROHIBITED. 3. THE REMOVAL OR DESTRUCTION OF ANY VEGETATIVE COVER, i.e. TREES, SHRUBS, GRASSES, ETC, SHALL BE PROHIBITED WITH THE EXCEPTION OF THE REMOVAL OF DEAD, DISEASED OR DYING VEGETATION AT THE DISCRETION OF LANOOVIiNER, OR SILVICULTURAL THINNING UPON THE APPROVAL OF THE CITY OF MUSKEGO. 4. GRAZING BY DOMESTICATED ANIMALS je., HORSES, COWS, ETC., SHALL BE PROHIBITED, 5. THE !NTRODUCTION OF PLANT P4ATER14L NOT INDIGENOUS TO THE EXISTING ENVIRONMENT OF THE NATURAL AREA - SHALL BE PROHIBITED. 6. PONDS MAY BE PERMITTED SUBJECrTO THE APPROVAL OF THE CITY OF MUSKEGO AND, IF APPLICABLE, THE WISCONSIN DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES AND THE ARMY CORP O'rENGINEERS. 7. CON$TRUCTION OF BUILDINGS IS PROHIBITED. WETLAND PROTECTION OFFSET RESTRICTIONS V�A�1�1t�llrtfrr'r,f�. Q5 There is a City required 15 foot wetland protection offset around all wetland areas. The areas of land which are identified as wetland protection offset areas shall follow all Restrictions listed in Chapter 17 of the City of Muskego Municipal Code relating to wetland Protection offsets. \\\`` \\\\\�u�luulC lO lniiii��f' ,i3'GARY j IpSMI ZZ W KEE, zt Sl/R��;. Sheet 4 of 5 Job No. 32003 • • Page 5 of 5 BADGER BLUEPRINT. COMPANY, INC. (262)542-8200 •• CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP Na N. 88023'29'E. - BEING. A REDIVISION OF LOT 2 OFC.S.M. NO. 101I5/ BEING A REDIV.I_SION OF PARCEL l OF C.S.,M. NO. 913/ ,+ 200 00 L1 , � OF A PART OF TH•E S.E. 114 OF THE N.W. 114 OF SECTION t 710 /S 'N/Er6AN� u1 ' �o .�,c°rECT/DA/ 291 TOWN 5.NOR.THy.RANGE 20EAST,INTHECITYOF '� �? oAw-rer /n/E MUSKEGO, WAUKESHA COUNTY, WISCONSIN WETLAND J ��+ 5�3585q.fT. DELINEATION "A" DEL.INF.ATION "B" 3 LOT V. BrARINr DISTANCE REARING DISTANCE v Ll S. 88*23' 29" W 8170 Ll N. 87 10 51'04" E 65 co is L2 N 31 41' 23" W 150 L2 N 77 54' 54" E 20.66 0 L3 N 23 30' S2" W 2719 Q N. 71 '42' 31" E. 25.51 '08' L4 N. 06 20' 44" W. 33. 00 L4 _ N. 25 44" E. 16.53 L5 N 01�30' 15" W 3391 L5 N 08*58' 24" E 17.21 L6 N 19 3rcr•p 379 L6 N.06 36'34"E 1831 ��� 0 SCALtI: L7 N 44 17' 07" t 3132 L7 N.02 13'21"W. I9.55 _; l3 gokc Y - : ep ��q C^AI �`{± L8 N.36*59' 38" E 36.82 L$'- • N. 43 3l' OS" W. 18.20 IVI _ _ 2195 L9 N l e3l' 45" E 304 L9 L10 N 02 25' 13" E,' 3739 LIO N. 51 *40' 15" W. 19.34 N. 99 *48' 53" W. 14.56 M I K I OTC\ i � . u L11 N 2305 r 76" W. 3406 LI I S. 86 �02' 00" W. 15.66 L12 N 29 31' 59" W 3439 L12 N. 74'32' 12" W. ' 3.19 //////J1111�1111111\\i\\\\ 405.33 L13 N 4l* 18' 23" W 40.64 L13 N. 02 09- 56" W: 39.19 L14 N 40010' 00" W 39.20 L14 S. 02* 08' 56" E. 106,90 L15N 59 OR' 25" W 25.17 116 N 71 21'41"W 2486 - LOT 2 - - L17 N.69 50'59" W 1921 LI8 1 40 04'48" W 15.41 , L19 S 00 29' 12" W 2012 p TB c r/O Al L29 S. 01'50'o8"F 3569 a.rrrer [./NE ---L19 L21 S OS 00' 38" E 39 68 I.s L22 S 05403' 21" F 30,78 ` C L23 S 19 02' 16" W 29.10 W L?/ ,y_ L24 S. 34�3P 52" W 39.74 A N L25 S 12 30'55" W 7 U 1 L26 S 13 "21' 43" E 22.47 / st L27 S 08a49' 49" E 32.53 _ 2 128 S 02 22' 36" W 26,67 L29 S. 22 �52' 09" W 26 05 ` 4+ L f 0` L30 S.73•53' 55" W. 31 54 WETLAND I'A L31 S. 23 04' 26" W. it 70 01,675 yySQ• FT. L32 S.12'42'43" W 19.53 `Z6 7L � LB�� L33 N. 88 23' 29" E 167.09 L 27 % o ! At FORM BBC-101 I 1 a o� N W • h OO h p , Las Qco O SCA C or L29 IL L5 `°' 1 TERL•-'INE SURVEY Z - '� Laos' SERVICES, INC. r• i L 1052'1 W FOREST HOME AVE. STE. 201 CORNERS, 53130 L$1 ' HALES WI 4- to PHONE 425-2060 L32 Lis �L t S. 88023� 29" W. PARKER DRIVE ✓OR NO.32002 SHEET 5 OF5