. The meeting was called to order at 7:55 P.M. by Chairman Taube.
Also present were Committee Members Misko and Woodard, Ald.
D'Acquisto, Ald. Sanders, Ald. Patterson, Mayor De Angelis, and
those per the attached list. It was noted that Mayor De Angelis
was not a participant as he felt that there was a possible
conflict of interest.
The meeting was posted on October 7, 1994, in accordance with the
Open Meeting Law requirements.
The Committee further reviewed proposed amendments to Liquor
License Ordinance.
Mr. Scott Krause, Muskego Lakes Country Club, questioned the
Committee's proposal contained in minutes of August 4, 1994, which
states, A license cannot be sold or transferred to another person
at another location; license will revert back to the City." Ald.
Taube responded that per City Attorney's opinion, Wisconsin State
Statute 125.04 (12) allows transfers from place to place and from
person to person and that the City is not proposing to be more
restrictive at this time.
Mr. Jerome Jaraczewski, Woods Road Tavern, questioned if there is
a State Statute that addresses period of time a business can be
closed before a Municipality can consider this grounds for
revocation or suspension of the license. The Committee stated
that there is no Statute at this time.
Ald. Misko moved to change the proposed language to state, "If a
license issued hereunder is not used within 365 days after its
issuance or its usage is discontinued for a period of 120 days,
such a situation may be grounds for cancellation, suspension,
revocation or nonrenewal of the license in accordance with the
provisions of this section and the laws of Wisconsin." Seconded
by Ald. Taube, motion carried 2-1 with Ald. Woodard casting the
dissenting vote. This changed the period of time from originally
proposed 90 days to 120 days and also eliminated the sentence
"whichever is greater" (after license period) from the original
Ald. Misko moved to request a City Attorney opinion as to whether
or not the word "business" can be added to the proposed ordinance,
and to send the issue to the November 2, 1994 Finance Committee.
Seconded by Ald. Taube, motion carried.
Bonnie Jean Acker, R & B's Stage Coach Inn, inquired as to how
many establishments with a license do not have a premise? Ald.
D'Acquisto stated that he thought there were three.
The meeting adjourned at 9:10 P.M.
• Respectfully submitted,
Ald. Donna M. Woodard
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