RLO19950927• RULES, LAWS 6 ORDINANCE COMMITTEE - CITY OF MUSREGO MINUTES OF MEETING HELD WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 1995 The meeting was called to order at 7:00 P.M. by Committee Member D'Acquisto. Also present were Committee Member Rasmussen and those per the attached list. Chairman Sanders arrived at 7:05 P.M. The Committee noted that the meeting was posted on 9/22/95 in accordance with the Open Meeting Law. The Committee reviewed Snowmobile Ordinance for City of Fox Lake, Wisconsin that Mayor De Angelis requested after conferring with representative at recent League of Municipalities seminar. Ald. D'Acquisto noted that Mr. David Taube was present prior to start of the meeting and discussed pending legislation in Madison. Mr. Jerry Pronschinske from the Icetronauts asked that he be notified of any future discussion concerning this issue. Because of pending legislation, no action is being taken at this time. Ald. Rasmussen moved to adjourn at 7:20 P.M. Seconded by Ald. D'Acquisto, motion carried 3-0. • /ca • Respectfully submitted, Ald. Robert L. Rasmussen Secretary • SIGN -IN SHEET FOR CITY MEETINGS PLEASE PRINT YOUR NAME AND AGENDA ITEM BELOW. THANK YOU. Meeting: vt,(f (n �fQ� ) J�UIACL��Date: / a NAME • ITEM •