RLO19890306• RULES, LAWS & ORDINANCE COMMITTEE - CITY OF MUSKEGO MINUTES OF MEETING HELD MARCH 6, 1989 The meeting was called to order by Chairman Hilt at 8:10 P.M. Also present were Committee Members Patterson and Repischak, Mayor Salentine, Chief Johnson, Ald. Taube, J. Inhof, U. Reinhold Gary Sell, Linda Becker and Patricia Kelly. The Committee reviewed Transient Merchant Ordinance which was referred back from the Common Council meeting of February 28, 1989, and requested that Attorney Molter, in consultation with Chief Johnson, provide language that would allow promotional events within a building to be exempt from obtaining a Transient Merchant license, and also provide language that would require a license where the sellers are considered Transient Merchants. The Committee reviewed correspondence dated February 9, 1989, from Attorney John M. Couture objecting to the licensing of merchants at Flea-O-Rama's Bargain Fair. The Committee discussed the appointments of the Common Council subcommittees. Ald. Repischak moved to table the agenda item and adhere to Section 2.09 of the Municipal Code which states, "COMMITTEES. The following committees shall be appointed by the • Mayor at the first regular meeting of the newly elected Council:". Seconded by Ald. Hilt, motion carried. The minutes of the February 6, 1989, meeting were reviewed and discussion on the proposed "No Parking in Subdivisions" was continued. The Committee reviewed correspondence dated March 4, 1989, from Ann Wissing, W132 S6922 Fennimore Lane, requesting that the Committee seriously consider adopting an ordinance which would prohibit parking on city streets during the hours of 2:00 A.M. and 6:00 A.M. Mr. Gary Sell also appeared before the Committee to voice his concerns about street parking in Subdivisions and stated his support for no overnight parking in the City. State and Municipal snowmobile regulations were reviewed by the Committee. The Committee discussed operation of Motor Vehicles on Ice. Ald. Hilt moved to amend Chapter 20, Section 20.07 (6) of the Municipal Code to include All -terrain vehicles. Seconded by Ald. Repischak, motion carried with Ald. Patterson casting the only dissenting vote. Chapter 12, Section 12.18, Alarm System Permits, was reviewed and Ald. Hilt moved to amend Section 12.18(7)(a) to state, The • Police Chief may issue an alarm permit......", in lieu of the existing ordinance which states that the Common Council may issue an alarm permit. Seconded by Ald. Repischak, motion carried. . Rules, Laws & Ordinance Committee - Page 2 March 6, 1989 • Correspondence dated January 24, 1989 from Chief Johnson was reviewed in regard to Chapter 4, Section 4.06 of the Municipal Code, Compensation and Working laws. Chief Johnson states that this section has been in force since Muskego became a city. At that time labor contracts were non-existent and the work day and hours of work for police officers were established by resolution of the Council. Since then the Police Department has evolved into an organization with a set of rules and regulations and a union contract with the officers, which covers the work day and hours of work making parts of the Code obsolete. Chief Johnson is recommending that Section 4.06(2) and (3) be eliminated. Ald. Patterson moved to have the Poice Chief review proposed amendment with Attorney Molter and the Committee will further review at the April meeting. Seconded by Ald. Repischak, motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 10:05 P.M. ca Respectfully submitted, Ald. Patrick A. Patterson Secretary