The meeting was called to order at 7:05 P.M. by Chairman Sanders.
Also present were Committee Member Rasmussen, Mayor De Angelis and
those per the attached list. Committee Member D'Acquisto was
The meeting was noticed on October 20, 1995, in accordance with
the Open Meeting Law.
The Committee discussed procedure for Voting on Boards and
reviewed memorandum from City Clerk Jean Marenda advising that,
after further research, the Chairman and/or President of a Board
or Committee does have the right to vote, and does have the right
to make motions, with the exceptions outlined in Chapter 2,
Section 2.09(2)(3) of the Municipal Code of the City of Muskego,
or by procedure established by a board or committee, or as an
ex-officio officer.
The Committee discussed voting order for Chairman. Unless the
voting sequence is defined by the Committee, the Chairman should
vote first, as outlined in Article X, 58, of Robert Rules of Order.
• The Committee discussed jurisdiction and liability of snowmobiles
on lakes, dry lake bed, hitting piers, etc. Mr. David Taube
appeared before the Committee to advise that he had spoke with Mr.
John Cook of the DNR concerning the issue. His findings indicate
that the exposed lake bottom is under the control of the property
owners using the extension of the property lines. If it is a road
or trail extension, snowmobiles can move in the most direct route
across the lake bottom to the ice line and then can proceed in any
direction. Signs for "No Trespassing" can be posted, but only on
the property above normal water line and not exposed lake bed.
This information is included in Wisconsin State Statute 30.29, pg.
3h. Copy of the minutes should be forwarded to the Parks and
Recreation Board.
The Committee discussed investigation of Compost Pile. Chairman
Sanders indicated that he had spoke with Building Inspection
Director Chuck Dykstra as to status of original complaint and Mr.
Dykstra indicated that he has not received significant
complaints. The Committee took no action at this time.
The Committee reviewed request for banning of Hunting on Little
Muskego Lake. Chairman Sanders indicated that a complaint was
received about shooting on Holz Island. The police were called,
but arrived too late. The next day, the same shooting occurred
and the police did locate the person. A citizen requested that
• shooting on all of Little Muskego Lake be prohibited. Mr. Wil
Vidal, Chairman of the Little Muskego Lake District, spoke to the
complainant and agreed that there should not be hunting on Little
Muskego Lake. Complainant had concerns about hunting with amount
Rules, Laws & Ordinance Committee - Page 2
October 25, 1995
of population and is disturbed about shooting in early morning
hours and on weekends. Mr. Vidal was not against duck hunting,
but did not feel it was appropriate on Little Muskego Lake. Mr.
Ery Hummer voiced concern about banning hunting in general. Steve
Cook indicated that most hunting occurs on grass islands and is
away from population and should not be a problem. Dean Gumieny
was worried that the law would extend to other areas. Chairman
Sanders indicated that there was no intent to ban hunting
throughout Muskego. Mike Morack questioned what was meant by
"appropriate". Muskego Lake has the same density as in the past.
He indicated there were no problems with Holz Island and he was
upset that Holz Island was declared a park and hunting was
banned. If it is a noise issue, why not eliminate fireworks! He
stated that the duck hunting season is a limited number of days
and helps to move and control duck population on the lake. Mr.
Morack expressed his desire for the City of Muskego to look into
ways to improve hunting in the City rather than looking at any
banning. Mr. Al Spitzner inquired if any research was done with
DNR. Chairman Sanders indicated that the last time that the City
conferred with the DNR, the DNR did not find a safety issue. Mr.
Spitzner indicated that he would go on record supporting hunting.
Jeff Coubal questioned if banning signs had been posted on Holz
Drive? Mayor De Angelis indicated that he was unsure if the
property had been posted as yet. Al Spitzner indicated that he
felt a person buying property on the lake should be aware that
• boats, jet skis and hunting might occur. Mayor De Angelis
indicated that most people are aware of these problems.
Population has turned over during the past few years, bringing new
and different attitudes. At this point, it is a noise and not a
safety issue. Mike Morack inquired about what can be done to
improve hunting and expansion of hunting opportunities. Mayor De
Angelis covered the installations of islands in Big Muskego Lake
and the plans for habitat in Wind Lake. Mayor stated that he was
not aware of any City land, that is not designated as Parkland,
that could be used for hunting. The land north of Woods Road is
being developed and potential for hunting is diminishing.
Chairman Sanders indicated that a commitment was made by the City
to fund portions of Big Muskego Lake developments which is
intended to improve hunting.
Mike Morack indicated that he thought that Holz Island should not
be a problem. Chairman Sanders indicated that there were concerns
on how to police boundaries if hunting was allowed on part of the
Island. Mike Morack wanted to know if informational brochures
could be sent out by the City to inform new citizens of hunting.
Chairman Sanders asked Wil Vidal if information could be put in
Lake District newsletter. Mike Morack stated that he would like
the official record to reflect that he supported hunting on Little
Muskego Lake. Chairman Sanders asked for a straw poll. The poll
indicated 22 in favor of hunting and 1 against. Mike Morack
• offered to distribute information from the City's ordinance to
residents around Little Muskego Lake. Due to these reasons
presented, and the fact that a safety issue is not apparent, the
Committee did not take action at this time. Ald. Rasmussen moved
Rules, Laws 6 Ordinance Committee - Page 3
October 25, 1995
f� to insure that Holz Island be properly posted to restrict hunting
300 ft. from the Island. Seconded by Ald. Sanders, motion carried
2-0. Citizens expressed concerns about how they could get 30 day
notification of meetings that would further discuss this issue.
Ald. Rasmussen indicated that he would be concerned about the
mechanism and possible failures to notify that could occur with
any system and explained that the City recently started using
Channel 7, Public Access Channel, to list Committee meetings and
agenda items. In addition, the City will publish a newsletter
starting next year. Mayor De Angelis also noted that the
constitutents should also contact their alderman if they want to
be informed if a specific issue is being discussed. Chairman
Sanders indicated that a tickler file could be put in the hunting
file so people could be notified if the issue occurs again.
Ald. Rasmussen moved to adjourn at 9:05 P.M. Seconded by Ald.
Sanders, motion carried 2-0.
Respectfully submitted,
Ald. Robert L. Rasmussen
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