The meeting was called to order by Chairman DeAngelis at 8:00
P.M. Also present were Committee Member Hilt, Police Chief
Johnson. Committee Member Patterson, Mayor Salentine and Ald.
Taube arrived after commencement of the Public Welfare Committee
The Committee discussed Attorney Molter's letter of April 5,
1988, regarding parking on a street in front of someone's mail
box. The Committee deferred action and requested that the City
Attorney research if posting would be required if an ordinance
was adopted, and to what extent.
The Committee discussed the following proposed amendments to the
existing landfill ordinance with the members of the Public
Welfare Committee to be sent to Attorney Molter for his review:
1. Establish fee per yard for mining of clay
and can there be a two tier fee structure
for clay used in the City and for clay
• trucked out.
2. Up front Administrative Fee.
3. Establish a road restoration fee for City roads used
by Refuse Haulers.
4. No Corporation can site a landfill unless they are the
actual owners.
5. Require landfills to screen their operations with
landscaping, etc.
6. Set restrictions that landfills are not sited near
7. Establish a well testing program around landfill sites.
The Committee discussed proposed revision of Chapter 5, Section
5.07, Destruction of Records, with Police Chief Johnson. Ald.
Hilt moved to recommend approval of the following amendments:
5.07 (3) - (d) - Municipal court complaints, summons
and citations, court dockets;
(e) - Criminal and traffic accident records
except those exempt from the statute
• of limitations.
. Rules, Laws & Ordinance - Page 2
April 14, 1988
5.07 (4) - Unless notice is waived by the State Historical
Society and the Muskego Historical Society, at least 60 days'
notice s�TrTe given the State Historical Society and the
Muskego Historical Society rior to the destruction of any record
as provided y sec. 45(a), Stats.
The Committee discussed proposed amendment to Chapter 9, Section
9.01 (B) regarding discharging of BB Guns with Police Chief
Johnson. Chief Johnson recommended that the Committee either
adopt additional restrictions or repeal 9.01 (B). The Committee
determined that the ordinance will remain as is and requested
that the Police Chief publish an article in the Muskego Sun to
inform residents of Muskego of the ordinance and that it will be
strictly enforced.
The Committee reviewed correspondence from Building Inspector Lee
regarding department identification. G. P. Lee requested that
the Building Inspection Department be changed to Department of
Planning and Development and that the title of Building Inspector
be changed to Director and Land Use Administrator and that the
Administrative Assistant be called Assistant Director and Land
Use Administrator. Ald. DeAngelis moved to approve above change
in department name and requests that the City Attorney draft the
appropriate ordinance. Seconded by Ald. Hilt, motion carried.
The Committee reviewed the minutes of the previous meeting and
placed on file.
The meeting adjourned at 9:45 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
Ald. Daniel J. Hilt
Acting Secretary