RLO19871207CORRECTED . RULES, LAWS & ORDINANCE COMMITTEE - CITY OF MUSKEGO MINUTES OF MEETING HELD DECEMBER 7, 1987 The meeting was called to order at 8:00 P.M. by Chairman DeAngelis. Also present were Committee Members Hilt and Patterson and Mayor Salentine. Minutes of the previous meeting were reviewed and placed on file. Ald. Hilt moved to table discussion on procedure for introduction/interview of future appointments to committees, boards and commissions. Seconded by Ald. Patterson, motion carried. The Committee discussed the proposed Increased Interest for Delinquent Personal Property Taxes which had been discussed at Council level and sent back to Committee for further review. Ald. Hilt moved to recommend adoption of an ordinance which would increase by 1/2% per month, or part thereof, the current penalty provision of 1%. Seconded by Ald. DeAngelis, motion carried with Ald. Patterson casting the only dissenting vote. Correspondence of November 3, 1987, from City Attorney Molter was reviewed and the Committee recommended a distance of not more than 15 ft. from the building foundation for the discharge of sump pump drains and requested the ordinance to include the following provision: If a property has curb and gutters, the property is • requested to hook up directly to the storm sewer, if available. Action was deferred on proposed amendment to Chapter 12, Liquor License (non -renewal, suspension, revocation or cancellation) and the Committee requests information be obtained on the restrictions for issuing a license that only permits the sale of beer. The correspondence from the Police Chief dated September 17, 1987 and the City Attorney dated November 12, 1987 was reviewed in regards to Drinking in Public. The City Attorney is requested to clarify the impact upon our present ordinance by adopting the words "subject to Wisconsin Statute 125.09". The Committee reviewed Ordinance #584, Dance Hall, and recommended adoption as this will continue to prohibit taxi dancing as per our present ordinance. The meeting adjourned at 9:20 P.M. ca Respectfully submitted, Ald. Patrick Patterson Secretary