The meeting was called to order at 8:03 P.M. by Chairman
DeAngelis. Also present were Committee Members Hilt and
Patterson, Mayor Salentine and Sgt. Geiszler.
The Committee reviewed correspondence from Attorney Molter dated
January 18, 1988, in regard to the Committee's request for
drafting an amendment to Chapter 12, Liquor Ordinance, addressing
non -renewal, suspension, revocation and cancellation
procedures. Ald. Hilt moved to table proposed amendment.
Seconded by Ald. Patterson, motion carried.
A discussion was held regarding the combining of Public Sewer and
Public Water committees into one Utility Committee. Ald. Hilt
moved to direct the City Attorney to draft the appropriate
ordinance to combine the above committees into one Utility
Committee. Seconded by Ald. DeAngelis, motion carried with Ald.
Patterson casting a dissenting vote. The Committee discussed the
availability of the Utility Superintendent's time if both
committees were combined. It was noted that it would be more
convenient for Developers to submit water and sewer plans
Correspondence from Chief Johnson was reviewed with Sgt. Geiszler
re ardin proposed amendment to Chapter 20, Section 20.07 to add
• (2�(f). Unless the operator of the motor vehicle has a valid
operator's license, if the motor vehicle is an automobile, truck,
motorcycle or moped." Under the present ordinance, it is lawful
for anyone, regardless of age or status of their operator's
license (revoked or suspended), to operate cars, trucks or
motorcycles on Muskego lakes. The dangerousness of this
situation can be easily recognized given that a 5 year old child
can legally drive a car on a frozen lake. Ald. Patterson moved
for adoption of the above proposed amendment to Chapter 20,
Section 20.07 (2)(f). Seconded by Ald. Hilt, motion carried.
Mayor Salentine's correspondence to the Committee dated February
1, 1988 was reviewed. Mayor Salentine pointed out to the
Committee that over the past several months they have been
supplied with ordinance data which other communities have adopted
to make a community less attractive for siting landfills. Mayor
Salentine stated it is imperative to protect the interest of the
community by reviewing the materials that were supplied and by
drafting an ordinance. Ald. DeAngelis requested that the City
Clerk again provide the ordinance data which has been secured
from other communities for review at the March meeting.
The meeting adjourned at 8:45 P.M.
• Respectfully submitted,
ca Ald. Patrick Patterson