RLO19960515SUBCOMMITTEE ON SNOWMOBILE ORDINANCE REVIEW - CITY OF MUSKEGO MINUTES OF MEETING HELD WEDNESDAY, MAY 15, 1996 The meeting was called to order at 7:05 by Chairman Sanders. Also present were committee member Rasmussen, Police Chief John Johnson and those per the attached list. Committee member D'Acquisto was excused. The meeting was posted according to the Open Meeting Law. Chairman Sanders read correspondence from Mayor De Angelis indicating that WEPCO was willing to entertain a proposal for snowmobiling on WEPCO right-of-way. Parks and Recreation Board was unwilling to pursue the issue at this time. Mr. Taube requested that a copy of the letter from WEPCO be forwarded to the Icetronauts president. The letter apparently has specific points. Ald. Sanders indicated that a public hearing be held to seek input. There was concern that if the public was interested, they should be attending the meetings. Mr. Tom Carolson questioned what a public hearing would • accomplish. Chairman Sanders indicated he wants to make sure everyone had an opportunity to express their opinion. Mr. Dave Pliss indicated that he would like a date for the next meeting. Chairman Sanders indicated that the next meeting would be scheduled for June 19, 1996. Mr. Taube questioned the date for the proposed public hearing. Ald. Rasmussen indicated that a public hearing would be scheduled after a proposal was developed. Mr. Dave Pliss questioned why WEPCO had not indicated their possible agreement prior? Chairman Sanders moved to adjourn at 7:27 P.M. Seconded by Ald. Rasmussen, motion carried. /ca 0 Respectfully submitted, Ald. Robert L. Rasmussen Secretary