The meeting was called to order by Chairman Dumke at
7:00 P.M. Also present were Committee Members Gaetzke and
Nilsson, Lt. Johnson, Jim Haag, Jack Spoerl, Kurt Pfeiffer,
Jerome Gottfried and Attorney Fritz.
The Committee discussed the Village of West Milwaukee's proposed
False Alarm Ordinance. Lt. Johnson explained that he has
discussed this ordinance at length with Attorney Macy, the author
of the ordinance. Some of the points discussed were:
(a) Businesses which own more than one system
(b) Annual permit fee
(c) Definition of "False Alarm"
(d) Exemption of City -Owned property.
The Committee agreed that there should not be any annual fee,
that City or School System's owned or leased property should not
be exempt, that the fine structure as shown is proper, that there
will not be any consideration given for properties which have
more than one alarm system and that there should be a one-time
permit fee of $50.00 to help defray administrative and inspection
• costs of the City.
The Committee requests the City Attorney consider including an
appeal procedure before an alarm system can be disconnected and
also how unpaid fees would be collected from renters or
lessors. The Committee requests that the proposed new ordinance
be returned to this Committee at its next meeting and that a
courtesy copy be sent to Mr. Jack Spoerl, President of the
Chamber of Commerce, c/o State Bank of Hales Corners-Muskego
Branch, S76 W17655 Janesville Road, Muskego, WI 53150.
The Committee discussed Chapter 20.06 - Clean-up Fees. The
discussion centered on whether these events are costing the City
of Muskego in providing additional police protection, etc. The
Committee requests the City Attorney to draft an ordinance
amendment to include a $25.00 permit fee in addition to the
$200.00 refundable bond. The Committee further requests that the
Clerk's Office notify the Police Department of all gatherings.
The Committee discussed Chapter 7.01 - Traffic Code. Proposed
Ordinance #520 was reviewed which would repeal present Section
7.01 and create a new Section 7.01. This change would keep our
traffic ordinance in conformity with the Wisconsin State Law.
The Committee moved to recommend Council adoption.
• Rules, Laws, Ordinance - Page 2
February 25, 1985
The Committee discussed Building Code Fee Changes. The Building
Inspector is suggesting the following amendments to the building
code which have been adopted by the Southeastern Building
Inspectors Association:
Increase local business permits from $3.50/cubic feet to
$4.00/cubic fee, residential occupancy permits from $10 to
$15 and in case of multifamily, $10/Unit. Additions to
residences from $3.50 to $5.00/1000 cubic feet. A reduction
of special inspection fee from $25 to $15. Also, the
rewriting of Chapter 30.155 (g), and Chapter 30.19 to
delete the word 'habitable".
The Committee reviewed the above request and directed the City
Attorney to draft the ordinance.
The Committee reviewed the minutes of the previous meeting.
The meeting adjourned at 8:55 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
Ald. Richard Nilsson