RLOemeralarmsystem1139101.8 El EMERGENCY ALARM SYSTEMS 12.18 I. PURPOSE. The purpose of this subsection is to encourage the installation of emergency alarm systems in structures within the City of Muskego in order to provide additional protection to persons and property from fire, crime (including burglary, robbery and vandalism), and such other hazards as may constitute a danger to persons or property. It is anticipated that such installations will provide a method of early detection which will alert the fire and police departments to increase the present level of protec- tion to persons and property. II. DEFINITIONS. 4 A. "ALARM SYSTEM" as used in this ordinance shall mean fire and/or burglar, and/or other detection systems [:that -are -designed to -be connected to the police department al a:rm..pane1::or La- commerc-i-a]--al arm --company--to -al eft-_ the . pol ice and f ire -depar.-tments-=of-danger_-.to-persons -or--propertr3, B. FIRE OR SMOKE :DETECTION -SYSTEM: -.-Any device -designed to automat-i ca 1-1y -detect- the exlstence .of —a f i ee or =smoke; -and - automatical ly--sound an alarmrat -the pol-ice station -or a com- - merci-al alarm company-3 • C. BURGLAR --DETECTION SYSTEMe:-=Any device designed to detect --an unauthorized ent•r-y- i nto--a - residence or .place --of al1y sound---an_a:iamjat:-the=police-=- .bus.iness- and,automaticr- station_�or-a commer-ci-al_-a aim -company 3.____ D.=-EMERGENCY_ALARM:_SYSTEM---Any other -device --not included - in above;_ des igned_to-alert=the -polA ce-and .fire departments of danger to persons or --property. E. STRUCTURE-- As used in thi-s'subsection shall mean any building built -for --support, shelter or enclosure of persons or p rope rty.-_ APPLICATION--REOUIREMENTS.._- //}� ' A. = APPLdtATION"FAR-=PERMIT.- -Prior to -the -installation of any -.alarm system; a detailed plan and speci_f_i-cation of the enti-re system--shall---be-_submitted for--review-and approval by - the Chief _of Pblice.--_Such plan shall •show - the -;location of all proposed devices. B. CODE -REQUIREMENTS. Any -alarm system installed in the City -of Muskego shall -conform, where applicable, to State and Local Codes.- No device or equipment not approved and tested by a recognized independant-testing agency will be -accepted. • C. FEES.- An application and inspection fee of $25.00 shall accompany the application. All electrical work done in be connection with the installation of any alarm system shall approved by the Building Inspection Department and the fee in accordance with Chapter 15 of the Municipal Code. D. INSPECTION REQUIRED. (1) Upon completion of instal- lation, the system shall be tested by the installer to insure \ that said system operates in conformance to the specifications as approved. (2) Subsequent tests may be required to insure that the systems are still -operational and still conform to speci- fications. If such tests are required the results of such tests • shall be submitted to the Police Department. EMERGENCY ALARM SYSTEMS 12.18 • IV. REGULATION OF SYSTEM. A. CONNECTIONS TO THE POLICE DEPARTMENT. (1) Alarm systems installed in commercial and residential buildings may be connected to the Police Department with the approval of the Chief of Police. (2) The installation and maintenance thereof shall be at the expense of the property owner and the alarm company designated as the successful bidder to install the control panel at the Police Dispatch Center. Alarms connected to the Police Department shall have a separate line to the department alarm system and shall not be connected to existing telephone lines. Alarms which utilize radio transmissions to the alarm panel are also acceptable. Only alarms that have the capabili- ty of connection to a module will be allowed. Applications for -connection -to the --Police Department shal-1 provide for_ waiver and: release -of -municipal _liability -by .reason of such - connection. - 8.7-..FALSE ALARMS.- (1) False=alarms--due.to carelessness__ or other causes -which are=received-;by_.the-Police--Depar-tment,:_ requires -a response by -the P-olice -or fire Departments ._result- ing in unnecessary expense -to the --City -and_-increases_the-- risk=of 1nJury to respondi-ng personnel or damage .to -property. • (2)-_The _term_"false-alarm"-as=used -in -.this- ordinance -- shall --mean - -a signal--from-an-alarm-system. -resulting i_n a response - by -the -.Police -or Fire Department-- when -an emergency---situation- does :not --exist. _ (3)-_The owner -.of any alarm system connected to the Police Department which actuates an excessive number of false alarms will, after notification -by the Chief of Police, take the necessary -steps-to-correct -the situation: If the excessive false -alarm condition -is not -corrected -after the--issuance-of a written-warningi _the- Chief --of--Police-may_at -his -discret-ion,- order the -alarm disconnected within- 30-days -.from the police_- panel. Newly installed -alarms shall -not be subject to this provision -for-the-first-30--days_after-connection to the depart- ment.-_ C.= PENALTIES AND:APPEALS.- (1) Failure to comply with any provisions -of -this ordinance shall be.cause_for an alarm system --.to be disconnected from the Police Department upon- 30 days prior wri-tten notice. (2)_ An order of disconnection issued by the Chief of Police as provided by this ordinance, may be appealed -by filing a written -notice of appeal with the City Clerk. Said appeal • shall be filed -within 10 days of the date of -the order of -dis- connection. Said appeal shall be heard by the Common Council within 30 days of the --date of filing the appeal. The Common Council may affirm, reverse, or modify the decision of the Chief of Police. An appeal timely filed suspends the discon- nection until the Common Council renders its decision. The City Clerk shall give written notice of the time and place of the hearing of the appellant. Such notice shall be given by registered or certified mail or personal delivery not less than 7 days before the hearing. D. FEES WAIVER. The Common Council ma upon request waive the application and inspection fee of �25.00 for schools and other municipal property.