The meeting was called to order by Chairman Dumke at 8:25 P.M.
Also present were Committee Members Taube and Patterson, Ald.
Penovich, Mayor Salentine and Chief Johnson.
The Committee further reviewed Building Inspector Lee's request
to repeal Ordinance 434 which states "That change in occupancy of
a single family residential and multi -family rental property
without an accompanying change of ownership is exempt from
Section 30.51 of the Building Code which requires a Code
Compliance inspection whenever there is a proposed change in the
person, firm or corporation occupying any residential building or
part thereof, ... such change of occupancy shall not be made
unless a certificate of compliance is issued by the Building
Inspector". Ald. Patterson moved to deny request. Seconded by
Ald. Taube, motion carried. The Committee asked that the City
Attorney review Chapter 19.04(2) to determine whether the City
should appoint a Board of Housing Appeals or can this type of
appeal be reviewed by the Board of Appeals.
The Committee reviewed the following proposed ordinance change to
Chapter 7 of the Municipal Code regarding weight limitations of
trucks on Class B highways:
• 1. Class B Highways. All streets and alleys within the
City are designated as Class B highways and shall be subject to
the weight limitations imposed by Sec. 348.16(2), Wisconsin
(2) Traffic Prohibited. Except as provided in Sub (3) and
S.S. 348.16, no person shall operate a motor vehicle, which has a
combined vehicle load weight exceeding 10,000 pounds except a
motor bus or a motor vehicle equipped with pneumatic tires on any
street or alley within the City not designated as a heavy traffic
(3) (a) A person operating any motor vehicle whose
operation is pick up or delivery may pick up or deliver on a
Class B highway provided the gross weight of said motor vehicle
shall not exceed the maximum weight limitations of S.S. 348.15 or
(b) A person operating any motor vehicle in legal
conformance with the City of Muskego zoning regulations or a
variance of Section 17, may ingress and egress by the most direct
route to his/her residence or business place.
Ald. Taube moved to take steps necesary to make the ordinance
. change. Seconded by Ald. Patterson, motion carried.
Rules, Laws & Ordinance Committee - Page 2
February 11, 1987
The Committee discussed proposed ordinance on parking of
commercial vehicles in residential areas. Ald. Patterson moved
to defer until Chief Johnson reviews with City Attorney.
Seconded by Ald. Taube, motion carried.
The Committee reviewed proposed revision to Chapter 24 to include
the new State Statute 23.33 regarding all -terrain vehicles. It
provides, just as with snowmobiles, the adoption of all -terrain
vehicle state laws and includes all -terrain vehicles in the local
optional hours of operation - Section 24.02. The proposed
ordinance also modifies Section 24.01 to provide for future State
Statute changes so that they are automatically changed in our
ordinances. Ald. Taube moved to direct the City Attorney to
draft the appropriate ordinance. Seconded by Ald. Patterson,
motion carried.
The Committee reviewed the proposed amendment to the
Deposit/Forfeiture Schedule. Ald. Taube moved to defer any
action until the Committee has had time to review each item.
Seconded by Ald. Patterson, motion carried. The Committee also
directed that a copy of the present schedule be sent to the City
Attorney, along with the proposed schedule, requesting him to
determine whether the change should be done by resolution or
ordinance change.
The meeting adjourned at 9:55 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
Ald. Patrick Patterson