RLO19920109RULES, LAWS & ORDINANCE COMMITTEE - CITY OF MUSKEGO MINUTES OF MEETING HELD JANUARY 9, 1992 The meeting was called to order at 8:15 P.M. by Chairman Harold Sanders. Also present were Committee Members Taube and Patterson, Aid. Simmons, Mayor Salentine, Chief Johnson and those per the attached list. The Committee discussed proposed amendments to the City's Ethics Code. It was noted that the City Clerk is sending out notifications to candidates about truth of any advertising used in elections, per state law, and the Committee will continue work on amendments at the February meeting. The Committee deferred action on blockage of solar panels/dishes for further research. The Committee reviewed proposed Animal Litter Ordinance prepared by the City Attorney and will further discuss at the February meeting to define what animals will be covered. The Committee reviewed information supplied by citizen concerning ordinances in other communities concerning potbellied pigs and will discuss further at the February meeting. • Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Scholbe appeared before the Committee to discuss the City's policy on "Hiring of Relatives". The Scholbes are requesting that the City amend their policy and consider that the Public Works and Public Utilities Departments be two separate entities. Aid. Taube moved to deny request. Seconded by Aid. Patterson, motion carried unanimously. The Committee requests that the League of Municipalities be contacted to research what could be added to the City's policy to cover a situation wherein two employees of the City, in the same department, marry. The policy now states that one of the employees would have to terminate employment within thirty (30) days and the Committee would like a defined statement as to it being according to seniority, etc. The meeting adjourned at 9:35 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Aid. Patrick A. Patterson Secretary ca 0 3 ism 0 .Q