RLO19880512• (*Amended at meeting held 6/9/88) RULES, LAWS & ORDINANCE COMMITTEE - CITY OF MUSKEGO MINUTES OF MEETING HELD MAY 12, 1988 The meeting was called to order by Chairman Hilt at 7:05 P.M. Also present were Committee Members Patterson and Repischak, and Mr. Steve Tietz from the Muskego Sun. The minutes of the previous meeting were reviewed and placed on file. The Committee deferred discussion on proposed landfill ordinance until receipt of rough draft from Attorney Molter. The Committee deferred action on parking on a street in front of a property owner's mail box until receipt of City Attorney's opinion on what posting would be required. Building Department Identification was removed from the Agenda as the proposed ordinance will go directly to the Common Council upon receipt from the City Attorney. The Committee discussed establishing procedure for notification • for sale of city -owned land. Ald. Patterson moved that written notification be sent to all residents within 300 ft. or adjoining property owners; whichever is greater. Seconded by Ald. Repischak, motion carried. The Committee discussed establishing procedure for filling of vacancies. a. Alderman - Ald. Patterson moved to establish a policy that restricts a resigning alderman from voting on the appointment of his successor. Seconded by Ald. Repischak, motion carried. b.*Alderman Replacement - Ald. Patterson moved to establish the following policy for election of Alderman: After initial nominations, vote will be taken. The two highest vote- getters will move on. In case of a tie, where there are not two high vote -getters, there will be a run-off between the tie to establish the 2nd high vote -getter. If a tie is at 2,2,2, than the Mayor will vote to break tie. Remaining two candidates will have run-off to break tie. If still tied at 3,3, then it will be decided by a coin toss. There will then be a brief interview of the two high candidates and then a vote. If at a deadlock after three ballots, the Aldermen will have chance to final questions. The next ballot will proceed and after three • deadlocks, the City Clerk will toss a coin to decide who will fill position; Mayor will call the toss. Seconded by Ald Repischak, motion carried. • Rules, Laws & Ordinance Committee - May 12, 1988 Page - 2 C. President & Plan Commission - City Clerk is requested to check with other communities as to their procedure. The meeting adjourned at 8:05 P.M. ca • • Respectfully submitted, Ald. Patrick A. Patterson Secretary