The meeting was called to order at 8:00 P.M. by Chairman
DeAngelis. Also present was Committee Member Hilt. Committee
Member Patterson arrived at 8:40 P.M.
The Committee reviewed correspondence from Police Chief Johnson
dated February 8, 1988, proposing an amendment to Chapter 25,
Section 25.04, Penalty Provisions for Munici al Ordinance
Violations. Under Chapter 7, Section 7.14(1� the City adopts the
penalty provisions set up by State Statutes, Chapters 340 through
348.28 and under Chapter 25.04, the City has set a penalty range
of $1.00 to $500. The conflict arises when the penalties set by
State Statute exceed the $500 maximum set by City ordinance. By
adding the proposed language, the ambiguity that now exists will
be removed. Ald. Hilt moved to approve proposed amendment and
requests that the Clerk prepare the necessary ordinance.
Seconded by Ald. DeAngelis, motion carried.
A discussion was held as to quota for Class B Beer Licenses.
Ald. Hilt moved to prepare the necessary ordinance that will
increase the Class B Beer Licenses to forty-one (41) which will
• provide a license for Moose Lodge, eliminating the lodge license
presently held, and also make a license available for Checker
Pizza. Seconded by Ald. DeAngelis, motion carried.
Correspondence from Police Chief Johnson dated March 1, 1988, was
reviewed which recommended that the City eliminate Section
12.01(5)(g) relating to Obstruction of View, as a similar
provision in the State law has been eliminated. It apparently
was eliminated because compliance was very difficut especially in
second floor or basement taverns. This will change current
paragraph "h" to "g". Ald. Hilt moved to approve above
amendment. Seconded by Ald. DeAngelis, motion carried.
After further discussion of creation of a new landfill ordinance,
the Committee felt that this subject should be referred to the
Plan Commission for direction.
The Committee requests the City Attorney to research laws
relating to parking in front of United States mail boxes and
report back to the Committee.
The meeting adjourned at 8:50 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
Ald. Daniel J. Hilt
Acting Secretary