RLO19911113• RULES, LAWS & ORDINANCE COMMITTEE - CITY OF MUSKEGO MINUTES OF MEETING HELD NOVEMBER 13, 1991 The meeting was called to order at 7:10 P.M. by Chairman H. Sanders. Also present were Committee Members Patterson and Taube, Mayor Salentine, Ald. Hilt and those per the attached list. The Committee continued discussion on the Ethics Code as to establishing an appointed citizens board vs elected officials. Mayor Salentine reported on a recent Waukesha County meeting concerning State Ethics Board. Further discussion on blockage of solar panels/dishes was deferred to December meeting. The Committee further discussed proposed ordinance on animal litter. Ald. Patterson moved to direct the City Attorney to write an ordinance stipulating that a owner of a cat or dog must be responsible for cleaning up fecal matter when their animal is outside of their property. Suggested fines to be $25.00 for the first offense, $50.00 for the second offense and $100.00 for the third offense, plus court costs. Seconded by Ald. Taube, motion carried. • Discussion on vulgar signage was tabled. Mr. Gene Gaetzke appeared before the Committee to advise of the problem he had with late canvassing. The Committee requests that Chief Johnson report on what actions are taken when issuing transient merchant/canvassing/solicitors/peddlers permits and if the rights of peddlers are the same for minors as adults. Kathi Gough appeared before the Committee to request permission to keep a potbellied pig in her home. Committee is concerned about possible breeding problems and requested Ms. Gough to secure further information and report back to Committee next month. Ald. Patterson discussed amendments to Committee minutes while being read at Common Council, rather than taking back to the individual committee and requests an opinion from Attorney Molter. Discussion on amount of available RECs was removed from the agenda. Respectfully submitted, Ald. Patrick A. Patterson Secretary ca *I it" s