The meeting was called to order at 7:00 P.M. by Chairman
Taube. Also present were Committee Member Dumke, Ald. Sanders,
Ald. Patterson, Chief Johnson and those per the attached list.
The Committee further reviewed proposed Ordinance 781,
Harboring Juvenile Runaways. Ald. Taube moved to recommend
approval subject to deleting "or should know to be" in section
(a). Seconded by Ald. Dumke, motion carried.
The Committee deferred review of sign ordinance.
The Committee deferred action
products as they are awaiting
on Purchase of American -made
correspondence from the City
Correspondence from the City Attorney, dated January 21, 1993,
was reviewed which answered the Committee's request for an
attorney opinion as to whether the City could adopt an
ordinance that provided for revocation or suspension of a
driver's license for underage drinking. Wisconsin Statutes
presently provide for such a penalty and so does the City of
Muskego's ordinance 12.01(1).
Ald. Dumke moved to recommend adoption of an ordinance to amend
Chapter 9, Section 9.16 of the City of Muskego's Municipal Code
to delete "or potbellied pig" in Section 9.16(2) referring to
littering. Seconded by Ald. Taube, motion carried.
Mrs. Carmen Herberg appeared before the Committee to discuss
the current regulations on vicious and dangerous dogs. She
explained her problems with the existing ordinance with the
$100,000 insurance requirement and that the City of Muskego's
ordinance does not provide for issuing of warning tickets. No
action was taken at the present time.
Mr. Ron Ford appeared before the Committee to discuss proposed
Ordinance 779, Land Suitability. Ald. Taube moved to recommend
that the DNB's suggestion that sensitive lands (e.g.,
floodplains, steeply wooded slopes, wetland soils) "should not
be counted toward the minimum lot size requirements when
platting" (attached). Seconded by Ald. Dumke, motion carried.
Correspondence from the City Clerk was reviewed regarding the
need for an ordinance if the Council feels that the Muskego
Volunteer Fire Company Station #1 is to be used for the April
1993 election. Ald. Dumke moved to recommend adoption of an
ordinance to change the location for District 3, Wards 5 & 6
from Bethel Lutheran Church to the Muskego Volunteer Fire
Company Stations #1. Seconded by Ald. Taube, motion carried.
Rules, Laws & Ordinance Committee - Page 2
February 4, 1993
• Many citizens appeared before the Committee to express concern
with the rumor that the Committee was contemplating passing an
ordinance to prohibit hunting in the City of Muskego. The item
on the agenda was misleading as it stated "Review rifle/target
ranges". The following issues were discussed:
1. Elimination of hunting with slugs in shot guns
2. Trespassing
3. Complete banning of hunting.
Many comments were issued for and against the above items. No
action was taken by the Committee to change any of the existing
The meeting adjourned at 11:30 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
Ald. Edwin P. Dumke
little ►nuskego lake assoelation ine.
To: Rules Laws and ordinance Committee -City of Muskego
Re: Amendment to the city's land division ordinance with respect to
the minimum lot size adjacent to floodplains.
We would like to offer a proposal that we feel would resolve
this matter while ensuring a proper adjustment of land use and
development to the supporting and sustaining natural resources base.
The Department of Natural Resources manual on floodplain and
shoreland development suggests that environmentally sensitive lands
(e.g., floodplains, steeply wooded slopes, wetland soils) "should
not be counted toward the minimum lot size requirements when platting
_.......ia i,e 4,n nsad by the size of the sensitive area )"
We propose that this approach be taken when amenaing secL1U11 Z.0
(land suitability) of the land division ordinance.
Clearly the past approaches to land development in the City of
Muskego for the most part have not worked to the advantage of our
lakes and streams. Close to a million dollars have already been spent
• on projects and studies to correct past mistakes. We need to try new
and better approaches to land use development if we are to ensure
clean lakes, streams and wells for future generations.
In conclusion, we would like to list the following ways that
wetlands contribute to the social, economic, and environmental health
of our community:
1. Preservation of wetlands is good economics in the long run because
it reduces the need for expensive flood control projects, drainage
way maintenance, and erosion control.
2. By filtering pollutants, nutrients, and sediments, wetlands protect
water quality in lakes, streams, and wells.
3. By storing runoff from heavy rains and snow melts, wetlands reduce
flood damage.
4. By providing essential habitat for fish, waterfowl and other animals,
wetlands provide recreational opportunities for city residents and
5. By providing beautiful open spaces, wetlands enhance quality of life,
private property values, and tourism. Big Muskego Lake could very
well become a tourist attraction in the year's to come.
Ron Ford
• Howard Schneider
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