RLO19880609• RULES, LAWS & ORDINANCE COMMITTEE - CITY OF MUSKEGO MINUTES OF MEETING HELD JUNE 9, 1988 The meeting was called to order by Chairman Hilt at 8:00 P.M. Also present were Committee Members Repischak and Patterson, Building Inspector G. P. Lee, Fire Chief Phil Dibb and representative from Muskego Sun. The Committee discussed proposed regulation of parking in front of mail boxes and reviewed correspondence from Police Chief Johnson dated April 27, 1988. The Committee deferred action until the July meeting. The Committee reviewed minutes of previous meeting and Ald. Patterson moved to change (b) under procedure for filling of vacancies to ready "Alderman Replacement". Seconded by Ald. Repischak, motion carried. The Committee will again discuss at the July meeting after receipt of information on election of President and Plan Commission representatives from other communities. The Committee reviewed proposed ordinance on regulation of landfills. Ald. Patterson moved to insert under (2)(b) "in • addition to the minimum annual permit fee of $200,000 to be determined by size, location and type of landfill........". Seconded by Ald. Repischak, motion carried. Attorney Molter will be supplying additional regulations to be incorporated into the landfill ordinance in the future. The Committee reviewed Sprinkler Regulations with Fire Chief Dibb and Building Inspector G. P. Lee. Ald. Patterson moved to direct the City Attorney to draft an ordinance adding the following: 1. Page 2, under "f.", list the regulations specified in the National Fire Protection Association Code No. 220 instead of just referring to the section. 2. Page 5 - Multi -Family, 1.b. should read 4 stories instead of 3 and 2.b. should read 3 stories instead of 2. Seconded by Ald. Repischak, motion carried. The Committee reviewed proposed ethic code addition recommended by the Department Heads which reads, "Employees (including elected officials), during employment hours shall not display any campaign materials of political nature (posters, fliers, buttons, signs, etc.) on work premises (building, parking lot, city -owned vehicles, etc.). Exemptions would include personal vehicles used for work purposes, bumper stickers placed on personal vehicles • and car top signs." Ald. Patterson moved to deny request due to no history of a problem. Seconded by Ald. Hilt, motion carried. • Rules, Laws & Ordinance Committee - June 9, 1988 Page 2 The Committee reviewed Police Chief Johnson's press release on BB guns. The meeting adjourned at 9:05 P.M. ca C� Respectfully submitted, Ald. Patrick A. Patterson Secretary