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pfcm02182024CITY OF MUSKEGO POLICE AND FIRE COMMISSION MINUTES February 18, 2024 10:45AM Muskego Police Department, W182 S8200 Racine Avenue CALL TO ORDER Unapproved u Csj o! 44,,USKEGO Meeting was called to order at 10:48AM by Commissioner Kuspa. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ROLL CALL Commissioners Kuspa, Jaske, Boyer and Hauboldt were present. STATEMENT OF PUBLIC NOTICE CLOSED SESSION Following conclusion of consideration of the above portion of its regularly scheduled agenda, the Police and Fire Commission will meet to vote on a motion to convene in Closed Session for the purpose of interviewing candidates for the position of police officer. A closed session for the above purpose is authorized pursuant to the provisions of Wisconsin State Statute, Section 19.85 (1) (C ): Considering employment, promotion, compensation, or performance evaluation data of any public employee over which the governmental body has jurisdiction or exercises responsibility. Upon conclusion of the Closed Session, the Police and Fire Commission will convene in Open Session to consider its public agenda, including motions to recommend approval or rejection of the above -listed deliberations or any of the public agenda items that have not been acted upon. Commissioner Boyer made a motion to go into closed session, Commissioner Hauboldt seconded. Motion passed all in favor. Meeting went into closed session at 10:58AM. OPEN SESSION Commissioner Jaske made a motion to go back into open session, Commissioner Boyer seconded. Motion passed all in favor. Meeting was back in open session at 11:27AM. ADJOURNMENT Commissioner Boyer made a motion to adjourn, Commissioner Jaske seconded. Motion passed all in favor. Meeting was adjourned at 11:27AM.