RLO19840723• • • RULES, LAWS, ORDINANCE COMMITTEE — CITY OF MUSKEGO MINUTES OF MEETING HELD JULY 23, 1984 The meeting was called to order at 7:04 P. M. by Chairman Dumke. Also present were Committee Members Gaetzke and Nilsson, Mayor Salentine, Ald. Tomczyk, Ald. Hilt, Lt. Johnson and those persons per the attached list. The Committee discussed Chapter 12.03 of the Municipal Code regarding Transient Merchant Ordinance. Lt. Johnson discussed proposed changes to Ordinance 12.03 as raised by Deputy City Clerk Marenda's letter of May 31, 1984. a. Ald. Gaetzke moved to accept the definition of Peddler, Canvasser and Transient Merchant and the breakdown of exemptions as shown in 3 (A) thru (J) in Lt. Johnson's letter of July 23, 1984. Seconded by Ald. Nilsson, motion carried. b. Ald. Gaetzke moved to stipulate that a "popcorn" or "concession" truck is subject to a Peddler License annual fee of $50.00. Seconded by Ald. Nilsson, motion carried. C. Ald. Nilsson moved to exempt charitable organizations from any investigation fee. Seconded by Ald. Gaetzke, motion carried. d. Ald. Gaetzke moved that 3 (e) "farmers or truck gardeners" be revised to indicate "Residents Only". Seconded by Ald. Nilsson, motion carried. Ald. Gaetzke moved to direct the City Attorney to draft the Ordinance to amend Chapter 12.03 as provided above and in the Rules, Laws & Ordinance Minutes of March 29, 1984. Seconded by Ald. Dumke, motion carried. The Committee discussed the Historical Society's request for limiting hours for the Old Muskego Settlement Park. The Committee decided to defer this matter until the next meeting to allow the Park & Recreation Board to review and give their recommendation. The Committee discussed Mr. R. A. Waite's request for a Kennel License. Four neighbors appeared to complain that for at least the past year the Waites have been raising a number of dogs and cats and they object to a Kennel License being issued. Ald. Gaetzke moved to deny the Kennel license and requested the City Clerk to send a letter advising the Waites of their decision. • Rules, Laws & Ordinance — Page 2 July 23, 1984 The Committee discussed the False Alarm Ordinance. Mr. Jerome Gottfried appeared to represent the Chamber of Commerce and complained that the present alarm system is too strict. The Committee agreed to discuss Chapter 12.18 Emergency Alarm Systems at the next committee meeting. They also requested the City Attorney to review Chapter 12.18 and prepare any suggested changes to this Ordinance for the next meeting. The Committee discussed the Public Safety Committee's proposed regulations for use of Little Muskego Lake. After a lengthy discussion with every person in the audience against the additional regulations proposed for Little Muskego Lake, the Committee tabled any further discussion. The Committee reviewed the request of the Police Department to amend Chapter 7.005 — Operation of Motor Vehicles on Premises held out to Public for use of their Vehicles. The Police Department recommended adding (g) Failure to comply with any official traffic sign is prohibited. Ald. Gaetzke moved to add (g) Failure to comply with any official traffic sign is prohibited. Seconded by Ald. Nilsson, motion carried. • The Committee reviewed Ordinance #498 — Police Power. The Committee recommended forwarding the ordinance to the next Common Council meeting without recommendation. However, the Committee felt that an Identification Card and badge be issued at no charge to each Alderman after the swearing in ceremony. The Committee discussed the Police Department policy request regarding hiring relatives. The Committee decided to defer this item in order to receive a legal opinion from the City Attorney and requested the City Clerk to check if there are similar policies in other cities. The Committee discussed request to amend Chapter 3.05 Budget. Ald. Nilsson moved to amend Chapter 3.05 by changing the word "ordinance" to "resolution" and also by changing (1) to read September 1 (according to State Statutes). Seconded by Ald. Gaetzke, motion carried. The Committee discussed changes to the zoning Ordinance and Land Division Ordinance as requested by the Building Inspector. Ald. Gaetzke moved to recommend approval of the following: a. Add to Chapter 17:4.05(2) Satellite Dishes b. Amend Chapter 18, Sec. 2.1 to read "subject to Plan Commission Approval. • C. Amend Chapter 18, Sec. 2.3, adding (g) Payment shall be required for parcels granted legal lot status by the Common Council. • Rules, Laws & Ordinance — Page 3 July 23, 1984 d. Amend Chapter 18, Sec. 2.4, adding (f) If legal lot status granted by the Common Council, payment of park dedication fees as required by Chapter 18, Sec. 2.3 e. Amend Chapter 18, Sect. 6.2, adding "Insert showing map of area with property location. f. Amend Chapter 18, Sec.10.3, to read as follows: The subdivider shall pay a fee of Seventy —Five Dollars ($75.00) to the City Treasurer at the time of application for approval of a Certified Survey Map to assist in defraying the cost of review. Seconded by Ald. Nilsson, motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 9:40 P.M. ca 11 U Respectfully submitted Ald. Richard Nilsson r� U