RLO199212020 • MEMORANDUM DATE: DECEMBER 2, 1992 TO: MAYOR SALENTINE PLAN COMMISSION MEMBERS RULES, LAWS AND ORDINANCE COMMITTEE FROM: LAWRENCE J. KIRCH, DIRECTOR OF PLANNING'r--)�, SUBJECT: PROPOSED CHANGE TO THE CITY'S LAND DIVISION ORDINANCE Attached for your review and recommendation is amended language for Section 18:2.6 of the City's Land Division Ordinance pertaining to Floodlands. Proposed change to the City's Land Division ordinance, Chapter 18 Section 2.6. Additions are underlined, deletions are marked with an overstrike. 2.6 LAND SUITABILITY No Land shall be subdivided for any use which is determined to be held unsuitable for such a proposed use by the City Plan Commission, upon the recommendation of the City Engineer or any other agency as determined by the City Plan Commission for reason of flooding, inadequate drainage, adverse soil or rock formations with severe limitations for development, severe erosion potential, unfavorable topography, inadequate water supply or sewage disposal capabilities, or any other feature likely to be harmful to the health, safety, or welfare of the future residents of the proposed subdivision or of the City. In addition: Floodlands. No lot served by public sanitary sewerage facilities shall have less than 50 percent of its required lot area, as specified in the Zoning District Regulations below a elevation at least two (2) feet above the elevation of the yaps L=t "ll 011(.0 lIL UCLVaL L1UUU, VL wilere 5ucn aaLa is not available, five (5) feet above the maximum flood of record No lot of one (1) acre or less in area served by an on -site sanitary sewage disposal (septic tank or mound) system shall include floodlands. All lots more than one (1) acre in area served by a septic tank system or mound system shall contain not less than 40,000 square feet of land which is at an elevation at least two (2) feet above the elevation of the one hundred (100) year recurrence interval flood or, where such data is not available five (5) feet above the elevation of the maximum flood of record. 10 • a