The meeting was called to order at 7:06 P.M. by Chairman Dumke.
Also present were Committee Members Nilsson and Gaetzke, Mayor
Salentine, Lt. Johnson, Mr. Jim Haag and Mr. Kurt Pfeiffer.
The Committee discussed False Alarm Ordinance. Lt. Johnson
reported that he had surveyed surrounding communities and all
except Franklin have some type of alarm ordinance. Several
communities issue five-day warnings if the Police Department
feels the alarm is due to mechanical malfunction. Mr. Haag & Mr.
Pfeiffer appeared representing the Muskego Chamber of Commerce
and stated that they agree that an ordinance is needed, but felt
that possibly the fine structure on the number of fire alarms
could be modified. Ald. Nilsson stated that since there may now
be a challenge to our alarm ordinance pending in Waukesha County
Court he feels that the City should not consider making any
changes to our ordinance at the present time. The Committee
agreed to defer any action until after the pending court case is
The Committee discussed Resolution #194-84, Policy on Hiring of
Relatives. They reviewed Attorney Molter's letter of October 30,
• 1984, and agreed with the following recommendations:
a. Identify employee groups
b. Elected officials should be included but poll
workers should be excluded.
C. Final form should be reviewed by Attorney Swain before
further consideration by Common Council.
The Committee reviewed the draft of November 26, 1984 of the
proposed Transient Merchant Ordinance. There was a discussion
relating to the restricted hours and the Committee felt that 8:00
P.M. was liberal since most households are not receptive to
strangers at their doors after that time because of the safety
factors. Ald. Nilsson moved that the proposed Transient Merchant
Ordinance be sent to Attorney Molter for review and final
drafting. Seconded by Ald. Gaetzke, motion carried.
The Committee reviewed the parking restrictions -Fire Lanes. The
Committee recommends that the $20.00 forfeiture with $10.00 costs
as recommended by the Municipal Justice in his letter of October
11, 1984 be adopted.
The Committee reviewed Chapter 18, Section 2.4-Determination of
• Ownership. Ald. Gaetzke moved to remove "parents, brothers and
sisters, children or the spouse of any child" from subsection
(2). Seconded by Ald. Nilsson, motion carried.
Rules, Laws & Ordinance - Page 2
• November 26, 1984
The Committee discussed Chief Scholz's letter of November 14,
1984. Ald. Nilsson moved to adopt State Statute #343.05(1) under
Chapter 7 of the City Municipal Code with the following
1. Person's license expired within three months after
renewal date of the license will forfeit $100 + penalty
assessment + court costs.
2. The maximum penalty for operation of a motorcycle
without a valid motorcycle endorsement on the operator's license
is $100 + penalty assessment + court costs.
3. The maximum penalty for operation of a moped or
motorbicycle without a valid operator's license or special
restricted license is $100 + penalty assessment + court costs.
The Committee also moved to amend City Ordinance 7.343.44(2) by
dropping 346.63(1) as an exception. Seconded by Ald. Gaetzke,
motion carried.
The Committee reviewed the minutes of the previous meeting.
• The meeting adjourned at 9:10 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
Ald. Richard Nilsson