The meeting was called to order at 7:00 P.M. by Chairman Dumke.
Also present were Committee Members Gaetzke and Nilsson, Ald.
Hilt, Ald. Tomczyk, Police Chief Scholz, Lt. Johnson and those
persons per the attached list.
The Committee discussed the Police Department's request for a
policy on hiring of relatives of current city employees. Lt.
Johnson explained the concerns of the Police Department. The
policy of the City of Waukesha was discussed. Ald. Gaetzke moved
to have the Police Chief study the various aspects and meet with
the City Attorney to develop a policy for Muskego and present to
the Committee at their next meeting.
The Committee discussed Chapter 12.03 of the Municipal Code
Merchant) and addressed Attorney Molter's letter of
August 2,
The Committee agrees that (1) should remain unchanged.
The Committee feels that charitable organizations
should not have to pay an investigation fee.
• 3.
Regarding people collecting door to door, the Committee
recommends adding to (2) (b) "this also includes
persons other than charitable organizations who go door
to door soliciting contributions".
Regarding (5) (e), the Committee agrees that only
Wisconsin exempt organizations be included.
Regarding licensing for short—term situations, the
Committee recommends a daily fee of ten dollars.
Regarding Section 12, the Committee agrees that hours
should remain as stated.
The Committee feels that forfeiture should be $25.00
for first offense; $50.00 thereafter.
The Committee felt that all applications should go
through the Finance Committee for recommendation to
Common Council.
The Committee recommends that all of the above be sent to
Attorney Molter as response to his letter of August 2, 1984.
• Rules, Laws & Ordinance — Page 2
August 27, 1984
Mr. R. A. Waite appeared before the Committee representing
Wisconsin Animal Rights. He explained his operation and
requested a Fanciers' permit which would allow him to keep more
than two dogs at his residence. Mr. Richard Foster, the neighbor
who lives directly across the street, spoke against this
operation as did Mrs. Marcella Hansen, Mr. Fred Bauer and Mrs.
Judy Foster. In response to this opposition, Mr. and Mrs. Waite
stated that a trial is pending in Waukesha County regarding a
test of the Muskego ordinance which limits the number of dogs
that a person may keep. The Committee clarified the fact that
they feel Mr. & Mrs. Waite are operating in defiance of our
existing ordinance. The Committee recommended that the Waites
appear at the next meeting to request the Committee consider a
"Fanciers Ordinance".
The Committee discussed the noise complaint — Schubring Drive.
Ald. Hilt stated that many neighbors have been complaining that
they cannot sleep mornings because of local speedboats. Ald.
Gaetzke moved to have the City Attorney draft an ordinance to
limit speed to "Slow —No Wake" from 8:30 P.M. to 8:00 A.M. on
Little Muskego Lake. Seconded by Ald. Nilsson, motion passed
• The Committee discussed the parking problem on Ranch Drive and
Martin Drive. Many people, including Aldermen Hilt and Tomczyk
spoke to explain the parking problems. The Committee moved to
recommend to Parks and Recreation Board that launching at Idle
Isle be restricted only to the number of parking stalls available
for vehicles with trailers (approximately 15).
The Committee reviewed the fine structure for fire lanes. Ald.
Nilsson moved to change the fine for parking in Fire Lane from
$5.00 to $50.00. Seconded by Ald. Gaetzke, motion carried.
The Committee discussed the present hours of operation for rifle
ranges, traps, etc., and agreed to put this discussion on the
agenda for the next meeting. Ald. Dumke will notify the owners
of the various business that there is consideration being given
to changing their operating hours.
No representatives appeared to discuss the False Alarm Ordinance.
The Committee tabled discussion.
The Committee reviewed the minutes of the previous meeting.
Meeting adjourned at 9:40 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
Ald. Richard Nilsson