The meeting was called to order at 7:47 P.M. by Chairman
Patterson. Also present were Committee Member Taube and Simmons,
Police Chief Johnson, Tom Zahn, Fire Chief Dibb and Fire Chief
The Committee reviewed proposed Hazardous Material Ordinance with
Fire Chief Dibb and Fire Chief Pickart. Ald. Simmons moved to
send proposed ordinance to the City Attorney to review before
sending to Council. Seconded by Ald. Taube, motion carried.
Chief Johnson appeared before the Committee to review revisions
to the Deposit & Forfeiture Schedule and request that the City
use the Uniform Deposit Schedule for all of the City's adopted
ordinances with one exception; parking on private property (High
School) where our fine is $5.00 and the State fine is $30. Ald.
Simmons moved to recommend adoption of the proposed revisions.
Seconded by Ald. Taube, motion carried.
Chief Johnson reviewed with the Committee Chapter 10, Section
10.07, Abatement of Public Nuisances and requests that the
• Committee have the following concerns reviewed by the City
1. It appears to us that 10.07
process. This section allows a
property without due process.
(3) may not provide due
police officer to seize private
2. The Police Department would also request that language be
added to make it a separate offense to habitually violate the
Public Nuisance ordinance.
3. We would also ask that this section
the Court to order abatement by the City
period of time given to the defendant).
orders abatement of the nuisance by the
cases results in protracted appeals and
the eyesore.
be modified to require
(after a reasonable
At present the Court
defendant which in many
excuses, and not removing
Ald. Simmons moved to have the City Attorney review the following
concerns. Seconded by Ald. Taube, motion carried.
The Committee reviewed proposed new chapter to the Building Code,
Chapter XII-DECKS, as adopted by DIHLR. Ald. Taube moved to
table with the understanding that if the State requires adoption,
the City will adopt. Seconded by Ald. Simmons, motion carried.
Rules, Laws & Ordinance Committee - Page 2
February 7, 1990
The Committee reviewed correspondence from Concerned Citizens for
Community Values regarding pornography in adult book stores,
along with recently adopted ordinances from the City of Waukesha,
the City of Delafield, and Vilage of Menomonee Falls. Ald.
Simmons moved to send a copy of the City of Delafield's ordinance
to the City Attorney for review. Seconded by Ald. Taube, motion
The Committee reviewed proposed Drug Paraphernalia Prohibition
Ordinance that was suggested for review by the City Attorney.
Ald. Simmons moved to table pending action on State law curently
being revised for stronger language. Seconded by Ald. Taube,
motion carried.
The Committee requests that all agenda items be identified as to
who is submitting them.
The meeting adjourned at 9:45 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
Ald. David Taube