The Rules, Laws & Ordinance Committee has reviewed and
discussed several possible amendments to the Zoning Ordinance
and the Subdivision Control Ordinance. These amendments
have been discussed with Mr. Lee, Building Inspector, and
we will appreciate any comments or suggestions on these
proposed amendments that you may have before they are submitted
to the Common Council for possible approval at this level.
The first proposed amendment is
Subdivision Control Ordinance.
following should be inserted:
the four corners,". This would
read "Plan.:and profiles showing
grades for all streets, alleys,
posed lots, at each of the four
to IV, A, 2, a (1) of the
After the word ways the
"proposed lots, at each of
leave Paragraph (1) to
existing and established
public right-of-ways, pro -
corners, and proposed
The next suggested amendment is to the Zoning Ordinance to
Section 6.01 (2) D. This amendment would create a new
Paragraph which should read -,"all lots shall have proper
surface drainag
accomplished." e, and no fial occupancy permit will be
issued until £inal grade and proper swails have been
Then in keeping with the same thought relative to the
problem of surface drainage waters, we will refer to Section
3.03 (4) which is captioned Temporary Occupancy and Use
Permit on Page 11. First of all, beginning on the second
line of this paragraph with the word the and continuing "Tot,m
Board upon recommendation of" it is felt that this should
be deleted. If this were a change to refer to the correspond-
Ing governing body of the Town Board it would have to go to
the Common Council and it is felt that this is rather clumsy
handling and much delay car_ occur.
Continuing on this same sentence which terminates on Line
5, the period would be eliminated and the following should
be inserted after the word occupation and pending final
grading of land to its specified grade
In other words the first sentence of this paragraph would
read "pending the issuance of a regular permit, a temporary
Permit may be issued by the Building Inspector for a period
not exceeding six months during the completion of alterations or
during partial occupancy of a building pending its occupation
and pending final grading of land to its specified grade."
We will greatly appreciate your comments and suggestions at
your earliest convenience.